Another month, another pair of voyagers. Twincast and Metalhawk are as expected, really good! I might have preferred Metalhawk at deluxe but pretty content. Might paint Rewind to be a solid colour rather than transparent.
Some very exciting Lego stuff happening, large Marvel and Batman sets, plus Guardians and Sonic sets, plus possibly a Zelda set (next year). To keep myself ticking over I bought the Benatar. Heavier than I was expecting, should be a good build.
Another wobble on Cosmic Legions (I think this is the third time!). The figures look great, and the variety of alien figures really appeal to me, but at £50 a pop, that’s Super 7 prices (which I’m willing to pay because they’re the only/best way to get some of my favourite characters). I can’t justify those prices for characters I don’t know. I’m hoping that Bossfight Studios put out some good sci-fi stuff at the 1/18th scale but they don’t have the different body types that Legions do.
Thinking about this caused me to think about the big purchases I’ve made over the years. I think Titan class Transformers (and more recently the Haslabs) have normalises spending big sums of money a little bit for me. At the same time Lego has also been partially responsible (the Ghostbusters Firehouse is still one of my biggest ever purchases). But I think the various Haslabs are the real cause because although, I didn’t get Unicron, the Sentinel or Galactus, but I thought about it and that thinking has caused me to think spending several hundred is okay. There are potentially some really expensive Lego sets coming this year, and again, I’ve got some tough decisions to make.
I’m looking forward to the revived X-Men ‘97 cartoon later this year, and seeing some of the character models inspired me - I like the new look for Morph, and realised it was a simple head and hands swap to recreate.
Finally, new deluxes - Crosscut and Shrapnel. Did a hand swap with Skids, actually improves both of them - Crosscut no longer holds red weapons with red hands, and Skids looks more Skids-like. Shrapnel is great, glad I got two.
Spending for the year is going well, most sensible for years.