Sandstorm is now rumoured, along with Brawn and Snarl, so that’s the core cast really done for me (and done well).
I think my wants can be split into two, figures that complete a subgroup but aren’t that interesting (Sureshot, Joyride, Hosehead). Others that are exciting but probably aren’t needed (new Broadside, Metroplex, God Ginrai, Overlord). Some in between like Omnibots and Throttlebots.
Thunderclash feels like the last character I really care about as well as being the last area of G1 (Euro G1) that I don’t have any representation of. That’s not to say there’s not still a lot I want but in terms of really really want, it’s just TC. Legacy Prime Skyquake is looking great so should get a G1 version. Holiday Prime is an ideal candidate for a Thunderclash. All the signs are there!
Victory Saber has arrived! I just had a quick peak (all looks good) but saving it for Christmas. With Desz also on his way, it got me thinking - in terms of main Japanese characters, we’ve had representation of all of them (although Leozack got the bum deal), but with the other ‘intrigue’ characters, maybe just Grandus left? He appeared in Animated so I think he’s up there. Maybe could he could be a slightly remold of a potential Commander Broadside?
I got a Marvel Legends Avalanche. That’s not taken long considering it was only revealed at Pulsecon. And Blob is now preordered to complete the brotherhood.
Ben-Gali and Vultureman are finally on their way from Super 7 to complete the new Thundercats and mutants. Just Snarf and Jaga to go!
I’ve finished the year with some very sensible spending - it’s been a huge decrease from last year. Figure of the year? Black Zarak, great deco on a great mold of a (version of a) character I never thought I’d get. Fantastic! Happy Christmas everyone.