I had a chat with someone about minimalism recently, as a way to live. I occasionally watch TV shows where someone's building or redecorating a house in a minimalist way. Some part of it really appeals to me, basically having no clutter, or if you do, having it hidden away. It seems like quite a nice way to live. But it's essentially the polar opposite of the collecting mentality I obviously have. If you had a huge house then I think it would be great to display things in a way that takes advantage of that space. Transformers Masterpiece for instance, wouldn't it be great for each figure to have its own shelf? My problem is that I have almost no space and I want look at my toys. I could rotate my display, but frankly, I'm too lazy.
I read a few websites where they guide you through the process of reducing 'clutter'. Some of them warn against the perils of collecting and I came across the following. Paraphrasing, 'collectors have the need to make their collections as compete as possible'. On some of the podcasts I listen to people sagely warn against the dangers of collecting to 'complete' a collection. A figure should stand on its own merits rather than being there to complete a set. Initially I thought that it described me perfectly. But then I thought further, in not one of the lines I collect do I have absolutely every figure.
Now, I admit, part of this is me justifying to myself. But it's true, Transformers Masterpiece for instance, I only have season 1 figures (minus the seekers but plus Grimlock and Tracks). I do have the mentality to complete sets, but I define what those sets are. Power Rangers I have Dragonzord, Tigerzord and (now) Megazord. To me that's a set of the initial red, blue, yellow, black, pink, green and white zords. I'm sure to most fans that replacing Tigerzord with Titanus would make more sense to complete a set. But there's also the Thunder and Ninja Megazords which I'm just ignoring.
I have many Transformers boxed up in the loft. I think it is the only franchise where I could put figures away in storage like that. If I'd put my new Megazord up there then it would have been utterly pointless to buy in the first place. I have a dream to one day have everything on display, if I admit to myself that it's never going to happen, is there any point keeping those figures? I think if nothing else it's good to ask those questions of myself every now and again. It's also good to make sure that you genuinely want everything you have and not just box them up and hide them away indefinitely. So, I'm some distance away from the minimalist ideal, but I can dream!
I finally got round to opening my Supersize Thunderbird 2, I really like it! I like the update, it looks less whale like than the original. To top it off I've just found out that Takara have done a pod set where you can build the various non-TB4 pod vehicles (Vivid have released something similar, but without the actual pod). Might need me a couple of them for some TB2 hanger style display. Sweet! Really looking forward to TB3 this year now.
I thought I was done with Power Rangers, apparently not - I just bought the Legacy version! My mind went down a dangerous path now that I've got the Mega Bloks Turtle Wagon, Icon Heroes Thundertank and Lego Ecto-1. I've got all the classic vehicles from my favourite franchises. Oh, apart from the original Megazord...... I have gone completely full circle, I bought the Megazord, Dragonzord and Tigerzord, sold them all and then bought them all again! I haven't bought Titanus again yet though.....
I realise in retrospect that keeping the zords separately rather than as the Megazord was the reason why I never really appreciated it all that much originally, having said that, having the Legacy version is great, so I don't regret selling the old version, (which given I have the Legacy Dragonzord and Tigerzord this version completes a set).
I'm very happy with the Turtle Wagon, it's a nice little build. The bricks are a slightly strange colour as they have a bit of a sheen to them rather than being a flat colour, but having April, Shredder and Michelangelo is great. I have Michelangelo hanging from the Ghostbusters sign on my firehouse.
Very happy with my Bossfight skeletons, I'm eyeing up some of the blanks they offer for customs but haven't really come up with any ideas yet.
I've been remarkably lucky with the SDCC exclusives - Wilykit and Wilykat were sold on the Mattycollector website directly rather than the convention and was overjoyed to get a set. I ordered the 3.75" Marvel set on eBay and they have just turned up (just as SDCC is actually going on). Lockjaw looks ace with the other Inhumans, I will display him with my pet Avengers though. I picked up an Armoured Spiderman midweek so my Spiderverse collection is coming on nicely (need to do some customs now).
So nothing too mind blowing from SDCC for me - 3.75" Invincible Iron Man, a Fangry Titanmaster and legends Gnaw for Transformers. Sixshot was confirmed via some cross promotion on the packaging. Oh and the really crappy news that Mattycollector are closing down so we won't (seemingly) get to complete our Thundercats line. It really is the cursed franchise! Assuming the subscription figures happen then Tygra and Cheetara will be huge gaps for me. Nothing on the Turtles Mega Bloks, apparently they were there but I can't find out a thing.
I have G1 Fortress Maximus, I have Generations Metroplex and I have Perfect Effect Warden. I don't need Titans Return Fort Max. I will keep on repeating this to myself until I believe it. For the moment, I am passing on it. I have popped in a preorder for Takara God Ginrai though, apart from the feet which look iffy, he looks great. Can't wait to see God Bomber.
CybertronCon on the other hand... Kickback, Sixshot and TRYPTICON!!! I have G1 Trypticon, I also need Titan Return Trypticon, no questions asked. Swoop Titanmaster looks interesting, but great to get confirmation on Kickback. I will need multiples of Gnaw and Kickback!
I picked up some of the new 3.75" Marvel Legends figures from a comic book shop - Rage, Morbius and Hydro-Man. Even though I prefer Hydro-Man in his classic black t-shirt and blue/green trousers he does look quite cool with the spiral of water instead of legs. Still on the look out for Gamora, Living Laser and Quasar.
So back onto the subject of Thunderbirds, I would like a complete set of Thunderbirds, including TB5. Obviously none of the retail TB5s that have been available over the years would be in scale to (supersize) TB3, so I started thinking about a custom (particularly as that particular vehicle is the one that has changed most in the new Thunderbirds are Go! iteration). This caused me to do some research into the size of the respective vehicles. I've always gone by the size of the old Matchbox toys that TB1 and TB3 are about the same size (completely ignoring the fact that one is space capable, and so would need to be huge for the fuel requirements), but TB3 is so much bigger!
As an aside as a kid I always thought TB1 was by far the most boring, you saw it virtually every week, as you did TB2, but TB2 had the interest of its pods and associated vehicles. I always thought the water and space episodes were far more interesting. But in the name of completeness, hoped we get a supersize TB1 in the future, or failing that, I could pick up an older version.
Back to my scale discovery, the regular (non-supersize) TB1 is approximately in scale to the supersize vehicles! Now, I collect transformers so know better than to get fixated on scale, it's more about particular characters/vehicles being the right size relative to the rest rather than a fixed scale (ignoring the mini figures with the supersize versions which are very large relative to the vehicles). Getting the regular size version of my least favourite Thunderbird works for me! It also follows that TB4 should be a good bit smaller than TB1, so I also need the regular version of it as well but that's not a problem as both are still freely available.
Full set of Thunderbirds here I come! Funnily enough the money I would have spent on Thunderbirds by the end of the year could have bought me a TR Fortress Maximus, which considering until I saw Tracy Island in store Thunderbirds wasn't even on my radar is quite a surprise. I think I have now exhausted everything I liked as a kid though. There are a few minor things like MOTU and Stingray, but they never made the impact of other toy lines.
Well! I reckon the regular TB1 and TB4 go rather nicely with the supersize TB2. It somehow makes TB2 look more majestic. Surprisingly though, the supersize TB4 also goes rather nicely with the regular TB2! It's a choice of vehicles that scale together or vehicles that are more or less the same size. Both are nice display options, but both of which seem to work better than the set of regular vehicles which is a middle option. If you've got a TB2 I recommend swapping the TB4 with someone who has the other version! Just needs TB3 and some extra TB2 pods now.......
Subconsciously at first, but deliberately now, I have regular versions of most of my collections and then mini versions as well. The mini versions mean it's cheap and space efficient to get more characters, whilst also allowing vehicles and play sets. The regular versions are then my favourite or the main characters. I have Mega Bloks Turtles, Turtle Wagon, Shredder and Krang whilst only having the Turtles as NECA figures. Power Rangers I have Mega Bloks rangers then Legacy Megazord, Tigerzord and Dragonzord and Figuarts Green and White rangers. With my new set up I have a desk and I've tended to put the mini figures nearby and I've realised that I tend to play with them a bit more. Previously my Thundercats Mini Mates didn't really have a home, but now they fit right in on my desk.
These mini figures are mostly Lego, Mega Bloks or Mini Mates, but extending the idea to Transformers, I have WST! These are official, unofficial, customs, resin kits and Kabaya. I display them with my G1 Metroplex, Countdown, etc. Again, I've never really known where to put them. These should be on my desk also! So the aim this weekend is to shuffle everything round to make room. Actually, from this perspective, I think WST are to G1 what Classics are to Masterpiece. No room for Classics on my desk though!
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