It’s throwing up questions - some figures are customs where a real version has since been released. Some I suspect are knock offs. Should I replace them? It’s also providing some answers though, over time I’ve made several collecting decisions and so I’m really getting a feel for what that decision means in terms of space (I’m already fairly aware of what it meant in terms of cost). Star Wars for instance actually takes up very little space. 3.75” Marvel on the other hand takes up two entire boxes by itself, Marvel Legends is one box, but is still growing!
I’ve been trying to work out what line each figure belongs to and when it was released. That’s pretty simple for some and extremely difficult for others. Pikachu for instance, I have no idea. He’s just had too many figures.
Overall though it’s a very useful exercise, it’s helping me think about how I feel about each figure. Do they still feel relevant? Ultimately, if I try to reduce the overall volume, what would make a difference without seeming like a big loss? Could I find 10 3.75” figures I no longer want, or should I just get rid of a Sentinel?
Just as I packed up my Star Wars collection, I picked up a new figure. Rey! Looking good. My Star Wars collection has some amazing figures in it, I really should look at them more.
I also got the Shockwave's Lab add on parts for Dai Atlas, really makes a difference (can't remember whether I said I'd ordered them).
I’ve got quite a few things piling up which need opening, but with all the organising I’m doing things are a bit of a mess so I don’t want to make it worse by opening extra items. I have made an exception for the new Generations Snaptrap. He looks great, the G1 version is one of my favourite combiners and this certainly does it justice even given the constraints of being a remold of Hun-Gurrr. The turtle and Piranacon heads look great, though I’m not sure about regular robot head. Looking forward to completing Piranacon.
Speaking of piling up, I heard that the W1 Siege Targetmasters (Battle masters) had turned up in B&M, I duly went and bought them, and somehow have further ordered Caliburst and Aimless online. Dammit! I hadn't bought any of the Targetmasters (or micromasters), but I can't resist a bargain and if there's a complete set to bed had, I need them (namely the Targetmasters for Triggerhappy, Slugslinger and Misfire). I'm not too worried about the Targetmasters for Spinister, but if they release Crosshairs' then I could be tempted.
This year my four big purchases are going to be ‘s’s - Seacons, Strong Guy, Sky Lynx and Scorponok. Once I’ve got those I think I will mostly be done with combiners, BAFs and Titans. Reckon there are a few potential big figures they could do though hopefully not all at the same time.
Bit of pre Toy Fair news and rumours, BAF Venom will be released again with a classic deco, sounds good to me. Super 7 have announced Leonardo for the TMNT line (I like what they’ve done with Shredder), and rumours for Transformers Earthrise continue, all looks and sounds promising! I’m looking forward to Toy Fair, it will be good to know what I’m buying this year. Almost there.
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