Monday, May 18, 2020


Kingpin!!! From the 90's cartoon!!! Perfect, preordered straight away.

I looked again at Leader and his colours aren’t as offensive as I first thought, so will pick him up. I had an idea that I’d like to get Wendigo, but I’m not keen on the headsculpt, if he got a single release though then maybe they’d give a classic head. Regardless, he doesn’t really make sense in my Legends collection, unless..... I get Alpha Flight. But I don’t really want them, so probably best leaving it to my 3.75” collection. But I could go for a Sasquatch. Hmmm.

So I’m all in for the WFC trilogy now, suddenly I can’t seem ignore the flaws in my figures. I’m even looking at Siege Mirage and thinking I’m not happy with the feet, or colour, I’d like a slightly more turquoise blue (similarly with Ultra Magnus). I'm looking at Ratchet and thinking he needs some silver on his face (and maybe a red IDW head). Will be interesting to see what happens with the next line - surely they can’t redo the ‘84 cast again?! I think a line which covers a wider range of homages would make sense. Time for some Beast Wars?

I've opened Cliffjumper (did I mentioned I ordered him, Wheeljack and Hoist?). I was a bit unsure about him being a deluxe, but he's great. I really miss the old legends scale figures, so it’s great that they’re back, even at a higher cost. I don’t think the height is much of an issue, it’s more the volume, he’s just more solid compared to previous small figures. Partsformer? I'm not bothered, it's just great for Cliff to have a dedicated mold, and the accessories are very versatile. Though I think if I’m displaying him with the old Gears, (new old) Windcharger and Brawn then you need to remove his backpack and weapons to reduce the look. Looking forward to Hubcap, and if we don't get the Throttlebots it will be criminal!

I feel like I'm making good progress with all of my collections, completion of Thundercats, Turtles and Power Rangers are in all sight. I've managed to convince myself that we are going to get some modern Real Ghostbusters figures based on Transformers. Here goes: Hasbro has shown themselves to be fairly ruthless with the WFC line - putting out earth mode versions of characters that have just had a figure in Siege. They've put out vintage Real Ghostbusters, they've put out modern movie figures. People are crying out for modern Real Ghostbusters, and frankly what else can they do? Of course it's going to be hush hush whilst the vintage figures are out. But I reckon they'll do them, might just have to wait a couple of years. It's a bit like Thundercats, if I want them then the chances are loads of other people do as well, and if loads of people want something then a company somewhere will eventually notice and decide to cash in.

Also, I'd quite like a large Hasbro RGB Stay Puft, preferably smiling. Once I get rid of my NECA Turtles, he'll be my last NECA figure, and I like the idea of all my figures being Hasbro and Mattel/Super 7. SDCC has been cancelled, will be interesting to see how the news comes out.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Yellow Winter

I’ve been thinking about the change from Classics/Universe/Generations to Siege/Earthrise. Classics started off as homages, with some quite chunky designs. It’s now moved to super detailed, super G1 accurate figures with Siege. I liked the reinterpretations, and don’t think I need the super detailing. What I do like though is the new headsculpts, they used to be a bit hit or miss and now they’re amazing, and that’s really what’s prompted me to get on board.

Still bagging up figures, have done the last of my Beast Wars figures and my Grimlocks and Ravages. The leaders are some great figures. I hope they do some updated Beast Wars, but I’ll be really torn to replace Primal and Megatron. Ready to start bagging up my Classics figures, the end is in sight! One group I now think need updating again are some of the movie characters - Hot Rod, Blurr (he has an Animated headsculpt) and Perceptor. Device Label Blaster really doesn’t match. Kup I’m okay with, but he has got very large feet. And as previously discussed, Cyclonus and Scourge need voyager figures, or large deluxe at least for Scourge. It seems to me though that the most likely lineup for part 3 of the WFC trilogy would be movie figures so I think I’ll be covered.

Here also are the 1985 Autobots and Wreckers, maybe need a new Sandstorm as well?

Thinking about the Dinobots and Constructicons, such great figures - they're just the wrong size. I don't think the Dinobots suffer too much for the combining gimmick, apart from Grimlock's dino mode. I will have to consider the size changed KOs.

I received Winter Soldier and..... opened him almost straight away. Not quite sure why, maybe because I just rewatched Civil War. He’s a great looking figure and I like that his star is a Cap style one. Just need a Falcon now, surely with Vulture having been released it’s a done deal.

Have popped in a preorder in for Cheetara, the main Thundercats will be complete, just ghost Jaga and a Snarf for me. Might get mummy Mumm-Ra as well. Looking forward to seeing what these Super 7 figures are like, they cost a pretty penny otherwise could be tempted by the mutants as well.


Have opened Yellow Ranger, one of the best headsculpts so far - and one that is not grinning so can be used for more action poses.

Have started bagging up my Classics figures, didn’t take long as it’s only Hot Rod and Ramjet left, similarly with Universe just Cyclonus and Countdown. Moved on to Generations, some good figures, but I don’t know when I’m going to open them again - I think a fair few will be to sell them. If you think of everything pre Combiner Wars as one trilogy (CUG), then that was the start. Prime Wars for me destroyed the third party market for Classics by doing figures I never thought possible. The WFC figures are now doing old figures again, in a way which is really making me question the quality of those old figures. Quality isn’t quite the right word - they mostly are of a good quality, perhaps more whether they fit in with what I want, rather than just accepting what I have.