When Generations Whirl and Roadbuster were announced I wasn't overly thrilled because I already had the Target exclusive Roadbuster (with Nato-bot upgrade) repaint of Cybertron Defense Hot Shot (once upon a time I had all three CD 'bots, good toys!), and had a custom painted ROTF Tomahawk (with Headrobots upgrade). Roadbuster in particular was by far the best out of those four Target exclusive Cybertron repaints. Despite the characters not being in the cartoon, they both appeal to my fondness for obscure characters (At one stage I even started making a Custom Whirl from a Cybertron Evac).
I have Mastermind Creations Sixshot and Predaking. Fansproject Slag, Sludge, Swoop, Chromedome, Brainstorm, Weirdwolf, Mindwipe, Shrapnel, Kickback, Bombshell and Broadside, PerfectEffect Rumble, Frenzy, Eject, Rewind, Reflector and Fortress Maximus, Mech Ideas Topspin and Twintwist, KFC Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Ratbat, Overkill and Slugfest, iGear Seaspray, Pipes and Huffer, Maketoys Devastator and Impossible Toys Hubcap. That's 40 figures.
I also have Impossible Toys Allicon, but I put that with my G1 animal transformers so I'm ignoring it here. I have also owned Mastermind Creations HOS Optimus Prime, Toyworld Hegemon, Fansproject Springer and Menasor, Maketoys Powerglide and Seaspray (although I never transformed Seaspray), Planet X Swoop, and Impossible Toys Arcee.
On the horizon are Mastermind Creations Overlord, Fansproject Grimlock, Snarl, Skullcruncher, Highbrow and Hardhead, PerfectEffect Scorponok. Hopefully God Ginrai will be an upgrade from someone. There will be others such as Apeface and Sixknight, but I'm not too fussed about them, so that's 7 more giving 47 figures.
By company that's 7 for MMC, 16 for FP, 7 for PE, 5 for KFC, 6 for Maketoys and 6 for other. So FP have by the biggest contribution, and if size of figure is taken into account with the exception of PerfectEffect's Fortress Maximus, only MMC and FP provide any figures greater than deluxe. (Maybe Maketoys should be included in that.) Given that there seems to be some overlap between MMC and Mech Ideas, and maybe FP and Maketoys, I only really buy figures from a couple of companies. I am less fussy about smaller figures, so am more willing to give others a go. 16 of those figures are what I consider small.
Strangely I am rather loyal to Hasbro, MMC and FP. I want an Abominus, but I'm prepared to wait for one of those companies to make it. I was prepared to get several of the Pretender Play With This Too figures so I may throw them in at some point if they can get their stuff released.
I was thinking about scale recently and I concluded the following: small characters should be smaller than deluxe, big characters should be deluxe or larger. Outside of that I'm not worried, except for the dinobots and predacons. They should be larger than most other transformers, so voyager size. Predaking should be the largest combiner. This thinking has led me to rationalise my third party purchases.
Of those 47 figures, several have official figures which I have as well (Grimlock, the insecticons and cassettes), if they release a legends Kickback I will likely sell the FP insecticons. Seaspray and Brainstorm have official figures, but these are much bigger than their team mates who I think they should scale with. The upcoming Devastator is much bigger than MMC Predaking so now I've decided, not an option. A couple have Botcon or club exclusive versions which just don't work for me (Overlord for instance).
If the PWTT Skullgrin had come out then I would have got rid of my Generations version since I would want him to match Bomb-burst. So, scale sometimes and matching team mates is important to me, but in most cases I simply want a toy of a character. Most of those unofficial toys I've sold it's because I've opted for the official version, Swoop being the exception. Springer I sold before I even knew about the official version because I decided I didn't like it. Hegemon I bought to replace the Henkei Megs, but then decided I didn't want to replace it. If Hasbro's making new versions of most of those characters where I've got unofficial toys, I'll probably be selling!
Some of those figures I have still yet to open, but I have now opened FP Swoop. The transformation is much simpler than Slag, and so immediately I am more fond of it. The pterodactyl mode head is absolutely spot on for G1 Swoop; the robot mode head I think looks rather young, but it's a good figure and goes nicely with Sludge and Slag. It's pleasing that he's more or less the same height as the other two, but just a lot thinner so less mass when transformed. Similarly to Sludge I am seriously considering displaying him in dino mode.
I have also recently combined the MMC predacons together to form Predaking. I think MMC are by far the best third party company out there. Their toys look good, but they are fun to play with, they transform nicely, things tab together well, they are well made and sturdy. Predaking is literally a beast and unlike some of my other third party stuff I definitely would never sell it. I haven't put the sword together yet.
I received Tigerzord today which is the end of my MMPR journey whereby I've bought Tigerzord, Megazord, Titanus and Dragonzord, sold them all, and then bought Dragonzord and Tigerzord again. I'm very happy with it, it's nicely weighted and looks great. If I could make one change it would be to have a chromed sword like the Japanese original (I used to own that version). I remember the teases we got for the introduction of the white ranger in the TV series, so it's nice to get the figure to complete my Tommy zords. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of mecha, but especially if you have any nostalgia for the series.
I received and transformed Goshooter and Nightbeat recently. I like the mold, the extra paint applications on Goshooter really help it stand out, but they both work. I think Nightbeat is perhaps has a little too much blue plastic, so I think I'll paint his chest yellow, which I guess is blue because in the comic, the chest is supposed to become the bonnet (on Bumblebee when he had that design). The cop and the detective:
I opened Skids this weekend, I think he is the last deluxe car 84'-86' Autobot I need to get in Classics, it feels like the end of an era! I got the reissue version so he didn't need to have the thighs swapped over. He has a fairly long transformation which is a little movie inspired in complexity. Getting him tabbed together properly in car mode can take a while if you miss any steps. He has some nice nods to his G1 toy though such as the wheels being flat under his feet, he is very well armed and has a very IDW comic inspired face sculpt. Overall I'm happy!
I have also now opened KFC Overkill and Slugfest, I really like them. Slugfest's transformation is pretty ingenious, and Overkill does a good job of improving on the original. Here they are with Ratbat who I also opened not so long ago. The KFC crew is ready for some fried chicken.
I've opened a few Marvel Universe/Infinite figures recently, Sandman and Black Cat, not much to say about them really. World War Hulk I bought to go with the upcoming Korg. I really like the extra accessories on him. I realised that I had two versions of Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, many versions of Iron Man and now two versions of Hulk that I should get a second Cap. I owned Bucky a couple of years back, but replaced him with Winter Soldier as I didn't want two versions of the same character. I remembered that there was a WWII era Cap with different shield, so have bought him and bought Bucky again. The new Hulk and Cap will be displayed with my Cosmic figures since they are already represented in my Avengers display (time travel counts as Cosmic-ish!).
Pictures were released this week of a deluxe Groove as part of Defensor, I really hope that we get a Hasbro release alas Slingshot and Wildrider, but it's not the end of the world if we don't. I think the much more exciting thing is that as an arm he looks a heck of a lot like Afterburner, so Computron seems to be one step closer to reality. Botcon is coming up soon so I'm hoping for a Bruticus reveal there, then a Computron reveal at SDCC. I heard rumours that the Protectorbots wave have been released in the UK, I didn't have any luck finding them today, but I did pick up a Combiner Wars Optimus. I think I'm going to use him as a stand-in for God Ginrai (well just plain Ginrai really without the armour). I'm well stacked for Optimus' now!
I also opened Wildrider today, great mold and given that I'm going to have him at least three times I'm very happy. Less happy with the wait for his teammates though. I'm sticking with the dream of buying them at UK retail. Though the signs aren't great though if the Protectorbots are out.
I received Killer Croc midweek, I don't really know much about the character as he hasn't turned up in Batman TAS yet (that I've seen), seems to be quite a lot of debate about his size, but I'm all for the oversized lizard look!
And finally I've received the final Loyal Subjects dinobots Sludge and Swoop. They fit in well with the others, although it seems that they've had to cut back on accessories as Sludge is missing his sword. Also they are a bit smaller, that's okay for Swoop, but Sludge (who should be the biggest) is a bit of a midget. However, they still look awesome together, here they are on my shelf:
It's been a good month for dinobots!