The Combaticons have finally hit the UK! It's bittersweet really as I spent much more than I needed to on Swindle, Brawl and Vortex. I at least have a complete Bruticus now, still hoping we get the Takara Blast Off, but am covered if we don't. As a little milestone, I now have versions of all the characters from seasons 1 and 2 of the cartoon in some form (all Classics apart from the dinobots!).
I've put an order in for some Bossfight studios skeletons, I've seen some very positive reviews for all of the figures so really excited. It would be great to get some of the other characters, but don't feel like I can justify it when there's so much other stuff coming out at the same time. If ML 3.75" W2 and Titans Return hit at the same time it's gonna be a struggle.
Still waiting to see what Takara do with Fortress Maximus, I think he'll look cool with a sword. It's funny, but the main reason I want to get the figure is for Cerebros - he looks really good. I'm having a few doubts about getting the figure, if Scorponok was announced as a Leader class figure I think I would be very tempted to skip it. Also interested to see what they do with God Ginrai, from what I've seen so far he'd look pretty sweet with some extra decos. If Scorponok is a Titan I wonder how they'll do Zarak - deluxe headmaster with its own headmaster like Cerebros?
The SDCC Marvel exclusive has been revealed (well, leaked) on eBay, a cosmic set with the Collector, Cosmo, Howard the duck, Moonboy and Lockjaw. I definitely want Lockjaw, but not sure whether it's quite worth the likely high cost. I might still give the custom I've got planned a go. I will try and get the Collector and Moonboy, but again I don't think I'm prepared to pay the big bucks.
In other SDCC news, Mattel are doing a Wilykit and Wilykat set. Damn damn damn! Really don't know where I'm going to get the money from!? But potentially by the end of the year I will have 4 Thundercats which is pretty cool. The Brainstorm from Hasbro also looks good but will wait to see if rumours of a regular retail release pan out. SDCC exclusives really mess up my spending plans!
I’ve also bought some Captain Marvels from eBay, I will use them as Kree soldiers to go up against my Skrulls, will probably paint their chins to be blue though. Need a Ronan to lead them!