Saturday, May 25, 2019

Quite Philosophical

Well, it's been almost a month and I haven't added anything else to my want list. I looked back at everything I've bought over the last few years, and there's been the odd month here and there where I've only bought things that I planned. I need to make a month where I buy something unplanned the exception, one month at a time. I’ve come up with a new ‘rule’; if I find something I want that’s been out for a while (only available on eBay), then if I wait three months before buying it then that counts as a planned purchase.

I'm feeling quite philosophical, possibly because I still find myself thinking about Avengers Endgame, it's quite easy to spend time looking at YouTube watching various tribute videos! I have a strange sense of needing something to look forward to, new figures, news, something! SDCC and the new Spider-Man film seem a long way away. I keep on checking my emails to see if my preorders for the new X-Men figures have come in. I need to try and find some more things to sell, I have a lot of post office receipts to throw out as well. Would be nice to have a break from the dreaded eBay invoices though.

I’ve got some more thoughts on Fortress Maximus. He’s rather unique because he is one of the few characters I have a third party figure of, which I refuse to get rid of. My only other remaining third party figures are the KFC cassettes (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Ratbat, Overkill and Slugfest). I love this representation of the Japanese Fortress character, I mostly wanted it for for Fortress, but the (maximus) body is very accurate and actually, better looking than Metroplex. I would prefer a green chest door (like the Hasbro version), but otherwise it’s spot on. He represents a major step forward in my collecting, and it feels like a big deal (no pun intended!) to get him.

The preorder for the Hulk Wolverine set has gone up, it’s expected in August. As it is I’m passing (temporarily) on the Magneto set plus three of the NECA turtles. Need to save a lot of money! Really hope the other 80th anniversary stuff comes out later. It's lucky I'm passing on Omega Supreme because there's no chance I could afford him as well. Why does everything seem to be coming out in July and August?! (Very excited though.)

I realise with Marvel Legends I am stricter than with my 3.75" collection, strictly one figure per character (except Iron Man armours), always need thigh swivels, none of those funny twisty hip joints (again except Iron Man armours), and no customising (not even Iron Man armours). The collections serve different purposes, Legends is about the definitive versions of my favourite/main characters, Universe is about collecting and customising, mixing different lines, even brands to get a complete a collection of characters as possible.

Doc Ock has arrived! The first one went missing so it was attempt number two. Although the arms aren't posable it's still a fun figure and one which I'm glad I have. Hopefully he still stand better than my 3.75" figure.

Swoop has also arrived, he's grey. Not silver. Dammit! I sold off my blue swoop as soon as it was announced, but now am wondering whether I could do some limb swapping to make a figure that actually matched the other Dinobots, it would be tricky to swap the wings though. I do like him though - definitely prefer toy colours. I'm also keen to see what happens with the KO oversized figures with regards a G1 deco. Sludge definitely needs to be bigger, but perhaps the other three do as well. I won’t trudge back to eBay just yet, but I’m thinking about it.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Fourth Fortress

FORTRESS MAXIMUS!!! I've bought Legends Fortress Maximus. I’ve bought Fortress Maximus. Really can't get enough Legends! I'm very excited as he was the really big one from my list of wants. Like Ironhide, he's the fourth toy I've had of the character (G1/Perfect Effect/Kabaya).

There is a somewhat dark side to this story. Before selling some stuff to make this purchase, I actually applied for a credit card to buy it. Holy shit. Luckily I was refused, I think I entered my monthly income incorrectly, maybe I did it on purpose. I was actually slightly relived when I saw it had been turned down, that’s seems pretty weird to me.

It was my classic behaviour, I saw a good price. I thought I wouldn't see it again for such a low price and I had to have it. It was still available a few days later and all is good. I am very excited, obviously. Normally I add in some comment about what else I need after saying I've bought something, so Scorponok and Star Saber. I'm fast getting to the point where I actually have to change - I'm running out of things to sell.


Despite this self examination, I decided I wanted Fortress Maximus in September last year, so it’s not an impulse purchase. If I’m going to change then after Fort Max is a fine time to start, that said, that’s the same logic as an alcoholic having one last bender before going teetotal. It's a year where IDW Transformers, MCU and Star Wars are coming to end of their current arcs, so perhaps it's a good time for things to end. I’ve got a wave of X-Men coming soon, a few Siege and some 80th anniversary Legends coming in the Autumn. Need to be organised and save the money.

Speaking of which, preorders have just gone up for the second wave of Marvel Legends Avengers. Mark VI War Machine and Rescue! (That was what I was hinting at wanting last blog!) Yay! Was hoping for a Mark IV, so that seems a little less likely now. I’d also like an Mark 85 Iron Man, but I wonder whether we might get something in the 80th anniversary line so they can put in a few extras. I’ve passed on Loki for the time being, I do want him but have to prioritise.

I've quietly added Mandarin back to my wish list for Legends, he's Iron Man's archenemy, he's needed! But, overall I’m in a good place.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

End of the journey

I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't added any toys to my want list. I've not been so 'preoccupied'. I have spent a bit of time thinking about whether I want various figures, Juggernaut for instance, but taking them off the list rather than adding to it.

Despite this I have decided I want to get the NECA cartoon turtles which cost a pretty penny, and would probably equate to about 9 Marvel Legends figures (which if I added to my want list I'd probably give myself a hard time).

I am going to struggle to buy everything I want, but I have started thinking about my priorities - Thor, Hulk from the 80th anniversary line, Nightcrawler from the retro line. No preorders yet though.


Endgame. It’s the end of the journey. Phenomenal. You can say anything is good given the right caveat, but if you are invested in the MCU films, then this is best film ever. Sad, exhilarating, funny, emotional. I think I felt just about every single emotion. It is the end of a journey, which started in 2008. My life has changed so much in that time, that adds to the emotional weight. I’ve never spent so much time after seeing a film thinking about it. Three hours of pure escapism from the real world, I just can’t escape from the film!

This is the film that Revenge of the Sith should have been, the end of a saga, the end of the characters journeys, closure. Both films left me feeling emotionally drained, this one just did it in a good way. (I actually quite like ROTS, but it wasn’t satisfying the way it should have been.)

I don’t think we will ever have another film like this, the 22nd film of 22. I don’t think I will ever be so invested again. I love the characters, I love the universe. I will buy the box set and watch them all over and over again. (I’ve just bought Infinity War on DVD!)

I think I can add the 80th Mark 50/Iron Spider set on to my priority list, and I really need Mark 85 and War Machine Mark IV and VI figures! And while we’re on the subject, it occurred to me there’s another armour I now also need. A nice box set perhaps?

I like the idea of having one armour per armour wearing character, per film. This is mostly just a way of justifying to myself not to get the Mark I, II, IV and V armours, but given Bruce Banner uses a Hulkbuster armour in Infinity War, it sort of works! (And some armours are used in multiple films.)


I bought Legends Green Goblin. I am caught up again. One more Legends on my to get list - Gamora. I also want to get Arnim Zola, which is technically two, but I want him for my 3.75” display, so I’m going to count him separately. I want Fortress Maximus for my Classics display, so it’s one figure for each of my three largest collections. I’m in a good place, just can’t get Endgame out of my head!