Well, it's December, I'm back in Europe and desperately trying to fit all my figures on a small set of shelves. Something's got to give!
Over the course of moving, packing everything up and remembering how much stuff I gave other people to look after. I've got a lot, I reckon in 2 years I've almost doubled the number of figures I have. (Actually looking at how much I've spent, probably doubled and some.....)
Anyway, it's really sunk in now just how much I have. There's so much that frankly until my kids (which don't exist yet) leave home, I'm going to have to adopt some sort of rotation system.
First things first; prioritise; my must display toys are the Marvel Universe/Infinite Heroes figures, Classics/Universe Transformers and my animal themed G1 Transformers. I was originally going to go with the usual Autobot/Decepticon/Seasons 1 and 2/Movie split for my Transformers but upon re-reading my War Within comics, something better occurred to me:
In the second volume when Prime and Megatron are missing, the respective faction further sub-divide - Autobots, Wreckers, Lightning Strike Coalition, Decepticons, Predacons and Ultracons. Brilliant! I then realised that the characters featured are the usual Season 1 and 2 'formers supplemented by some of the later Decepticons. Which are mainly Animal Transformers. I had a figure of most of the characters featured - Classics/Universe for most of the early characters, and then G1 figures for the later characters. This was a much more interesting way of displaying my figures.
With the Chaos Trinity as an extra faction (with Movie Bludgeon when I get him), plus borrowing a bit from later comics, the Resistance (Hot Rod and co), and the Dead Universe (IDW), plus a bit of imagination, pretty much every character had a faction. Each faction would then get a shelf. I think there will still need to be some rotation but I think it'll work a treat. Photos soon!
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