In some respects it feels a bit crazy - buying figures at this rate, but there's a part of me which feels it's time to give up ebay. Getting all those figures would actually mark a rather significant turning point in my collecting - I wouldn't be playing catch up anymore, a new figure comes out, I buy it, no more scanning ebay looking for bargains. Also, it's pretty exciting.
I will miss it, but it would be nice to think I'm not wasting money anymore, and I could concentrate my geekiness on custom figures, and how best to display the figures I do have. Also there'd be no more trying to explain to my partner why there's a constant stream of parcels arriving......
Anyway, I've also bought my final batch of Star Wars Miniature figures, so now I just need the Kit Fisto Transformer (should be out soon), and I'm done with all the Star Wars figures I want. That is in it's self quite a milestone. I also picked up the Japanese version of the Power Rangers Tigerzord, it looks the same as the Western releases but chromed up a bit. Pretty snazzy!
Other than G1, the only other figure I want to pick up is Dragonzord and that's it, then it's a matter of sitting back and keeping an eye on new releases! (Transformers, Marvel Universe and DC Infinite Heroes.) There's a new 'Device Label' Blaster figure coming out from Takara which looks pretty sweet.
I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all the figures I own, and all the figures I want to get (did I mention 16 figures more to get!?). The strange thing about this list is that it's the closest thing I have to an actual realisation of my collection. That is, my collection is spread around all over the place, and for the most part in boxes hidden away. On display at the moment I have the 3 animated Dinobots and that's it, it's hard to believe I have hundreds of toys, and I often look at the spreadsheet in utter disbelief that I own virtually everything I ever wanted as a child.
I'm getting to the point now where I can't wait to display my collection properly. By properly I mean in some sort of cabinet. I've always been pretty secretive about my collecting from most of my friends and it's time to be honest. I think having my collection on display in a cabinet just has a bit more maturity to it than a bookshelf collection does, also it doesn't require dusting. Ikea and middle age here I come..........