Mondo Real Ghostbusters, Marvel Legends (dark) Ms. Marvel, Black series Yoda and Lego X-Mansion. I really am getting my most wanted toys. (And having gotten Deszaras, a completed set of leader Dinobots and Snarf this year I’ve also got my wanted Transformers and Thundercats.) I’m trying to adopt a new mentality: I’ve (almost) got everything I really want, anything else is just polish for the collection - it’s not super important.
Put in a preorder for Lockjaw and Crystal, I think my most wanted Legends are now Gorgon, Triton, Yellowjacket and Doc Samson. I sort of want Werewolf by Night and Shanna. I’d also buy (blue) Angel and non powered up versions of Iceman and Human Torch. And any new MCU Iron Man armours, oh and a Thorbuster armour. There’s none that I really feel a need to replace/upgrade but I could perhaps be tempted on a couple, but otherwise Legends feels very close to done! I got a new headsculpt for my Wolverine. Pretty sure I’m done with all things Wolverine now, apart from maybe a new brown one - not feeling the secret wars version.
I’m also done with all things Venom after getting the new one. I really liked the previous one I had since you could get a really good hunch pose out of it. New one is not far off though, and no holes in the upper back. Much smoother as well of course since the previous one was movie based. I only had that one for two years so hopefully I keep this for longer!
Looking through some of my ‘wanted’ lists since I’ve been blogging got me thinking, I got everything Transformers I wanted when I started - which was seasons 1, 2 and 3 characters. Season 4 (Headmasters) quickly got added. The problem was that my wanted list got bigger and bigger until it got to the point where everything (G1 adjacent) is on the list. I feel I’ve got reasonable representation of most areas of G1 in my collection (cartoon/Marvel/IDW/G2/Japanese/Beast Wars), the only thing really missing is Euro G1. Rotorstorm doesn’t really cut it by himself. This needs addressing! Most of my remaining wants are groups (Omnibots, Throttlebots, etc), and although I’d like all the Turbomasters, Thunderclash would be really great to add to my Lost Light shelf (I’ve wanted him for at least 7 years!). He keeps on getting hinted at by Hasbro.
Got Steeljaw. He’s probably my favourite cassette so very glad he’s finally got a figure. He’s fairly dinky but I like him, just need Buzzsaw and Ramhorn (my other most needed/wanted toys) then that’s the main 10 cassettes all done in a coherent style. Also got Road Pig, for a character I know nothing about I rather like him, quite a cool ninja look. And Side Burn who is a very exciting repaint of Shadow Striker.
My spending has been reasonably calm over the last couple of months after a few crazy months early in the year. I’ve even managed to start selling off a few bits. Selling is an inevitable part of collecting, but thinking back on the things I’ve sold - they’re not just things I don’t like anymore. I’ve sold a great number of things I still think are cool but for whatever reason they just don’t fit into my collection anymore (G1 being a great example). I’m content just to enjoy looking at pictures of them every and then. I wonder if I’m capable doing the same for things I’ve never owned? I really hate selling though, it’s such a horrible stressful process. It also takes so much time. Each time I have a major selling spell I tell myself never again but it keeps on happening. The big chunks are from when I have a major change to my collecting philosophy, but then there’s an almost constant turnover from characters simply getting better figures, and often it’s just getting rid of figures from multipacks when you only want one figure. It’s an aim of mine to increasingly stick with what I’ve got but like I say, it’s inevitable.
Speaking of being content just to look at things and not own them, really tempted by Missing Link Sunstreaker. One of my favourite G1 toys and characters. And I love Lamborghinis, so I’d need Sideswipe as well. And the Dinobots of course. I keep on thinking about it so I must be keen.
Well, Pulsecon was a wild ride, I preordered Dinoking as expected and…… Overcharge. Crazy crazy times. I’m feeling a bit down about next year based on the various rumours. Should be getting (Transformers) Venom, hopefully the Sureshot materialises and Maccadam could be fun. There are various combiners which I’ll get but aren’t very exciting and so it’s all down to the capsules of exclusives from the various retailers. (Of which Ironfist and Carnivac are genuinely exciting.)
Got another Cosmic Legions figure, a woman! Pretty cool looking, bit of a Lara Croft-esque character to my mind. Don’t think I’m going to get any more unless a new release really stands out to me.