Stan Lee, the man, the legend. The characters he created and the stories he wrote will live with me forever. Thanks for everything Stan!
My approach to collecting is to work out what figures I want and then to try and fit some sort of framework to it, try and create some sort of rules to follow. Inevitably there's always a couple of exceptions, plus a couple of figures I might not have got otherwise. Masterpiece for example. I know I wanted the 'main' Autobots, Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Prowl and Bumblebee. Plus I wanted the sports car based figures, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Wheeljack. Therefore I decided to collect the ark crew. I'm not that bothered about Hound and Trailbreaker, but I like the idea of a set. In addition I got Tracks and intend to get Skids if he is released. I could try and justify the latter two, but really, I just like their altmodes.
I also like to try and take the same approach to one toyline as I do others I collect, so applying a similar approach to Marvel Legends. Trying to work out what that 'framework' looks like is all part of the fun.
After all this spending (and time) on Marvel Legends I’m conscious that Transformers Siege is on the way. Need to slow down the spending in preparation! Siege is going to be a strange line, Shockwave, Soundwave, Flywheels and Reflector are definitely needed. Starscream I’m also fairly ready to replace the old deluxe. Optimus and Megatron too. The rest, I want them, but I don’t need them. Mostly I just want to have a good look, some of the new headsculpt a look rather good so I’d like to see whether they could fit on the old figures.
I realise that the way I'm going about collecting Legends at the moment is very similar to how I collected Star Wars, I wanted the main and or interesting characters. So in the case of Star Wars I got (almost) all of the main and non-human Jedi and Sith, but again with this caveat that I had to have seen them in something (cartoon or film). I tried to create some sort of scoring system to objectively decide. But still, there was also a lot of changing my mind, but ultimately I haven't regretted buying anything nor have I suddenly decided there's more characters I need. I would quite like a Darth Plagueis though.
Hulk, Daredevil, Captain America and the Iron Man Mark III have all turned up. Hulk is from the Avengers Walmart 6" exclusive line, unfortunate he is a KO. A fairly well done one though, a bit of mold flash and the plastic hasn't quite joined properly on one shoulder. I should have known for the price I paid, but he will do for the time being until a better one gets released, or I acquire more money than I know what to do with.
Daredevil I'm very happy with and have no regrets on getting even though I don't have that much attachment to the character. He's another one on the Black Panther/Nick Fury buck.
Captain America is another vintage style figure, so like Spider-Man has the lighter blue. He looks rather grumpy, and unfortunately the civil war MCU head doesn't fit on him. I will hold off for the time being, but I might drill a slightly larger hole so it does fit. If the Infinity War part 2 Steve Rogers Legends figure has a good (bearded) headsculpt then I could also be tempted to recreate the Skrull invasion look from A:EMH.
The Mark III is a bit small (though I was forewarned). It does have nice paint though, but also the dreaded swivel joint hips (I'm not sure if that's the correct term). He can however do a reasonable Iron Man pose. It doesn't really look like a man could be underneath the armour compared to the later figures and so I'm sticking with the Mark VII as my Iron Man (I figure if there had been a series 3 of A:EMH it might well have been in armour inspired by the Mark VII). I love the idea of an armour from each film though so am content. Just waiting for the Mark VI and 42 now!
I am also waiting for the Mark II War Machine armour which I recently bought, it's the American version so had the mask up Rhodey headsculpt to recreate the Iron Man 2 look with Tony. (I suppose strictly I need the Mark I armour.)
As well as....... Rogue! When she was released in 2016, I didn't even bat an eyelid. When Cyclops was released in 2017, I thought, nice figure but am happy with my 3.75" version. When Wolverine was released in 2018 I thought, it's time to get on the bandwagon! And now here we are with Professor X, Gambit, Jubilee and Beast on the horizon. Wow, just need Jean Grey and Storm and that's my X-Men lineup done in 6". (I don't count the 2013 Jean as she has the funny hips.) After much much deliberation, I've decided to also get Iceman and Angel/Archangel (original X-Men), Colossus and Nightcrawler (giant sized X-Men), as well as Bishop and Forge (Jim Lee era), based on the fact those characters were the most important/reoccurring guest starring characters on the 90s TV show, but also on the various other TV/film incarnations. As well as the figures of those characters just have a bit more personality in 6” rather than 3.75”. I'm throwing Deadpool in as well since, well, he's Deadpool.
I’ve also ordered Invisible Woman, spotted a good deal on her and so made the leap. Just have to find Thing now, I feel he’s less urgent as he’s a relatively recent release and is still being found in stores (Walgreens). And finally, I've bought comic Drax and Rocket (the Entertainment Earth versions) having initially gone for MCU versions. Drax is a much better than the previous (comic) version, Rocket is wearing the blue with red trim costume which I'm rather fond of. I might customise Drax to have blue trousers and a MCU headsculpt.
The Mark 42 and VI Iron Man armours have arrived. Not much to say about the Mark 42, it's the same sculpt as the Mark 43. I think (compared to the 3.75" version), it works better at this scale with slightly more expensive paint and the darker red plastic. The figure deco has grown on me more as time goes on. The Mark VI has nice bronze paint on it, but I think one of the cheaper looking plastics from the various figures I have. It is also one of the hardest to pose (those darn hips again), the Mark III is better in that regard. However I pose the Mark VI it looks like he's sticking his butt out! Definitely sticking with the Mark VII as my primary armour. I feel that just getting the Mark III and VI is fine, no need to get more over priced and under sized, hard to pose figures (Mark IV and V).
The Mark II War Machine has also arrived. He’s a little less chunky than I was expecting, but it’s got a nice paint job and the extra mask up head is worth having. Also, Rogue and Iceman!!! Rogue's one of my favourite X-Men and I thought I was really going to struggle to get her at a decent price. She was expensive, but not too bad. It's amazing looking at Wolverine, Cyclops and Rogue together. They're just perfect! Honestly, 3.75" figures just can't compete for the detail. It's amazing how in a couple of years Legends have gone from larger versions of the 3.75" figures (frequently dodgy joints and face sculpts and paint) to statue quality figures that can also be posed. Iceman is good, there's something about his small size which makes me think 'Iceboy' might be more appropriate. He does have the extra shoulder articulation though.
As I've said before, I think I made the right decision in 2009 to collect 3.75", but I reckon as of about 2016, with the leap in quality of 6", and a lack of product for 3.75" it becomes an easy decision. I've no intention to get rid of my 3.75" figures, but the idea of getting a 90's X-Men team that looks so good is very exciting.