Hasbro is giving us just about every Marvel Legends figure we want, now it doesn’t seem that far fetched to suggest this might be because the license is expiring but they are extracting some serious money from collectors. But what if something else is happening? They must know the age distribution is people collecting, they must know those people are getting older. Those people are buying houses and having children. Their disposable income is dropping, maybe they’re getting these figures out before people drop out. Several of the podcasts I listen to have stopped or had people leave. People are leaving the hobby, maybe this is Hasbro getting as much as they can before that happens. Or maybe this is just wild speculation......
I seem to suddenly have a lot of unopened figures, Legends Loki, Gambit, Jubilee, Storm, Mister Sinister, Nightcrawler, Captain America, Thor, Psylocke and Captain Britain, plus Siege Springer and Reflector. I am going to open Nightcrawler......
He's fantastic! My favourite Marvel character, he's blue with a tail. And a sword. I think I also like him because if I could have any superhero powers it would be teleportation. Think about it, you could live your life in a way where you don't waste any time travelling between places, plus no money wasted on petrol or plane fares. You could see the world for free! Anyway, Nightcrawler is responsible for my inability just to collect the main X-Men from the cartoon. I needed him as well. But then once I made an exception for him I also needed Angel, Iceman, Kitty, Colossus, Psylocke and Bishop. And X-Factor, Cable and Captain Britain. My only small critique is that I think gold paint should have been used for his eyes (they used it on the handle of the sword). The headsculpt is (for me) a fantastic improvement over the old. The smiling head is also great, very fitting for the character and I have a genuine dilemma over which to use. Fantastic!
These Legends figures are really helping me get into X-Men all over again. Since I now have Archangel, Iceman, Forge, Kitty and Nightcrawler I’m going for a Wolverine and the X-Men display until I get round to opening Gambit and Jubilee. I will open Storm next. The vintage packaging is great, but would be even better if the whole team was available in this style! (If it was I would consider keeping them MOSC.) Okay, so this figure is everything I wanted, white costume Storm. Fan-bloody-tastic. She looks great, bring on Jean Grey!
One of the pitfalls I really wanted to avoid when I started collecting Marvel Legends was buying the exact same collection again, but paying twice the price. I made a big list of all the figures I have and I have bought roughly half of my Universe figures as Legends (it gets a bit vague because I still have unfinished customs), it's quite reassuring to know I haven't made my Universe collection completely obsolete.
I've now opened Reflector, I was having some second thoughts on whether I should have got three of the regular cartoon figures, I'm happy to say those doubts have gone. Viewfinder in particular is a fantastic update, Spectro is also a fine update, Spyglass less so as he seems a bit plain. Viewfinder and Spyglass could do with some extra stickers, but I'm very happy and don't regret selling my Perfect Effect set. That said, I'm not sure it's worth the money - £10 or £20 cheaper and I would be far happier. £70 for three small almost identical deluxes is pretty outrageous. A random aside from that, I realise that part of what I like about the figures is the size. It's the same reason I like the G1 Datsun mold, and the 80's/90's Turtle figures. It's probably the same reason I took to Marvel Universe figures so much, figures 4-5" are just the perfect size for me.
Re-reading More than Meets the Eye inspired me to re-watch some Red Dwarf X - XII. They actually did a really good job of re-capturing the spirit of the original series. As much as I like Kochanski, series VII and VIII are not quite the same as the series with the main four. Might have to watch some of the older ones at some point.
Juggernaut and Colossus are on their way, yay!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Monday, September 16, 2019
I’ve been re-reading Lost Light (volume 2), it’s really nice to get back into it. Bit tempted to seek out a Krok, but the main thing that struck me was that Scorponok, Star Saber, Deszaras and Thunderclash all appear, my main toy wants. It’s like they’re teasing me.
My interest in Transformers has evolved, it started off as nostalgia for the cartoon, that evolved into nostalgia for the toys. I then watched the Japanese cartoons, and read the Marvel and Dreamwave comics. I now read the IDW comics and the toys I want reflect this evolution. Scorponok appears in everything on that list, the middle two Japanese cartoons and IDW, and Thunderclash is all IDW. None of the cast of the cartoons or toyline I remember as a kid are on it, they're done. Had I not embraced new media I would be done apart from Scorponok.
I saved a few pictures of the 90’s X-Men teams a while back and it’s been playing on my mind. Basically I now need Captain Britain and Psylocke. They’re British, I’m in Britain, it all makes sense. Cap B is still available at retail price, more or less, but Psylocke has about doubled. Bollocks! I bought her, sold her at a loss and now want to buy her again. Suffice to say, They’re both on their way (again).
They both appeared in the 90’s cartoon so it’s not all patriotic nonsense. I bought a New Excalibur comic in the 2000’s so I actually have some connection to the team. I like that Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde were both in Excalibur as they are sort of leftovers from the main 90’s teams otherwise (Blue, Gold and X-Factor). For Pyslocke she was also on the cover of one of the few X-Men comics I bought (with Spiral), she also apparently joined the team in the comics set after the cartoon. So, she does have a lot of significance. She also helps competes the 90’s team. I have now paid for Nightcrawler and Storm, just a Jean Grey away from X-Men completion! (And Colossus technically, but he's due any time now.)
I have now got NECA cartoon Leonardo, my initial thoughts are very positive, but will be expensive to complete the team! He's a very good size - the Playmates figures were a bit big compared to Marvel Legends scaled stuff, but also 80's/90's Turtles were slightly smaller than other toylines, so I appreciate the shortness. One thing that is key for me with Turtles figures is the shell colour and design, and this one is perfect. He's not super posable, but I think he has just enough articulation. I like the way this figure looks next to Legends. Also, it photographs amazingly well.
I have spent a bit time thinking about what sort of Turtles I want - comic, cartoon, toy, or movie even. I don't have any connection to the original comics, but generally with my toys I go for ones based on the original source material. I think the Playmates had they been a bit smaller would have been perfect. I really like this cartoon style figure but I am also eyeing up the Super 7 figures which look to be ridiculously expensive. Can’t make my mind up, but will hold off making a decision until we see a bit more of the new stuff.
There are rumours that the next WFC line will be focused on Rebirth. Just about every figure I could want is from 1987 or later (deluxe Insecticons I think are the sole exception), this could be it! Interestingly, the final part could be animal based Transformers. Bigger Sky Lynx and Dinobots please! But, at that point I think it would be more about getting better versions. And maybe some Beast Wars?! (Off the top of my head I need Tarantulas, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, and Airrazor.) I have also managed to squeeze in an order for the Reflector 3-pack. Like I said, generally I like to go toy accurate, but the cartoon colours were tempting.
I have suggested that I might take a break from collecting next year, I came across a term recently which I very much identify with - FOMO - fear of missing out. That's it in a nutshell. Perhaps taking a break is a bit drastic (given my extreme FOMO), but after Toy Fair next year, once I know what's coming I might work out what I really want, and limit myself to only opening that stuff. See what I have stacked up that perhaps I don't want.
My interest in Transformers has evolved, it started off as nostalgia for the cartoon, that evolved into nostalgia for the toys. I then watched the Japanese cartoons, and read the Marvel and Dreamwave comics. I now read the IDW comics and the toys I want reflect this evolution. Scorponok appears in everything on that list, the middle two Japanese cartoons and IDW, and Thunderclash is all IDW. None of the cast of the cartoons or toyline I remember as a kid are on it, they're done. Had I not embraced new media I would be done apart from Scorponok.
I saved a few pictures of the 90’s X-Men teams a while back and it’s been playing on my mind. Basically I now need Captain Britain and Psylocke. They’re British, I’m in Britain, it all makes sense. Cap B is still available at retail price, more or less, but Psylocke has about doubled. Bollocks! I bought her, sold her at a loss and now want to buy her again. Suffice to say, They’re both on their way (again).
They both appeared in the 90’s cartoon so it’s not all patriotic nonsense. I bought a New Excalibur comic in the 2000’s so I actually have some connection to the team. I like that Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde were both in Excalibur as they are sort of leftovers from the main 90’s teams otherwise (Blue, Gold and X-Factor). For Pyslocke she was also on the cover of one of the few X-Men comics I bought (with Spiral), she also apparently joined the team in the comics set after the cartoon. So, she does have a lot of significance. She also helps competes the 90’s team. I have now paid for Nightcrawler and Storm, just a Jean Grey away from X-Men completion! (And Colossus technically, but he's due any time now.)
I have now got NECA cartoon Leonardo, my initial thoughts are very positive, but will be expensive to complete the team! He's a very good size - the Playmates figures were a bit big compared to Marvel Legends scaled stuff, but also 80's/90's Turtles were slightly smaller than other toylines, so I appreciate the shortness. One thing that is key for me with Turtles figures is the shell colour and design, and this one is perfect. He's not super posable, but I think he has just enough articulation. I like the way this figure looks next to Legends. Also, it photographs amazingly well.
I have spent a bit time thinking about what sort of Turtles I want - comic, cartoon, toy, or movie even. I don't have any connection to the original comics, but generally with my toys I go for ones based on the original source material. I think the Playmates had they been a bit smaller would have been perfect. I really like this cartoon style figure but I am also eyeing up the Super 7 figures which look to be ridiculously expensive. Can’t make my mind up, but will hold off making a decision until we see a bit more of the new stuff.
There are rumours that the next WFC line will be focused on Rebirth. Just about every figure I could want is from 1987 or later (deluxe Insecticons I think are the sole exception), this could be it! Interestingly, the final part could be animal based Transformers. Bigger Sky Lynx and Dinobots please! But, at that point I think it would be more about getting better versions. And maybe some Beast Wars?! (Off the top of my head I need Tarantulas, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, and Airrazor.) I have also managed to squeeze in an order for the Reflector 3-pack. Like I said, generally I like to go toy accurate, but the cartoon colours were tempting.
I have suggested that I might take a break from collecting next year, I came across a term recently which I very much identify with - FOMO - fear of missing out. That's it in a nutshell. Perhaps taking a break is a bit drastic (given my extreme FOMO), but after Toy Fair next year, once I know what's coming I might work out what I really want, and limit myself to only opening that stuff. See what I have stacked up that perhaps I don't want.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Off for a cuppa
So how am I doing? Re-reading some of my posts from earlier in the year, I have bought a lot less stuff from eBay - for the few things I have bought it has just been the best option. I don't have a 'want to get' list full of figures from previous years where eBay is the only option so that is good. There has been a heck of a lot of new stuff coming out that I've wanted though so I have sold a lot of stuff to buy it. So far, pretty responsible, but no difficult decisions either. That is where I am now - I want too much stuff which I don't have the money for. I could put off buying it, but the situation isn't looking any better for 2020 (potentially Scorponok, Seacons, a commander class figure, BAF Strong Guy, Thundercats). Something has to give then.
I think in terms of distraction, I have made some progress, though I think as much as anything the distraction relates to tiredness. The more tired you are, the more easily distracted. Makes sense really. So what to do? A quick Google search suggests to avoid distractions (genius!), drink lots of water, have a shower, work on well defined and easy things, and move around a lot. I'm off to have a cuppa, as I can't stop thinking how much I need the Iron Man/Iron Spider set! Most people seem to have had enough of movie Iron Man armours, but to me this is the perfect set which I've been eagerly awaiting.
I had a slightly strange realisation, I regularly find myself craving news - I check the front pages of websites to see if anything new has been announced, I look forward to Toy Fair and SDCC. I almost never find myself craving a new toy to open. I don’t buy things because I need something to open. If anything I find I have too much to open, and so often have a backlog. I think knowing that something is being made and knowing that I own the thing is what I crave most.
I’ve got Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge in hand. I’ve already expressed my excitement repeatedly, but what a wave! I don’t think there will ever be such a good wave. I have an irrational like of Forge, he’s never been in a film, but he had several cameos in TAS and Evolution, and was on the team in Wolverine and the X-Men, although rarely in action. He’s one of my favourite X-Men for some reason, really happy to have a figure of him.
Beast is amazing! I wasn’t expecting much, but I think he’s great. He can do some really good poses. Yes it would be good if he had a more neutral facial expression, and some wash on his biceps to match the shoulders and forearms, but I’m really taken with him. I had a really great geeky day, opened Beast, re-read volume 1 of Transformers Lost Light and found out that Hasbro has the Ghostbusters license (3.75” or 6” Real Ghostbusters please!). All is good!
Having spotted a bit of the second wave of Endgame Legends figures at the Disney store last week, I went back today and found Loki. It’s great to find things in person, it was a really hot day and there was a parade going on, very memorable! Marvel Legends Alpha Flight have been announced for Marvel Legends, I am a little tempted but think am happy to enjoy from a distance. (I like the idea of getting Sasquatch but after checking the price on eBay, I'm good.)
There are rumours that Namor will be the villain for the next Black Panther film, please be true!!! Another round of Disney plus Marvel shows were announced at D23: Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk! Fantastic. I’ve added those characters to my Legends want list. The new She-Hulk looks great, just need a green one. And I want a classic Moon Knight. With all these series announced by Marvel, but with the same actors (and budget?), I wonder whether it is more profitable for them? (Less middle men than traditional cinema?) If so and Disney plus is successful then maybe that’s where the future lies for them.
It sounds like the deal between Marvel and Sony has broken down, I think Marvel will wait it out - the MCU really doesn’t need Spider-Man and I can’t imagine Sony only films will do as well - I’m not sure I will bother - I never saw any of the Andrew Garfield films at the cinema. Sony will be forced back to the negotiating table.
I think in terms of distraction, I have made some progress, though I think as much as anything the distraction relates to tiredness. The more tired you are, the more easily distracted. Makes sense really. So what to do? A quick Google search suggests to avoid distractions (genius!), drink lots of water, have a shower, work on well defined and easy things, and move around a lot. I'm off to have a cuppa, as I can't stop thinking how much I need the Iron Man/Iron Spider set! Most people seem to have had enough of movie Iron Man armours, but to me this is the perfect set which I've been eagerly awaiting.
I had a slightly strange realisation, I regularly find myself craving news - I check the front pages of websites to see if anything new has been announced, I look forward to Toy Fair and SDCC. I almost never find myself craving a new toy to open. I don’t buy things because I need something to open. If anything I find I have too much to open, and so often have a backlog. I think knowing that something is being made and knowing that I own the thing is what I crave most.
I’ve got Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge in hand. I’ve already expressed my excitement repeatedly, but what a wave! I don’t think there will ever be such a good wave. I have an irrational like of Forge, he’s never been in a film, but he had several cameos in TAS and Evolution, and was on the team in Wolverine and the X-Men, although rarely in action. He’s one of my favourite X-Men for some reason, really happy to have a figure of him.
Beast is amazing! I wasn’t expecting much, but I think he’s great. He can do some really good poses. Yes it would be good if he had a more neutral facial expression, and some wash on his biceps to match the shoulders and forearms, but I’m really taken with him. I had a really great geeky day, opened Beast, re-read volume 1 of Transformers Lost Light and found out that Hasbro has the Ghostbusters license (3.75” or 6” Real Ghostbusters please!). All is good!
Having spotted a bit of the second wave of Endgame Legends figures at the Disney store last week, I went back today and found Loki. It’s great to find things in person, it was a really hot day and there was a parade going on, very memorable! Marvel Legends Alpha Flight have been announced for Marvel Legends, I am a little tempted but think am happy to enjoy from a distance. (I like the idea of getting Sasquatch but after checking the price on eBay, I'm good.)
There are rumours that Namor will be the villain for the next Black Panther film, please be true!!! Another round of Disney plus Marvel shows were announced at D23: Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk! Fantastic. I’ve added those characters to my Legends want list. The new She-Hulk looks great, just need a green one. And I want a classic Moon Knight. With all these series announced by Marvel, but with the same actors (and budget?), I wonder whether it is more profitable for them? (Less middle men than traditional cinema?) If so and Disney plus is successful then maybe that’s where the future lies for them.
It sounds like the deal between Marvel and Sony has broken down, I think Marvel will wait it out - the MCU really doesn’t need Spider-Man and I can’t imagine Sony only films will do as well - I’m not sure I will bother - I never saw any of the Andrew Garfield films at the cinema. Sony will be forced back to the negotiating table.
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