Jada are killing it with Streetfighter, I’ve got Ryu, Ken and Chun Li, and now I’ve got Dhalsim, M. Bison, Guile, Sagat, Vega and Blanka preordered. Not only that, they’ve shown off E. Honda, Balrog, Zangief and Akuma! Amazing.
SDCC has been pretty amazing for Marvel Legends, Lockjaw and Crystal!!! My two most wanted figures! I’m tempted by Wong, and the Deadpool and Wolverine figures of the same name (hoping to see the film soon). Some other exciting reveals although nothing really for me. With Wolfsbane in hand and Odin on the way, and dark Ms. Marvel now rumoured (might need some parts swapping to make an A:EMH Carol version), my remaining Legends wants are almost non-existent.
Hasbro showed off some Transformers at SDCC…… fascinating……. When most of the excitement seems to be about how much a Crossover figure looks like an Omnibot you know they’re scraping the barrel. There is a rumour of an Ironfist Carnivac set next year which got me thinking about the Wreckers. One visit to TF Wiki later and I decided to get HFTD Seaspray and Breacher (again, I miss owning them) and Strongarm. Seaspray will need whitening so ordered some peroxide as well. I think out of all the rumours for next year it’s the Wrecker-Mayhem sets which I’m looking forward to the most - the potential for Octopunch, Stranglehold, and even Thunderwing, Thunderclash and Skyquake is exciting. Octopunch in particular makes sense since they’ve been using the Mayhems logo with the octopus arms.
Some of the post SDCC stuff interviews are very encouraging though - mentions of Road Caesar, Grandus, Wreckers, Nautica, Riptide (and Lost Light generally) all mentioned is exciting. With mentions of Lost Light and Wreckers, surely ‘he’ must be coming! (Combined with reports of various previous interviews given by the Hasbro team.) I predict if he’s not in the Wreckers Mayhems capsule next year then he’ll get his own mold.
The Mondo Ghostbusters look really good, just really expensive. So really that just leaves Transformers as the one franchise where I’ve got a large number of wants. (Could be tempted by a 6” Mortal Kombat line though!) Currently Throttlebots and Thunderclash top the list, but I’m feeling like the 1988 Autobots generally need some attention, particularly the Triggerbots to go with their Decepticon counterparts that we’ve now got.
I’ve popped in preorders for Marvel Legends Venom (again), Wong, D&W Deadpool and Wolverine, and Takara 40th Lio Convoy. So much for not replacing figures!
Some of the new Streetfighter figures arrived - Dhalsim and M. Bison. Dhalsim is great, I think he looks really good sitting cross legged on my desk. Bison does the job but with the slightly larger size perhaps seems a bit plain? Looking forward to the next lot.
Also got another Cosmic Legions figure - Olek Thygar, the colours on the spacesuit are very sharp. I’m content just getting a few figures - I might get a couple from Wave 4 but there is part of me that feels like I’m missing out as I can’t take advantage of the interchangeability of parts. It did make me think about my ‘cosmic’ figures (Cosmic Marvel, Star Wars and Legions), and so realised I needed Beta Ray Bill. Not his classic costume but given I only really know him from A:EMH, I’m okay with it. That said, I’ll probably be tempted when Hasbro do a classic version. I also got tempted by the updated Luke Cage. Dammit, looks good though.
I’ve got the new Blokees Snarl figures. All good! Naturally had to paint the eyes red. Shortly after, Swoop turned up! He’s a bit simpler and shorter than the other Dinobots (which is fine). I wish he could turn his pterodactyl head but very happy to have a complete set, feels like quite the milestone. I look forward to a version with the red chest (hope it still has a gold beak though).
I’ve decided to set myself a collecting goal for the last third (ish) of the year - no buying things on the secondhand market (so, eBay). Except Baldigus if I see one for a decent price. Anything else will have to wait until at least December.
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