Calm again, after a couple of crazy months. I’m going to have a dry(ish) month, although might allow myself some Lego if I get back into it. Time to actually start getting rid of some things - simplifying my collection a little. I actually did something similar a couple of years ago so really it’s carrying on with that process. I’m feeling really happy with the various bits that are coming out on the non-Transformers side, black series Yoda, Mondo Real Ghostbusters, Marvel Legends Wolfsbane and Odin, and a Lego X-Mansion. I’d like a Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel but the Warbird figure looks good so I’ve preordered that as well (just a repaint away!).
Have popped in a fair few preorders, Black series Yoda and Ki-Adi (finally), Plasma Ecto-1, SS ‘86 Steeljaw, Straxus and Hulkbuster. Some good stuff coming.
Transformers generally feels like I’m still waiting though. There is some ground for optimism though, slightly obscure G1 tends to be limited to exclusives, but am hoping we might get a Thunderwing in the comic line (I reckon Soundwave and Blaster could be candidates). Then if the Amazon exclusives are Wreckers v Mayhems, surely, surely, we need a Thunderclash and Skyquake? And failing that, Octopunch? Wouldn’t mind a Circuit/Axer 2-pack though if they are still aiming for 2019 IDW characters. Apparently Axer was under consideration before Road Rocket was selected as an exclusive previously so could perhaps happen.
I’m not quite sure why I want Thunderclash so much, but it’s my most wanted figure now across all toylines. I guess because he was made out to be so cool in MTMTE/Lost Light, because he was a Euro G1 figure, because he’s a leader, but also because white is just a good colour for Transformers. That said, Skyquake is second on my list of most wanted so I guess just being a Euro G1 leader character with a cool colour scheme counts for a lot (see: Pyro and Clench). I want a Thunderclash!
I finally got round to opening the trio of Pretenders I’ve had stashed away. It’s a great shame they’re not the same size but they’re really cool. I wasn’t expecting to like the new Skullgrin but I think he edges out the old Darkmount (Straxus) repaint from Generations, bring on the rest!
I have also finally opened Magmatron. First impression is that he’s big but that’s possibly as a consequence of leaders not being as large as they used to be (and so they had to do it at a Commander price point). I like the headsculpts on each of the beasts.
I started thinking about my Marvel collection, I’ve got four IKEA boxes full of figures - two for 3.75” and two for Legends. Mostly duplicates, but a wider character selection in 3.75”. How can I simplify it? I initially had the plan to get almost all characters as 3.75” and a select few as Legends but it’s passed the point of a ‘select few’. Then it struck me, unlike Transformers, I don’t really care for Marvel villains all that much, I could keep the heroes as Legends and villains as 3.75”. This is actually the approach I took with Turtles and Power Rangers (and sort of Ghostbusters). I would extend it a little to include vehicles, and a few exceptions - keep the villains from X-Men COTA as Legends, and as well as being reasonably fluid with the definition of ‘anti-hero’, as well as sticking with my original approach in a few cases. This makes sense on many levels - many of my customs that I put a lot of effort into are villains (because they’re less likely to get made). I’ve got the Marvel Universe Sentinel and Galactus, and have backed (the bigger) Legends Giant Man. There are some heroes that I don’t have as Legends yet so would slowly replace as (if) they get made. Yes. I’ve decided to swap out my Marvel Legends Ghost Rider for the retro release since I have the bike at 3.75” scale, and since I’m getting rid of my 3.75” Black Panthers I decided to get the Legends figure with gold details. I can’t decide which Panther costume I like best so will have both. They both look really good. I’ve been going through my villain Legends to decide what I should keep, and similarly with my heroic Universe figures. I’ve gone and forth quite a few times on them but have come to some sort of decision on them now.
Am going to have a big old move round of stuff in my office, I’ve got a couple of towers of IKEA boxes so would be really nice to have the space, as well as having things be a bit more accessible. Time to give it a go! As a consequence of this I got all my Lego out of storage and restored them (put all the bits that had fallen off back on). I think a new rule will be that Lego has to be very easily accessible and not in boxes - more than most things it really defeats the object.