Friday, November 10, 2023

Level 42

Got me some Lego minifigs, I got these as an insurance policy, just in case we don’t get them again and the cost will only go up! Changed the hairpiece on Storm. (Speaking of which, there seems to be a rumour on an X-Mansion set!)

Made a custom Ronan to complete my Annihilators lineup. I went the whole hog taking the legs to pieces to properly paint the knees. I did consider a cape but he generally doesn’t have one. The Colossus mold is very versatile, it’s strange they didn’t make more use of it.

I’ve got a stash of unopened 3.75” figures (cough, hoarding, cough….), I realised since Love and Thunder, Jane Foster Thor is fair game. So opened it and it caused me to take a couple of movie inspired photos.

Looking at my remaining custom plans, a couple were redoing old customs and so not very exciting. I realised that the Legends Terrax figure was available for a good price and Annihilus is getting a Selects figure. (Terrax is pretty cool.) So crossed them all off the list which just leaves Surtur! I really struggled to work out what to use for his tail but ultimately went for a snake……

Have been rather distracted by 3.75” Marvel, kind of forgot about Transformers! Out of nowhere there was a Magmatron reveal which seems pretty crazy as there’s nothing wrong with the original. I’ve preordered it but it got me thinking maybe I need to double up on Megatron as well. I wasn’t a fan of the purple/excess sand colour on the Kingdom figure but then Takara did this!

Interestingly there seems to be a Big Convoy image on the Magmatron boxart so might have to rethink my doubling up plans once again (I’ve got the original plus the Encore anime version). I still wonder if we’ll get a Galvatron from dragon Megatron. Generally though Transformers isn’t too exciting at the moment.

Haslab Giant Man is exciting though, looked a bit uncertain initially but got there in the end. There also seems to be rumours on pretty much every Legends figure I might want - Yellowjacket, Ms. Marvel has been shown on the Beyond Earth’s Mightiest artwork. Wolfsbane as part of a Wolverine set was rumoured a while back and the Wolverine sets further collaborated by other sources. Then at NYCC there was apparently a comment of ‘more Inhumans’. Yay! Hope it all pans out.

After the Haslab and Takara Beast Wars it’s been an expensive couple of weeks but also really anticipating the Lego Avengers Tower. That’s my Christmas sorted! I think the X-Mansion and Baxter Building are definitely my most wanted toys let alone Lego now. Baxter Building I think requires the film to do well and given where the MCU is now that’s not guaranteed. Thinking about the MCU, I haven’t quite mustered the enthusiasm for Loki season 2 just yet. Or Ahsoka. Will give them both a go eventually.

Ghost Jaga turned up on Halloween! Very appropriate, he looks pretty great. Really hope it doesn’t yellow. Just need Snarf!

Finally, Mark II Iron Man arrived. Nothing too surprising, good Tony Stark sculpt. That’s armours I-III sorted, just need updated armours for the second film!

Finished Surtur (although a bit like Ronan, he needs his weapon). That’s 42 customs done, time for a break! They’re in a good place though, I’ve done the regular Mortal Kombat characters, the main Batman villains, and completed all Marvel teams and important villains. Even if I never pick up a paintbrush again, there’s no major gaps.

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