Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cinematic Multiverses

I really rather enjoyed Ant-Man! It was a definite return to the earlier Marvel movies with a simple plot, plenty of screen time for each of the characters and it slotted rather well into the existing cannon. I think it's a great shame Edgar Wright didn't complete the film but Peyton Reed did a stand up job. Honestly, I laughed, I cried and I cheered. Nice one Marvel!

I finally got to see the first three episodes of Daredevil, wow, it's hard to believe this is the same universe as the films! Marvel can do dark. I didn't really know much about Daredevil before (Spider-Man cartoon and Ben Affleck film aside). The TV show makes it much clearer that although he has super enhanced senses, he doesn't have super powers. I think the show as a concept really helps build the universe because it lends some credence to the idea that there are heroes everywhere; we just don't always see them. I can't wait to see the rest of season 1 and for Punisher, Elektra and Bullseye to turn up in season 2. (I have always displayed Daredevil with Punisher and Elektra in my MU display so this really validates that set up.)

Something I didn't mention last month were the DC cinematic trailers shown at SDCC. I am getting a bit excited about Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad now, they've done their job! Incidentally I am boycotting the new Fantastic 4 film, partially I want it to do badly so that Marvel gets the rights back, but secondly if it doesn't fit into the MCU or X-Men universes, I'm not that interested because I don't really care for the characters. The Deadpool trailer has now also officially dropped, looks pretty damn good to me, looks like fun.

I've been thinking about getting Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern figures. I did think about getting the Infinite Heroes versions, but instead I think I'll get the Lego minifigs. This has lead me to also want to get Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America. The Hulkbuster which I've been eyeing up for a while will be my starting point!

Pretty standard Lego robot build, but a nice result. Good to get a Hulk as well!

I picked up a legends Groove recently to complete my Protectorbots (sans Rook), hopefully it will get replaced by a deluxe at some point, but for £10 I might as well cover myself. I've decided that once I've got Bruticus I will have one Autobot and one Decepticon team combined at any one time, but probably with some limb swapping going on.

AOE Slog and World of Nintendo Bowser have finally turned up! The Bowser is actually a replacement as the first one went astray in the mail. I've put an order in on Amazon for Snarl so my movie dinobots will be complete soon. It was announced that there is going to be a G1 inspired redeco set of the dinobots with new heads, if I see them in person I might be tempted but I quite like the originals with Scorn and Slash. I've been holding off opening 5" DK and the Link and Samus figures so I had a bit of an opening session. Since they're releasing a 4" Zelda I've decided I will also get the 4" Peach, the princesses should be in scale with each other. Mario being a short arse is fine!

This is my current 'Mario Kart' scaled lineup:

Here's Bowser and Bowser Jr.:

Here's DK, DK Jr. and Diddy:

Here's Link with his older self:

And here's Samus with her older self:

Finally, the Smash Bros. scaled lineup:

Hopefully I can find Fox soon! I'm not sure whether I'm going to keep Figma Link and Samus, they are obviously better toys but they don't really fit with the rest of my collection (I think they'd go well with Figuarts Mario, Luigi and company who I don't have).

Speaking of Nintendo I recently took a long train journey so I decided to crack out Mario 64 (on the DS). I can't actually remember whether I really played that version before, or whether I bought a second hand version that somebody had already completed. Great game though and enough differences from the N64 to make it interesting (the version of which I remember like the back of my hand). I also played Sonic 2 (also on the DS), such fun, it got a bit tricky by the time I got to the Metropolis Zone and so I gave up, but I really enjoyed the tunes along the way. The other Mega Drive games are also on the game pack so I'll have to replay those as well. I think I need a Robotnik figure! (There is a 4" one from a few years back but it's pretty pricey now.)

I finally got round to opening my Classics and Combiner Wars Optimus figures. CW Prime will be my stand in God Ginrai, I'm still surprised that no third party has come up with a kit yet given the head is already there for a pretty accurate powermaster mode. I haven't transformed him as I want to experience the mold properly when I get Motormaster. I'm not sure about the chromed Classics Prime, I'm leaning towards keeping my 2006 version.

I have finally decided to give the More than Meets the Eye comics a go. Someone described it as being reminiscent of both Red Dwarf and Firefly, and frankly, that was me sold. I love both those shows! I've picked up the first three collection volumes. I sold off my Drift figure a while ago, it remains to be seen whether I feel need to re-buy it. The artwork has it's own distinctive style, but I put together a few of my figures to see how they look.

I've enjoyed what I've read so far, it's nice for the story to have evolved past the never ending civil war and for Prime and Megatron to be elsewhere (although I'm aware that Megatron does join the crew eventually). I'm not feeling the need to pick up Drift again yet or to put together an IDW shelf but I am tempted by the new leader Magnus.

I have also managed to get round to opening my Dalek figure for my villain pub display, it's a 1972 Day of the Daleks version, but to be honest my Who knowledge doesn't really extend that far. Still looks just the business. I also received my Emperor Palpatine figure, he'll go with my Star Wars figures facing off against Mace Windu, but he'll spend plenty of time behind the bar! Luckily Bowncer is now on hand to break up any fights.


I have now received the Kreo Soundwave vs. Ratchet set, it's basically an oversized Kreon, but with extra kibble on the limbs. It has a very simple transformation, but it feels like what Hasbro should have done from the start. The Kreons were evidently very collectable and popular, but they obviously didn't transform. The large sets were basically a crapper version of Lego which required re-building to transform, this transformable Kreon actually works. I also like the cassette Kreons that come with the set, the Rumble and Frenzy have bags of character. I think this is me done with Kreo now, unless of course they do a 1986 set for SDCC featuring Steeljaw next year.....

I also now have a couple of additions to my 'villain pub' lineup, Jaws (I think I'll call him Bruce) and Stripe. I had the ReAction Predator and although these aren't the same basic humanoid shape, I think they are an improvement in detail. Having said that, on Stripe the joints are a little tight and tend to slide back to their original position over time. Jaws has a movable jaw, but nothing else. He is however everything you'd want from a 3.75" scaled shark!

I picked up the G1 deco of RID Grimlock. I was a bit reluctant to get this guy as I have no interest in the series and was simply getting him just because he is a Grimlock. I like him a lot more than I though I would. There seems to be no problems with the arms and I like how his lower legs slide and tab into place when transforming into robot mode. He does need a sword though.

In the same delivery as Grimlock I also got AOE Snarl. I think he is one of my favourite deluxe movie dinos. I like the transformation, the transparent plastic and the fake head in the right leg. I finally have a complete set of AOE dinobots!

Here's a picture showing off the transparent plastic:

I have been a little tempted by the movie and G1 deco versions of these figures, but the original versions are the only way to have all seven molds and that I managed to buy some of them in person means I have an attachment to them (my general rule is to go with the deco that allows me to get the most figures). I am happy for the time being. It's been a good month for toys!

After finding some enthusiasm for the DC cinematic universe, I realised that Man of Steel was available to watch on Amazon Prime for free, so gave it a go. I have to admit it was a lot better than I was expecting based on what I had heard, and I enjoyed the dark tone of the film. I think Batman vs Superman could be a bit special, it will be interesting to see how it compares to Captain America vs Iron Man!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chicago/California/Toronto Dreaming

In a TFW2005 Botcon interview Hasbro gave a hint that Predaking could be on the way, possibly as a Titan. We are apparently (depending on sales) going to get a Titan each year. Presumably kicking off with Fort Max next year and from the picture reveals, Astrotrain. Beyond Fort Max, I guess Trypticon or Scorponok would be obvious candidates which would be utterly awesome. I reckon Trypticon would be the more likely. As a matter of urgency I have identified a place on my shelves where I could fit another Metroplex sized figure (it would involve removing a shelf, but I think I can do it!).

Looking at photos of Sky Lynx again, I can see that they could get a Razorclaw out of it, if they're talking about a Titan Predaking I wonder whether they would go with voyager limbs? I think deluxe would make more sense though. Tantrum, Headstrong and Rampage could share a quad-pedal mold. Divebomb would then get his own mold. Divebomb could be remolded into Swoop; Sludge could be a remold of Razorclaw; Slag and Snarl could use the quad-pedal mold. Grimlock would then need his own mold. Grimlock could be remolded into Blot and Cutthroat. Rippersnapper could also be a remold of Divebomb, and Sinnertwin could again be a remold of the quad-pedal figures. Hun-Gurr could maybe also be a remold of Razorclaw. That's pretty much the entire seasons 1-3 cast, job done!

As crazy as that sounds, we know we're getting another year of combiner wars, the Combaticons, classic Autobots part 2, Victorian, and presumably the Technobots will be four waves. We could get a seeker based combiner I guess, but Hasbro has shown that no mold will have a single use so they'll want to remold Sky Lynx into something! Also I imagine the dinobots will have been on their agenda for a while and they will have a feel for how well they sell from AOE.

The funny thing about all of this is it has me seriously doubting whether I'll get Perfect Effect Scorponok, or if Trypticon or Abominus was announced by a third party whether I'd get them. Clever move by Hasbro.

Takara has shown colour photos of Blackarachnia, wow, the headsculpt is looking pretty damn accurate. It's all about the headsculpt! When the animated Blackarachnia came out I was rather tempted so it's nice that I will end up actually getting a version of it. Thinking of Beast Wars, although Universe Dinobot is too small and Cheetor is not great I think Tarantulas is the character who is most lacking a more modern update, mostly as Scorponok and Terrorsaur got bumped off at the season 1 and so aren't quite so relevant. I wonder whether Takara will try and put some version of him out.

I've been thinking about the MCU, now Spider-Man has joined, Punisher is going to be in Daredevil (which is awesome by the way!). Fantastic 4 and X-Men are still with Fox. With the X-Men I think it wouldn't be possible to now include them, essentially the Inhumans have replaced them. Random people with superpowers, okay they need to be exposed to the terrigen crystals, but as a basis for exploring prejudice and intolerance they can serve that purpose.

With the Fantastic 4 I think there is still a place for them within the MCU, but they seem to be using Bruce Banner as Tony Stark's fellow scientist, they could use Red Hulk as the Hulk's rival (like the Thing). I wonder who they could use as another young superhero to befriend Spider-Man?

Picked up Marvel Legends Giant Man today, he'll be the first Legends figure I've opened and put on display, (I have opened Madame Masque but that was purely for the Arnim Zola piece, the figure is still in the packaging). I'll do a little bit of painting on him so he's classic rather than modern Giant Man.


I was on route to TRU when I double checked the online status of Hot Spot at Smyths, he was suddenly listed as available. I literally turned around and headed in the opposite direction to Smyths. Success! It's great to finally have him in hand. He is an incredibly good looking toy, it is everything you could possibly want from a Hot Spot. I really am thinking of displaying him and his team individually. My only complaint is that he is fairly hollow and the plastic is quite bendy, a few times when I was transforming him, trying to move a joint, there is movement in the plastic itself and so you have to be a bit careful.

It is SDCC time now, Marvel Infinite seems to have taken a turn for the cosmic: Triton, Major Victory, Yondu, Ulik, Machine Man and Carol Danvers Captain Marvel. That's the biggest unveiling of 3.75" figures for quite some time! Nothing that's really blowing my mind though - the first four I had to look up who they were. Surprisingly all of them except Major Victory and Machine Man have actually been in stuff I've seen, so I will have to get hold of them (I'll get hold of the other 2 anyway). None of them are stepping on the toes of the customs I've got planned though.

Apparently Mattel have got the Thundercats license! I've heard some less than great stuff about Mattycollector, but if they actually get the figures produced then that's a start. Lion-O and Jackalman look good to me (incidentally I had both as a kid), I might actually collect these MOSC, I quite like displays where people have cards hanging from the wall.

The fan built 'bot, Victorion looks like the bastard offspring of Kup and Inferno. What can I say?! The colours don't really work for me... Similarly to Bruticus, the molds are solid but the colours aren't working. With Bruticus there's just a bit too much brown, looking at G1 Bruticus again there just isn't that much! Might have to go Takara on that one.

The Transformers panel was somewhat underwhelming, judging from the forums, the fans were super hyped for Technobots and Fortress Maximus type reveals (myself included), so the unveiling of Scattershot and some G2 stuff didn't quite deliver. Am very happy about Scattershot though, and the deluxe figures are clearly there for the rest of the Technobots. His robot mode face looks good, being a remold of Silverbolt is fine, I just hope he has his own weapon as Silverbolt's gun is fairly distinctive. The fact that the club are doing random repaints as the Mayhem attack squad indicates that Hasbro will do the Technobots, because they would obviously do Technobots if they could (and Hasbro presumably doesn't want a repeat of the 2007 seeker situation). It might be related to the uncertainty around the Groove mold.

I think they would have done better to hold back Sky Lynx for SDCC to keep the excitement up. Apparently no plans for Predacons which I find strange when looking at Sky Lynx's legs, and the hint from the Botcon interview.

Jakks Pacific are doing Fox, Slippy and Falco from Starfox, fantastic! Shame there's no mention of the other one (Peppy was it?). They're also doing Zelda so just want a OOT Gannondorf in scale, and maybe a Captain Falcon and I'm very happy with my Nintendo lineup.

I stayed up to follow the Hasbro Marvel panel at SDCC last night; again, I'm impressed with how many new characters they're doing: Gamora (who we knew about), Living Laser and Rage (I have no idea who that is). Morbius is now on display so he is confirmed. Also kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell and Lockjaw. I was planning custom kree soldiers and a Lockjaw so those are crossed off my customs list, but nothing to get too excited about. Sadly there is a suggestion that they're deliberately not doing X-Men or Fantastic 4 characters which I can well believe based on the figures shown.

Nothing from the 4" DC Multiverse line, apparently they are going to focus on 6" figures again. Whether we'll even get the figures shown at Toy Fair even seems in doubt. The Batman Beyond figure has been on preorder status for a long time now.

I've been thinking about my Masterpiece collecting again. When Masterpiece started I ignored Optimus Prime, Starscream and his repaints, Hot Rod, Sideswipe and Wheeljack. I was tempted by Sideswipe because he was a Lamborghini, but it was Bumblebee that sold me purely because he was a Beetle. The idea that we might get a Sunstreaker and Tracks down the line also sold me. So it was all about the altmodes. I have previously decided to pass on Tracks because I'm the sort of crazy obsessional type who didn't like the idea of having all of the '84 bots with Tracks. It is part of my personality that I need complete sets of things.

I picked up Grimlock because I collect Grimlocks. I'll get Blaster if he's released because I collect Steeljaws (assuming Blaster comes with Steeljaw). So potentially I'll have 2 1985 bots anyway, but if I collect 1985 bots I'd have to get Red Alert and Smokescreen, and Dirge, Ramjet and Thrust of they ever release them. I started thinking today that if they made Masterpieces of Runabout and Runamuck, that would be utterly awesome. I love Lotus Esprits and Pontiac Firebirds, if they made Masterpieces of them, I would need them. They won't of course, but if they did, I would need them. So my solution could be to collect 1984/Season 1 cartoon Masterpieces AND 1985/86 bots if they are licensed molds and the first use of that mold. The licensing is really what separates Classics and Masterpieces for me, the diaclones based Transformers have a lot of great cars and that's what I want to collect. So, I think I need Tracks again...

At SDCC they showed off an armoured Spider-Man, who may have been in the comics, but I remember him from the finale of the 1994 cartoon. In that episode Spider-Man teamed up with several versions of himself, armoured Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man with Doc Ock arms, Man-Spider and actor Spider-Man. Damn it, I think I need that figure! Then more recently, in the Ultimate cartoon they did a similar thing with Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Ham, Miles Morales, Spider-Man noir and Spider-Girl. They showed off a Spider-Man noir as well which I think I also need. As a precaution I have bought Miles Morales as he just so happens to be available at the moment! (I also picked up Doc Ock so I can decide whether to swap my Showdown version out.)

In other online purchases I've bought the SDCC Dinobot Kreons (I've already got a Grimlock so just the other four), I need the Battle Changer Soundwave with Ravage then I think I'm done with Kreo. Actually, between Mighty Muggs Grimlock, Kreon and Loyal Subjects Dinobots I think I'm done with non-transforming Transformers stuff. Though the Kids Logic Grimlock does look good, unless they decide to do the other Dinos I can easily ignore it. They have just done (are doing?) the Constructicons so it's not out of the question.

On a bit of a whim I decided to buy Cobra Commander to go in my villains set up. Looks like a solid figure and he comes with a cool sword/dagger thing.


TFCon is happening! It's all about the third party stuff. Mostly about Masterpiece scale figures which doesn't really interest me. Mastermind Creations seem to concentrating on the DJD, but they did show off prototype picture of Overlord. Similarly to Sixshot he's a bit bigger than I would have liked, but I'm on board. I think if it was any other company I would pass, but Mastermind Creations really are that good. Reckon he'll cost a pretty penny, given the speed at which they tend to get things out I've got a bit of time to save!

Play with this too have their Grimlock prototype at the show, looks good, I was a bit more enthusiastic about their Masterforce character homages, but if this can get them started then all well and good. I could suddenly have a 6" scaled display given this and the Mattycollector Thundercats. Iron Factory had their War Within legends Dynobots out. Again, if they're at a reasonable price I could be tempted.

And so on to Fansproject. I think Grimlock looks pretty good, not convinced he was transformed properly in either mode. Snarl wasn't amazing, but it's still early days. I like the idea of a female raptor Dinobot, but will probably pass. I'd be more on board for a Paddles like the one that Planet X hinted at. I was impressed with how Fansproject's Dinoforce figures are looking, Dinoking looks solid, particularly Kakyryu. I like that the shells are optional. I stopped collecting Victory figures (especially third party), but Dinoking is very tempting!

Skullcruncher and Highbrow look great, glad to see that there's an Snapdragon on the way as well as Apeface. They showed a colour version of their Powermaster esque Classics Prime upgrade, I was interested in this, but Think I'll just use the Combiner wars Prime as a stand in for the time being. There was nothing from Perfect Effect on their Scorponok, I think they're missing a trick, and no one announced a Trypticon which was a bit surprising.

I saw a thread on Titan Wars predictions after Fortress Maximus (and Astrotrain presumably). I predict/hope we'll get a Trypticon, triple changer - dino, spaceship and base mode. I think we'll also get Broadside, two foot or so long, if they're really clever they could make it 3.75" compatible to entice the GI Joe crowd (the USS Flagg perhaps?). Obviously you could only get a couple of Skystrikers on it compared to the original, but it would still be fun, a bit like the Marvel Universe Helicarrier. I think we'll get Powermaster Prime (who some have hinted could be a remold of Magnus) and Scorponok as leader figures, which kind of works as they were rival leaders at the end of the Marvel comics run. Could do a Black Zarak repaint as well. If they really wanted to hammer home the point they could do some pack in comics - the final issues of the Marvel ongoing.

So all in all, not really any new figures on my radar, it's pretty much all about Fansproject so hopefully everything will be reasonably well spaced out. Everything I'm interested in seems to be coming along nicely. It's been a fun convention season though, time to enjoy Summer!