Having got back to Europe, I shipped my pile of loot from BBTS, it really was like several Christmases at once! I've opened most of the Transformers Universe and Marvel Universe (3.75") lines. Still a few more to go, which I'm spreading out over the festive period.
Anyway, it's almost the end of the year and indeed the end of the decade. There seems to be lots of 'best of's at the moment so I thought I'd join in, and give my own 'best of'. (Transformers naturally.)
It's a best of list from all time (not just the last year or decade) and I've gone for 15, no reason really other than that's how many I came up with when I made a list of my favourite figures. So here we go, in no particular order:
1). Henkei Dinobot - I should emphasise that this is the Henkei version, and not the Universe version for the simple reason of being the right colour. This figure is cartoon accurate, a dinosaur, has a sword and is doesn't fall over due to good size feet. Spot on.
2). Masterpiece Grimlock - Again, a dinosaur with a sword which is always a winning combination. Super detailed, and a faithful upgrade from G1. You can even change his visor from G1 toy accurate red to anime accurate blue, the ultimate Grimlock figure.
3). G1 Steeljaw - I'm a big fan of the cassette-formers and although Steeljaw may not be the best (I think Laserbeak takes that award due to being the least 2-dimensional), or even have done much in the fiction (take a bow Ravage or Rumble), I like him simply because he's a lion, and possibly because he's an Autobot. Oh, and he was the first cassette I got.
4). G1 Sixshot - A brick certainly, but in my opinion one of the best bricks. Granted as an adult collector posability is everything, but as a child that really wasn't a worry, and in fact the great thing was that they were some of the few toys that could actually stand up on carpet. Sixshot has a great colour scheme (much better than say Greatshot), and in the (Japanese) cartoon he killed Ultra Magnus, then ultimately switched sides. Brilliant! (Does anyone else find Ultra Magnus annoying!?) If I could the 10 year old me a present Sixshot would be the one. He also has 6 modes including a plane and puma. Hours and hours of fun.......
5). Universe Sunstreaker - Lamborghinis are one of my favourite cars, and yellow Lambos in particular. Universe Sunstreaker is anime accurate, and another fantastic update to a classic character. On a side note, I'm not such a fan of Universe Sideswipe; the head sculpt just isn't as good and I suspect the Sunstreaker aspect of the toy was designed first.
6). Cybertron Scourge - Well, Galaxy Force Flame Convoy really since I own the Japanese version. In my opinion, the best dragon transformer, bright colours and nicely posable. He also owns an axe, and is another one of those characters who switches allegiances. (Seems to be a reoccurring theme in this list.......)
7). RID Scourge - Again, actually Car Robots Black Convoy but the figure that started off the Nemesis Prime trend of repaints. Teal and black looks far better than the original Optimus Prime colours, and again, he has a sword which really seals the deal. He holds a unique place in my collection, the only G2 figure, the only RID figure and I got him because he's awesome, not because he fits in with my collection at all.
8). Beast Wars II Halfshell - G1 Snaptrap to you and me, I like this guy because he's a turtle, has a great colour scheme, and because has a sword. He also forms the body for one of my favourite G1 combiners. Enough said.
9). G1 Deszaras - Emperor of Destruction in the Victory series. One of my most expensive figures but one of my favourites. His dragon/bird monster head is all chrome, it's one of the few figures that chrome actually really works well on. For me, a big dragon with big wings, and a vicious looking face is always a winner.
10). G1 Smokescreen - not including Sideswipe who I had as a kid, Smokescreen was my first Autobot car and I was surprised how small he was. The diaclone line had some great figures, but the Datsun mold has to be one of the best (hence being used 3 times I guess), and I think Smokescreen has the best colours out of the 3, as well as being a sports model which always helps.
11). G1 Sixtrain - I've always had a soft spot for Micromasters, Trains and combiners, so Sixtrain is a winning (excuse the pun) combination. Good colour scheme as well.
12). G1 Sludge - I could have gone for any of the original Dinobots really, but I opted for Sludge. I remember as a kid being amazed how he formed such a long dinosaur whilst not being that tall a robot. He's the most posable out of the original dinobots, and one that needs an update.
13). Universe Onslaught - A superb example of how a bit of extra size can make for a much better toy (Galvatron, I'm looking at you). I think he also looks genuinely threatening, almost like he's wearing a gas mask (maybe more creepy than threatening). FansProject are making an upgrade kit for Universe Bruticus, which in the name of only having one version of a character means some sort of rotation system will be needed.
14). 10th Anniversary Beast Wars Megatron - You know, the retooled version of the original. Anime accurate, a dinosaur, etc. No sword, but a fine toy none the less.
15). Classics Bumblebee - Similarly to Onslaught I guess, bigger is better. The best G1 Bumblebee in my opinion, a simple but effective transformation. Maybe I just like yellow Transformers..... I also have the legends version, and so suffer with the dilemna of whether to go with the clearer superior deluxe version, or the legends version which makes more sense scale wise with the other (legends) minibots.
So there you go, my favourite 15 figures. Plenty of room for discussion (particularly if you're not a sword and dinosaur fan!). Happy New Year!!!
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