Lots of Transformers rumours confirmed. Sky Lynx looks great, as does Snapdragon (he's on the really want list). And Alicon (shall I get two or three?). Doubledealer looks solid so he's a maybe, strangely the metallic repaint of Siege Megatron with a properly coloured Lionizer is also quite tempting. The Quintesson I'm not sure about, if it was deluxe it would have been easier. I’m increasingly intrigued by Runabout/Runamuck (I don’t know which is which) which is annoying as I was perfectly happy with the club versions.
I'm trying for the most part to not re-buy characters I already have, but if there's a size class change then it's easier to justify - only Hoist (and presumably Trailbreaker) and Runabout/Runamuck are the same again (deluxe). Though with Cliffjumper and Doubledealer, my current figures are already the right size class. Optimus is a trickier one since he's a leader because of the additional trailer. Starscream and Sky Lynx needed upsizing so very happy with them.
In contrast for Siege, Hound, Mirage, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Springer, Reflector, Shockwave were all re-buys, and only Reflector and Shockwave were upsizes.
It feels like I'm passing on almost everything, but I'm down for Sky Lynx and Scorponok so going to be an expensive year. As I go through my figures, I'm conscious that a Titan figure is equivalent in space terms to a lot of smaller figures, so I've got to be certain I need them. There's no question about whether I need Scorponok (I most certainly do), but it gets trickier with the likely Takara Black Zarak (the G1 figure is something of a 'grail' for me). I'm also not sure whether I need G1 Fortress Maximus still.
Well, Doubledealer and the Quintesson are definitely needed! Down for a couple of Alicons as well. Snapdragon looks good. Nothing else really grabbing me Transformers wise. From other lines, Tarzan looks good from Bossfight Studios. The new (premium) Hasbro Ghostbusters are movie as expected, but that they're doing Real Ghostbusters stuff is encouraging. The Marvel Legends reveals all look good, I'm amazed to see movie X-Men figures, but they're not for me. 90's War Machine is another maybe.
I think the absolute highlight is the Cheetara reveal from Super 7, that really is exciting. Leonardo looks good as well. Hopefully I'll get Raphael soon and be able to see what their figures are like. I think that concludes Toy Fair! Thundercats, Turtles and Power Rangers are all two characters away from completion. Ghostbusters is looking promising. Marvel Legends is going along nicely with the odd figure here and there. Transformers has given me the figure I've most wanted since Fansproject making headmasters made collecting the 1987 lineup a distinct reality. Scorponok, Sky Lynx, Doubledealer, Snapdragon and Alicon are all excellent updates/addition to some of my favourite subgroup of Transformers - animal altmodes.
I've realised that saying I will be happy with my collection when I have certain figures is setting myself up for failure (or least, not happiness). I think I need to focus on the 'system'. My system (now) is to see toys be announced (usually Toy Fair or SDCC), preorder them, pay for them, open, take a photo with other related figures, and finally put it in storage. When I get tempted by other things I find it disturbing (mostly because of the money). I need to focus on making the system work for me to maximise my enjoyment.
I haven't been tempted by too many things that I wasn't expecting, but I need to be wary of me changing my mind. It will be expensive when Scorponok and Sky Lynx hit, but I'm hoping that will be a one off. I'm not counting down to SDCC, I'm looking forward to Scorponok and Cheetara!
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