There's a very good amount of stuff I wouldn't buy again, which begs the question, why keep it? Well, some of the stuff I wouldn't buy again because it would cost considerably more to replace, or in fact, impossible to find. But the other stuff?
Transformers Masterpiece, WST, the Collection reissues, Beast Wars, animal based G1 figures, and somewhat surprisingly to me at least, my 3.75" Marvel figures. I don't think I'd buy them again. There are a few exceptions of course, but generally, I wouldn't. There is a strong argument against getting rid of them which is, I can't be bothered. I wouldn't want to throw them away, I'm not sure I'd want to give them away, but I really couldn't be bothered to sell them. Well, I don't really have time to sell them individually, but perhaps as a job lot?
As I write this, I don't know where I'm going with it. I don't know what I'm going to conclude. I suppose, I should think about it.
Thinking about my list above, what strikes me is that with WST and Marvel 3.75", I was there from the beginning with both of them. I went out and found other figures that fitted in. I customised. I wouldn't do it again because I don't have the energy, nor the ideas, but they are extremely important to me and I hope I get the chance to further expand those collections.
So I'm not about to get rid of them, but in the near future I am going to have less display room. Marvel Legends, despite being bigger, are a bit chunkier and easier to display so can be switched up more quickly. They make more sense.
Thinking about Masterpiece specifically, I realise that I'm not excited about it for the future. If we got a toy accurate plus Sunstreaker, then that might reignite my interest, but the reason I bought into Masterpiece in the first place was the hope of getting a Sunstreaker to go with Sideswipe (I love Lamborghinis). I really like Sideswipe. But the Sunstreaker just isn't for me, unless perhaps we get a toy version. Masterpiece are like Marvel Legends in that they display very easily and look good without much effort, so they also make sense. The other thing about Masterpiece is that aside from Grimlock, I have no sentimental attachment to them (I haven't opened a lot of them yet......), which makes potentially getting rid of them much easier.
The reissues and animal G1 are interesting because they are the first thing I collected. The reason I am not so enthusiastic about them is because they are complete. But, I don't do anything with them. Buying new figures for a collection keeps your interest, if you don't have that then you need to interact with them in some way. Though Beast Wars came later, the same is true.
I think I need to pack up my collection, have a look at it and see how I feel. Then, see how much space it takes.
I ordered the Titans Return Clones set recently (after finding the Chaos on Velocitron boxset with Fastlane last year). Despite my best efforts, I prefer the Autobot clones without pink. That has been fairly cheaply rectified (with the Walgreens set). Sadly, I also find myself liking the Hasbro Decepticon clones more than the Takara versions. It's really quite subtle, but the yellow eyes, and brighter purple are just a bit nicer. I always really liked the G1 figures, so it is likely just me being more familiar with the toy colours.
Siege deluxes have hit! I picked up Flywheels because he’s a character that hasn’t had a modern toy yet (well, body at least), but I intend to pick up the others at some point. I think I like it more than Battletrap. I like the colours more, plus I prefer the simplicity. As someone who almost never actually transforms my toys, I’m not too worried about whether the components have individual robot modes. I was messing round with Flywheels at the same time as the Clones, and it really makes me hope the legends sizepoint comes back for the next iteration of the generations line. These are great.
I picked up Siege Sideswipe and Hound. In some ways it was a bit of a panic buy - what if I don’t see them again?! I’m sure I will, but if I’m going to buy them anyway, I might as well buy them now right? First impressions are again very good.
Sideswipe is excellent, he looks great, he's solid, intuitive transformation and good headsculpt. Probably the best Sideswipe ever. But, he's not going to make it into my collection. Firstly, he's a bit short. Secondly, I want a Sideswipe that matches Sunstreaker (I love Lamborghinis), and finally, I don't want to get rid of my Universe Sideswipe since I bought it on a particularly good holiday. What I am going to do though is make a resin copy of the head as I think the headsculpt is the weakest part of the Universe figure.
Hound is also excellent. More G1! I like the darker colour compared to the Universe figure, he also actually has military decals, despite being Cybetronian. I think I will try and remove the silver dry brushing from his legs as I don't think it works so well on the green as it does black. I'm also okay with him being a bit smaller so he will replace my Universe figure no questions asked.
The leaders have also turned up, so grabbed a Shockwave. He also looks great, I am annoyed at having to pay extra for a voyager - the extra money could have bought a deluxe. That said, I was happier to pay the money than not have the figure. He replaces the far too small FOC deluxe, which I never really considered to be anything other than a stand in.
So, overall impressions of Siege are all round excellent. No sign of the micromasters or battle masters, but I'm not too worried. Really looking forward to Soundwave and Ironhide!
I watched the trailer for the new Agents of Shield series where Coulson is apparently dead, but then isn't. Someone suggested a very intriguing theory. Coulson is a skrull from the Captain Marvel film. It makes sense that a well known character has been replaced, why not Coulson? It puts a very interesting spin on the events of AOS, especially his resurrection. I assume he (the skrull version) will be unaware of his true identity. Really looking forward to Captain Marvel to find out!