Thursday, April 7, 2016

Happy Shopping

I got the new 3.75" Marvel Legends so have got Spider-Man Noir to complete my Shattered Dimensions lineup:

Triton for my Inhumans (need Gorgon and Crystal!):

I found Generations Onslaught, (come on deluxes!):

I got fed up of waiting for Asda to get Black Series 3.75" Kylo Ren so I ordered online:

And in other very exciting Star Wars news, I got K'kruhk! He is one expensive fella. I put together a couple of scenes from the Clone Wars cartoon (do I still need to keep on saying the original non-CGI one?):

And so my alien Jedi army is complete. Yay!!!

I've also had a small delivery from Vortious customs, I highly recommend him. I bought some coats and hats and stuff (if you look at the Spider-Man Noir picture above you'll notice he's suitably dressed. I also updated my Adam Warlock with a coat instead of his cape as inspired by the A:EMH cartoon (I replaced the photo from two months ago:

I also upgraded my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (really can't remember whether I ever mentioned them before). Invisible Man has a hat and cane now and Mina has more suitable attire for the period! (as well as a scarf.) Previously she was the blonde woman from the Indiana Jones line.

I also got a coat for Multiple Man to make it clear who is the alpha version.

I'm still enjoying MTMTE, I decided I needed to get a Crosscut to go with my Lost Light crew, I read some reviews describing him as Skids with a better deco, I really liked Skids so sounds good to me.

Speaking of the Lost Light, it occurred to me that it might be worth getting G1 versions of the characters who don't have Classics versions (of those that are toy based obviously). This had me looking at Thunderclash, who because of GPS is very expensive. This then got me started thinking about my collection of leaders - maybe I could get Skyquake as well (who looks pretty cool). This somehow then got me thinking about my longstanding aim of creating a Micromaster City, this then got me thinking how with a bit of time and money you could create an awesome diorama with ramps connecting everything.

However, a lot of the transformers with base modes were Japanese exclusives and so ridiculously expensive. It would be amazing if the likes of Dai Atlas got a reissue, but probably not going to happen. Even though he's a big old brick Grandus kind of appeals to me. Star Convoy was reissued about 10 years ago so a bit more affordable. So I'm not going to do anything for the time being, but if anything does get reissued that could well set me on the path to getting round to doing something.

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