SDCC 2011 is next week so I thought it would be a good time to talk about the year so far, Botcon and how everything's going.
So, not much doing at Botcon for the Classics verse collector, it was all about the third party stuff - it seems like every company under the sun is doing minibots, iGear are doing some particularly interesting stuff, hinting at doing the entire cast of IDWs LSTOT Wreckers series. I'm listening....... (Although it's only really Topspin and Twintwist I'm interested in.) Fansproject are doing a 'Heartmaster', which may or may not be War Within Grimlock. If they did an entire set of WW Dinobots then that could be very interesting indeed.
Since my last post I've completely caught up on all Transformers I want - got Movie Powerglide (I'll see how those third party efforts get on) and all the Generations stuff. Am looking out for a HFTD Tomhawk for use as a custom, I've seen his wavemates so whether I can track him down remains to be seen. I think I'll hold on for SDCC to see whether a Western market repaint is on the cards - Vortex seems to be Takara only.
Am really looking forward to Doctor Strange and Invisible Woman, will be great to finish the Fantastic 4 and original Defenders. SDCC Sentinel will be awesome too, shame it's not going to be at US retail.
I've decided to start collecting (Marvel) movie figures so I can have unmasked MU figures - Wolverine, Deadpool, Thor, Nick Fury, etc. (Okay, so Fury is already unmasked and Thor just wears a helmet but you get the idea.) Hoping we see Tony Stark, Rhodey and Black Widow soon........... I made a custom cigar for Fury which (imo) looks pretty good. Collection pics soon.
Specifically collection pics when I finish customising G1 Metroplex; when I first got him he had the standard waist break, years before I knew about ball joints and epoxy I did a repair which was a bit rubbish. So I'm doing a much better job plus giving him a few other 'improvements'!
I will update this blog after SDCC with my thoughts..........
So, almost a month later, how did SDCC measure up? Rather well actually! No more Transformers news, or even any (good for me) DC news but a plethora of awesome Marvel Universe with a sprinkling of Gremlins.
We already knew NECA were doing some rather good mogwai figures, what we didn't know was the new gremlins - George, Lenny, Daffy, flasher Gremlin and even electricity Gremlin. Nice one NECA!
Marvel Universe then, for me possibly the greatest announcement of figures in one go since the line debuted. Psylocke, Kang, Hercules, Jubilee, Beast, Scarlet Witch, Fin Fang Foom (Masterworks!), Kraven the Hunter, Mr Sinister and She-Hulk. Plus Angel and a new Hulk.
I reckon Mr Sinister just about rounds off all the key X-men villains. Beast, Psylocke and Jubilee help to almost finish off the X-men (Professor X and Rogue where are you!?). Fin Fang Foom rounds off all the ML BAF figures that I really want to see in MU. (I'd like to see MODOK but I think Giant Battles is probably a better size point for him.)
So there we go, a much more exciting SDCC than Botcon (it's unfortunate when the third parties outdo Hasbro), guess once the third movie's all wrapped up we can get back to some Generations goodness.
Here's looking forward to Toy Fair 2012!!!