Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Without the funny Cybertronian bits

I’ve opened Springer, I like him so far, but I’m not quite sure whether I like him more than the 30th anniversary figure yet. He’s a good mix of toy and cartoon accurate, and I’m rather fond of the original toy’s altmodes which was my main reason for getting this one. He’s more fiddly certainly, but everything clicks into place nicely to make it seem pretty solid. I’ll keep on messing with him.

Colossus and Juggernaut have arrived. Having a few figures from the Juggernaut wave I was aware of how big his arms and legs are, but wow, this is one chunky figure. I really like the open hands for that extra width.

They both look amazing, a part of me thinks I’m still very happy with the 3.75” scaled figures, but Universe Colossus is rather blue and very angry, not really what comes to mind when I think of the character.

The smashed up face is perfect for when Juggernaut goes up against the Hulk. I’m really starting to appreciate how photogenic (and fun) these new Legends are.

Psylocke arrived again, this is what I said last time: “I’ve opened Bishop and Psylocke (purple hair). Fantastic figures. Bishop’s one of my favourites from the 90’s cartoon, so it’s great to have a figure that does him justice. Psylocke is also very well done. Need to put together the rest of the teams!” So all that still applies, with the small edit that now all I only need Jean Grey to complete the teams!

I think this will be the first time I really feel like I’ve completed something, with Marvel Universe and Transformers I did complete teams but they never properly matched aesthetically (or they were teams of size four). A complete 90’s X-Men team, finally!

There are rumours of a leader Optimus with trailer, presumably the Siege figure without the funny Cybertronian bits, but with a trailer. I came extremely close to buying the Siege figure - I saw it in a shop, went back to buy it only for Soundwave to be on the shelf so I bought him instead. So I’m a little tempted, especially as I changed my Classics Megatron for the Siege. Similarly, earth Starscream. I thought a voyager F-15 version was inevitable, surprised how quickly it has happened if this is true. I would buy Skywarp and Thundercracker as well. I’m also quite keen for a voyager Sunstorm, but I think I would keep my (deluxe) Classics coneheads and ghost Starscream even if they were options.

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