Knock-Offs - KOs, definitely a dirty word on some discussion sites. Never has there been a topic which divides fans more, views seem very polarised but I'm of the opinion that it's not a black and white matter, it's several shades of grey. For instance I think a rough separation of the different levels might be something along the following lines:
'Repro' Parts
non Takara WSTs
3rd Party Transformers
Shoddy KOs (the ones with rubbish stickers and random colours)
High Quality KOs
Metroplex KO (in Encore box)
Repro labels and parts are still imitations of official Hasbro/Takara products but because they're not the whole thing just a part no-one seems to worry. Similarly other small KOs seem to be fine - WSTs for instance.
I know 3rd party Transformers aren't KOs but they still are imitations of trademarked characters. Definitely some dodgy legal ground. We all have different levels of acceptance (although I'm sure nobody thinks the Metroplex KO is acceptable), I guess most people fall somewhere in the middle of that list in what they deem 'acceptable'.
Some people take a moral stance, some a quality stance. Let me address both of those: I've experienced figures from all of the categories on that list (except Metroplex) and I can say that high quality KOs are just that, I had a chance to look at the recent Shockwave KO and it was fine, virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. Equally Fansprojects and the WST figures have been amazing in their quality. (Obviously shoddy figure are just that but they are good for customs.)
KO figures are either rubbish, or if they're any good people are upset because you can't tell them apart from the real thing. I maintain if you buy Transformers with a bit of common sense then you'll be fine - watch out for MIB/MISB Transformers, watch out for 'mint' Transformers at a low price, these are all giveaways. Look at the reputability of the seller. For me Metroplex being sold as an Encore is the only figure that has overstepped the mark.
You could say that KOs damage Hasbro/Takara, firstly because people conclude all of their products are of low quality (which let's be honest, some of the official figures are) and secondly there's reduced demand for official figures.
I really can't believe that people buy a KO G1 figure, find it's rubbish and then decide not to buy any new figures (e.g. Movie or Generations). It's just not going to happen.
The reduced demand argument does hold some weight, but again I don't understand (and I guess we're talking G1 here) why anyone would buy a KO if that has been reissued recently or is to be reissued shortly. Doesn't make any sense. Buying a KO Sunstreaker, Mirage and Wheeljack makes sense as they're almost definitely never going to be reissued. Prowl and Sideswipe? Why?
The final point that some people make is that it's copyright infringement - it's illegal. This is true and I can see that for some people doing anything illegal is a no-no. Let me consider this further though, laws are created by humans, laws are broken by humans. Every single person has broken a law at some point, stealing a grape, dropping litter, drinking underage, speeding, the list is endless. We have all done it but we deem it acceptable as it 'doesn't hurt anyone'. Does buying a KO Transformer hurt anyone?
One counter-argument here is that, yes because in the long run, Hasbro sells less Transformers and so creates less new products. Possibly, but I don't know about you but I'm pretty excited about all the new stuff coming out. Doesn't seem to be a problem.
My final point is that by being consumers we are all harming the environment in some way, however small our actual individual impact. Yes by buying KO Transformers we might be harming Hasbro, but if we can all forget about the damage we're doing the Earth surely it's not a huge step to not worry about the damage we're doing Hasbro. Global warming suggests that we're damaging the Earth, increased profits for Hasbro suggests what exactly?
I wouldn't declare myself to be a supporter of KOs, but equally I wouldn't say I'm against them for the simple reason I think it would be hypercritical - I own KOs of WSTs - Skywarp and Thundercracker and to condemn KOs of actual G1 Transformers whilst saying these are okay is quite contradictory.
Again, I believe with a bit of common sense it's possible to avoid KOs, if you want to but the question is are most people that concerned?
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