The listings for the Hasbro Ghostbusters have been released, placeholder names, but exciting none the less. I’m hoping for Real Ghostbuster figures, but I guess figures from the first movie are most likely. I don’t know how Hasbro normally approaches toylines with a few main characters but with multiple costumes. Perhaps down the line.
The Thundercats and Ghostbusters listings plus the Transformers leaks are setting us up for a very exciting Toy Fair. Unfortunately it's a bit later this year - 22nd February.
I have started organising my collection, I bought some big flat Ikea boxes and little baggies. I started with my Marvel Legends, I originally planned to put down a layer of bubble wrap with the figures on top and any accessories in a bag, but this had two problems. Firstly it didn’t make best use of the space, the only way to make to utilise it was to have another layer of figures, but then it is no longer makes it possible to find figures on the bottom easily negating the reason for the flat boxes in the first place. Secondly, I didn't give any thought to the type of plastic. Some plastic bags can cause other plastics to break down - I need 'acid free' plastic. (This is also true for comic storage.) Polypropylene is what's needed. Bubble wrap thankfully also seems to be okay (and in fact some of my figures have been bubble wrapped for almost 20 years).
So the answer is to get polypropylene bags for each individual figure. I can then put accessories and instructions in the same bag, along with a note saying the figure and the line it's from. No need for layers. I will the record in a spreadsheet a list of all of the bags. One bag constitutes one toy for counting purposes. This is going to be quite an undertaking! I've ordered a job lot in several different sizes - hopefully the larger bags should work for Transformers.
It’s nice doing something with my figures, even if it is putting them in bags. I’m writing little notes to say what the figure is and what line/wave it came out in. This has helped me appreciate a few things, such as I have a surprising amount of exclusive figures, especially Walgreens.
Wasp is the only custom, though given she was previously part of my 3.75” collection which I’ve customised extensively so maybe not that surprising. Dormammu, Groot and Star Lord were also part of my 3.75” collection (confusingly Star Lord as a Groot custom). Select Groot is the only non-6” Legends figure (Mark III Iron Man and Mark I War Machine are from the Iron Man and Iron Man 2 lines). Ant-Man and Apocalypse also do double duty but arrived after I started collecting 6”.
As with all collections there are good and bad figures. I think Nick Fury and Blade are both a bit average, if they do a new Blade when the film comes out I could be tempted.
My main resolution for the year is to get organised, but I think a secondary one will be to reduce my eBay/impulse purchases. I will keep track through the year. Will aim for less than 10. One of the things on my backlog is filler parts for Legends Dai Atlas, I will have to get them from eBay but since I’m not sure where else I could get them I’m not sure that it should count.
I’ve started writing out the little notes for my 3.75” figures, working my way through the wiki page. As I’ve gone through each wave I remember when I got certain figures, some I remember my excitement when they were announced. It all seems like a long time ago though, 2009 until 2017. The odd wave where I got (and kept) every single figure.
It’s a little different to Legends as I troop built certain figures, does that count as one or several figures? A few where I’ve customised, but got pieces from two figures (like Invisible Woman), is that one or two?! Making up counting rules is not easy!
Though it was never my favourite as a kid, I always enjoyed He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, and had a few of the toys. Including Battle Cat sans any armour bought from a jumble sale.
I like the idea of having He-Man and Skeletor with their respective cats, but not enough to buy the 6” classic versions, and especially not enough to buy them for huge prices they go for it. But it was in the back of my mind to get 3.75” versions if possible. In addition, I’d like a Skeletor to go with my ‘villains’ collection (he and M. Bison I feel are the two main missing characters).
When I saw that Super 7 are doing ReAction versions of those characters it got me thinking. With the cats from ReAction, maybe it’s time to start working out a custom He-Man and Skeletor.
Things seem to be ticking along nicely, Legends Doom is on the way!