In previous blogs I have anticipated the end of my collecting - what happens when the likes of (Transformers) Classics in all its incarnations and Marvel Universe finish up. And finish up they will - the pool of well known characters is running out, and I have no desire to own multiple toys of particular characters.
I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to stop buying the IDW Transformers comics - I just haven't been enjoying it that much, combine that with my finishing my g1 collection and it's hard to see where my continued interest will lie.
I think the Hunt for the Decepticons line has hinted at what will happen - I will cherry pick the best figures from the new lines, if they're interesting, if I can fit them into my own little universe. In addition there might well be newer versions of old favourites - in the same way that Marvel continuously produce Spider-Man figures, presumably most figures will get updated again.
Toy companies are not known for giving us everything we want in one go, they know by releasing it in dribs and drabs we will inevitably be tempted by other figures that we didn't even known we were interested in!
I think my future really lies in customs - I really enjoy coming up with ideas and learning new techniques to make ever more professional (I hope) custom figures. New figures will lead to new ideas! I think some Heart of Steel type customs would be fun. (I love the idea of a zeppelin!)
In addition I have a long running (since childhood) dream to create a Micromaster City - thinking about it I've got Fortress Maximus, Metroplex, Scorponok, Trypticon (plus Motormaster and Onslaught), Overlord, God Ginrai and Omega Supreme on the baseformer front, plus Countdown, Groundshaker, Skystalker, Skyhopper and Greasepit actual micromaster bases. I reckon that would make for quite a good (united faction) city. I could then of course make a few extra custom bits (probably involving raiding a hobby store) to make it more city like. Sadly though I reckon that could be a retirement type project unless I get a house with a particularly large loft!
Some interesting news on upcoing releases over the last week - from Mattel we've got some a boxset of Ghostbuster figures - the 4 ghostbusters plus Slimer. I then saw about Wave 16 of DC Universe featuring Azrael Batman and BAF Bane. After some quick calculations, and a look on ebay this is probably the cheapest (and presumably best in terms of quality) way of getting these characters. They're 6 inch obviously, but an Azrael/Bane face off and the ghostbusters will be the exception to my usual 3.75 inch rule. (The only other exception is Sub-Zero versus Scorpion with a loitering Reptile.)
I recently concluded that the Infinite Heroes line had died a death and so started planning a custom Harley Quinn figure - I'm not sure why, but out of all the Batman characters (except Azrael and Bane) that I really want a figure of, Harley is up there at the top of the list. On the day I was going to go out and buy a base figure for the custom, a prototype figure pops up on ebay. Amazing, and there's apparently an Poison Ivy figure too. Sweet! (For those keeping track, there's only Penguin, Riddler and Mr Freeze left.)
While I was thinking about these figures, as is so often the case I started thinking about all the things I collect and whether there is anything else missing - Thundercats are an obvious gap but they should be getting some figures next year, I've got all the turtles, I'll have all the ghostbusters. I came up with Power Rangers - I previously decided just to get Dragonzord and Tigerzord, on the grounds that (Dino) Megazord was a bit rubbish and Titanus was a bit random. Thinking about this further I realised that I still wanted the two latter items so I quickly pre-ordered on BBTS and vowed to sell the Tigerzord.
I often think about what motivates my collecting (justifying what I do and don't have), and it's basically about what stuff I wanted as a kid - the Turtles, the Ghostbusters, the Thundercats, the Power Rangers, the Transformers. Star Wars. Computer Games and Marvel/DC have come a bit later. But in all cases it's pretty much the main characters, or in some cases the figures from the first series or two of the cartoon.
I've got the Turtles, I'll soon have the Power Rangers and Ghostbusters, I'll get Thundercats next year, I've got Star Wars (miniatures plus Transformers), Transformers, Marvel and DC are in progress (Generations, Universe and Infinite Heroes) and computer games (Sonic, Nintendo, Mortal Kombat and Earthworm Jim) are almost done (if they ever release those 5 inch Wario and Bowser figures..........).
I sometimes think how amazing it is that I've got pretty much everything I ever wanted (I've accepted that the Turtlewagon and Ecto-1 are a step too far, might get a Thundertank next year though!). I almost have a toy of every character I've ever thought was cool and that's quite something.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, life couldn't be better!!!
To get (Transformers): Blast Off, Swindle, Straxus, Terradive, Highbrow, Blurr, Scourge, Tracks, Jazz, Skullgrin, Perceptor, Windcharger, Grapple, Thunderwing, Dinoking and Wheeljack, Reflector, Broadside, Eject, Rewind (if we get them!).
To get (Marvel/DC): Ms Marvel, Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Thanos, Galactus, Azrael, Bane, Cyclops, Apocalypse, Sentinel and Mandarin, Venom, Carnage, Storm, Loki, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy (if we ever get them!).
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Call of the Primatives (and Classics)
I started collecting in 2003, firstly the dinobots, the Takara Collection reissues, then pretty much every animal based transformer, baseformer and 1984/85 g1 transformer. I've now got all the ones I want so it seems like a good time to show off my collection.
I also have a few Beast Wars and Unicron Trilogy figures, plus I collect WST and Classics/Universe/Generations and anything else that fits in well.
I recently spent a few years abroad and so had my collection all boxed up. I was looking forward to displaying it all again, but knew that I wasn't going to be able to display it all at once. I was umming and arring about whether to display all my Classics, or all my g1 or the animal based g1, or maybe a little bit of each.
Re-reading some of the Dreamwave comics, (particularly War Within when Prime and Megatron have gone missing), I realised the Autobots were pretty much just the 84/85/86 characters, but the Decepticons, since they always had less toys, had their numbers boosted by later toys. It then also occured to me that most of the g1 animal transformers are Decepticons.
Rather than the traditional g1/classics displays by year and faction I decided to display by the factions in the WW comics, plus a few from elsewhere and some made up by me. Basically I would use the Classics version if it existed or the g1 if it didn't.
My first faction is 'Clones', really I think of them as an offshoot of the Decepticons (since they were created by Shockwave). MP Grimlock is lurking in the background because there's not space for him anywhere else.
This is the Wreckers (or maybe Team Dion), Countdown is considered an honoury Wrecker since he and Roadbuster are both Cybertron Defense molds in a previous life. Doubledealer is included because he doesn't fit on the shelf below....
This is Hot Rod's 'Resistance' faction and Ratbat's Ultracons. Gnaw is hidden behind Hot Rod, Doubledealer (ala IDW) should be on this shelf but can't fit. The Mighty Muggs will make way for Generations Blurr and Device Label Blaster when they arrive.
Marvel Universe, etc. Plus some TMNT!
Decepticons, featuring a couple of customs. I really like Movie Ravage so he's featuring at the moment. I have a vague plan to 'rotate' some figures when I fancy a change.
The Predacons plus the actual Predacons. Starscream does pretty well as he gets the Stunticons, Combaticons and Predacons under his command. I do have this idea that Razorclaw is thinking of going to set up his own faction - hence him sort of facing off against Starscream.
Grimlock's Lightning Strike Coalition - I included Seasaur as a sort of homage to 'Paddles' (see TF Wiki) before Magmatron brainwashed him. Yes the Headmasters are KOs.
The Autobots. Alternator Jazz is placeholding until the Generations version arrives.
Bludgeon's Chaos Trinity (Bugly died, but somehow they summoned Deszaras from the distant past.) Also my made-up 'Masters' faction - Scorponok and Overlord teaming up to take over Cybertron (with Darkwing, Dreadwind, Apeface, Snapdragon, Triggerhappy and Misfire.) There's a lack of space so I've just got the small bots 'master partners. (Normally there's a box where the Froggy bank is.)
Sorry for the slightly fuzzy photo..... This is the Neo Predacons faction - including Cybertron Scourge and Beast Wars Halfshell (plus Megatron, Dinobot and Archadis). Also the High Council - led by Fortress Maximus (they're a bit low on numbers but Grapple should be joining them soon.)
Slightly better shot of the Neo Predacons/High Council. The High Council are basically all the 'pacifists' who want to stop fighting and rebuild Cybertron.
The Dead Universe. Vector Prime is there since he can travel to any Universe he likes and really there's no where else for him to go. Monstructor is 'under construction', if I can't find a waistpiece for him I might make a custom frame for him (so it looks like scaffolding). Scourge and Thunderwing will go here when they arrive.
A view of my toy cuboard - a small beacon of toys in an otherwise grown up apartment (assuming you haven't looked in the wardrobe)!!!
My plan is to feature every main character somewhere in my display - the gaps are basically those that we know we're getting figures for in the Generations line (my reissues are in storage so not easily retrieved). I plan to swap a few figures around soon - I should be getting Defender, plus the Voyager Bludgeon.
As a little challenge if anyone's interested - I reckon there's 14 animal based g1 Transformers I haven't got (7 of which were Japan only). I appreciate it's hard to see but can anyone guess who they are!?
(Figures where there's a modern update are in storage, the Terrorcons are also in storage and the (original) Seacons are on their way from BBTS.)
I also have a few Beast Wars and Unicron Trilogy figures, plus I collect WST and Classics/Universe/Generations and anything else that fits in well.
I recently spent a few years abroad and so had my collection all boxed up. I was looking forward to displaying it all again, but knew that I wasn't going to be able to display it all at once. I was umming and arring about whether to display all my Classics, or all my g1 or the animal based g1, or maybe a little bit of each.
Re-reading some of the Dreamwave comics, (particularly War Within when Prime and Megatron have gone missing), I realised the Autobots were pretty much just the 84/85/86 characters, but the Decepticons, since they always had less toys, had their numbers boosted by later toys. It then also occured to me that most of the g1 animal transformers are Decepticons.
Rather than the traditional g1/classics displays by year and faction I decided to display by the factions in the WW comics, plus a few from elsewhere and some made up by me. Basically I would use the Classics version if it existed or the g1 if it didn't.
My first faction is 'Clones', really I think of them as an offshoot of the Decepticons (since they were created by Shockwave). MP Grimlock is lurking in the background because there's not space for him anywhere else.
This is the Wreckers (or maybe Team Dion), Countdown is considered an honoury Wrecker since he and Roadbuster are both Cybertron Defense molds in a previous life. Doubledealer is included because he doesn't fit on the shelf below....
This is Hot Rod's 'Resistance' faction and Ratbat's Ultracons. Gnaw is hidden behind Hot Rod, Doubledealer (ala IDW) should be on this shelf but can't fit. The Mighty Muggs will make way for Generations Blurr and Device Label Blaster when they arrive.
Marvel Universe, etc. Plus some TMNT!
Decepticons, featuring a couple of customs. I really like Movie Ravage so he's featuring at the moment. I have a vague plan to 'rotate' some figures when I fancy a change.
The Predacons plus the actual Predacons. Starscream does pretty well as he gets the Stunticons, Combaticons and Predacons under his command. I do have this idea that Razorclaw is thinking of going to set up his own faction - hence him sort of facing off against Starscream.
Grimlock's Lightning Strike Coalition - I included Seasaur as a sort of homage to 'Paddles' (see TF Wiki) before Magmatron brainwashed him. Yes the Headmasters are KOs.
The Autobots. Alternator Jazz is placeholding until the Generations version arrives.
Bludgeon's Chaos Trinity (Bugly died, but somehow they summoned Deszaras from the distant past.) Also my made-up 'Masters' faction - Scorponok and Overlord teaming up to take over Cybertron (with Darkwing, Dreadwind, Apeface, Snapdragon, Triggerhappy and Misfire.) There's a lack of space so I've just got the small bots 'master partners. (Normally there's a box where the Froggy bank is.)
Sorry for the slightly fuzzy photo..... This is the Neo Predacons faction - including Cybertron Scourge and Beast Wars Halfshell (plus Megatron, Dinobot and Archadis). Also the High Council - led by Fortress Maximus (they're a bit low on numbers but Grapple should be joining them soon.)
Slightly better shot of the Neo Predacons/High Council. The High Council are basically all the 'pacifists' who want to stop fighting and rebuild Cybertron.
The Dead Universe. Vector Prime is there since he can travel to any Universe he likes and really there's no where else for him to go. Monstructor is 'under construction', if I can't find a waistpiece for him I might make a custom frame for him (so it looks like scaffolding). Scourge and Thunderwing will go here when they arrive.
A view of my toy cuboard - a small beacon of toys in an otherwise grown up apartment (assuming you haven't looked in the wardrobe)!!!
My plan is to feature every main character somewhere in my display - the gaps are basically those that we know we're getting figures for in the Generations line (my reissues are in storage so not easily retrieved). I plan to swap a few figures around soon - I should be getting Defender, plus the Voyager Bludgeon.
As a little challenge if anyone's interested - I reckon there's 14 animal based g1 Transformers I haven't got (7 of which were Japan only). I appreciate it's hard to see but can anyone guess who they are!?
(Figures where there's a modern update are in storage, the Terrorcons are also in storage and the (original) Seacons are on their way from BBTS.)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Looking Back..........
I've just been reading through some of my 2009 posts and it's quite interesting to look back on my thoughts, hopes and excitement in hindsight. I thought it would be good to go over a few things I wrote about and see what happened and how I feel about them now.
Most importantly I got that set of shelves and have my collection nicely displayed (if a little crammed), I really will post some photos soon! I'm sticking to the rotation system idea, so I've rotated in g1 Jetfire and Stunticons for their Classics update (well, with the Stunticons it was Drag Strip and Motormaster/Energon Onslaught). I'm really proud of my 'faction' based display and it's quite fun deciding where figures not in the comics should fit in. (More discussion on that when I post those photos.........)
I'm not so disappointed with the Infinite Heroes figures now - I've got Two-Face, and I've grown to accept them. They seemed to have stopped now which is kinda sad. I'm looking at the DC Universe Azrael-Batman figure and wondering how I could fit that figure in - I read the Knightfall storyline in the early 90's so feel a particular attachment to the characters (Azrael, Bane and Nightwing). the Marvel Universe is still going very strong and with Galactus, Apocalypse, Carnage and Juggernaut, I'm getting the villains I was really hoping for.
I did finally get all the g1 figures I wanted (about 10 months later than planned), but it's going to be a while before the 'savings' kick in as there's some expensive Fansproject figures on the horizon - the Bruticus upgrade - I got my wish! Just hoping for a Devastator upgrade now.
The Classics line did return as 'Generations', I've got the Drift figure and think he's awesome - again, transformers with swords are brilliant beyond words. Not too disappointed with having splashed out for a resin kit last year. We're getting pretty much all of the key characters that were left so it's an amazing time to be collecting.
I ended up getting the Jazz alternator (now 'jazzed' up with reprolabels), he doesn't really fit but he'll display nicely with either MP Grimlock and Classics Bumblebee (Classic Pretender style) or Botcon Razorclaw. I also got Alternator Ravage (the second one). Really amazing figures and if I had the space I could well be tempted by the other Alternators.
I ended up getting the Wonderfest Ultra Magnus and Springer WST figures - very expensive, plus the Blaster and Shockwave figures. I've also got the WST KO combiners which work very nicely in scale with the official releases. Some of the colours are a bit off (KO style) so a bit of paint will be needed there!
I've tried my very best not to be completest - as far as I'm concerned I'm done with collecting g1, but various reissues could tempt me. I now have a list of 'hypothetical' figures figures which I'd buy if I won the lottery (I don't actually play the lottery so it seems unlikely). But it has figures which either take up too much space (e.g. micromaster bases), are too expensive (e.g. Black Zarak, Japanese exclusive dinosaur cassettes) or simply I don't really like (e.g. Firecons). I tried only to be completest about subgroups but there are some figures which would 'fill' a gap but aesthetically I just can't convince myself on.
I still have the dilemma about ordering (in advance) online or waiting for something to arrive at retail. With the first waves of a line (such as Generations), there was no problem waiting because it was certain that the UK would get the first wave. Equally I feel pretty confident with Darkmount/Straxus (who I think is wave 2), but Blurr in wave 4 is really rather uncertain. I've got him preordered at BBTS and it remains to be seen whether I'll hold. Equally with Marvel Universe, I waited and waited for Archangel (he turned up at Forbidden Planet as his wave mates were there), but he was short packed and so I've ended up paying double on ebay. It looks like it could be simpler with the Hunt for the Decepticon figures - there's no sign of wave 1 so it's a no-brainer with the later waves to order them online.
It's sad having to buy things online to be certain of getting things. One of the my best collecting moments was when I tried a few stores for Universe Superion, and eventually after a fairly lengthy train journey found him. It was a great day. (Funnily enough some of my local stores back in the UK have about 30 odd Movie Superion figures so I needn't have bothered!)
I'm really looking forward to the next year or so and there's some great stuff on it's way!
Most importantly I got that set of shelves and have my collection nicely displayed (if a little crammed), I really will post some photos soon! I'm sticking to the rotation system idea, so I've rotated in g1 Jetfire and Stunticons for their Classics update (well, with the Stunticons it was Drag Strip and Motormaster/Energon Onslaught). I'm really proud of my 'faction' based display and it's quite fun deciding where figures not in the comics should fit in. (More discussion on that when I post those photos.........)
I'm not so disappointed with the Infinite Heroes figures now - I've got Two-Face, and I've grown to accept them. They seemed to have stopped now which is kinda sad. I'm looking at the DC Universe Azrael-Batman figure and wondering how I could fit that figure in - I read the Knightfall storyline in the early 90's so feel a particular attachment to the characters (Azrael, Bane and Nightwing). the Marvel Universe is still going very strong and with Galactus, Apocalypse, Carnage and Juggernaut, I'm getting the villains I was really hoping for.
I did finally get all the g1 figures I wanted (about 10 months later than planned), but it's going to be a while before the 'savings' kick in as there's some expensive Fansproject figures on the horizon - the Bruticus upgrade - I got my wish! Just hoping for a Devastator upgrade now.
The Classics line did return as 'Generations', I've got the Drift figure and think he's awesome - again, transformers with swords are brilliant beyond words. Not too disappointed with having splashed out for a resin kit last year. We're getting pretty much all of the key characters that were left so it's an amazing time to be collecting.
I ended up getting the Jazz alternator (now 'jazzed' up with reprolabels), he doesn't really fit but he'll display nicely with either MP Grimlock and Classics Bumblebee (Classic Pretender style) or Botcon Razorclaw. I also got Alternator Ravage (the second one). Really amazing figures and if I had the space I could well be tempted by the other Alternators.
I ended up getting the Wonderfest Ultra Magnus and Springer WST figures - very expensive, plus the Blaster and Shockwave figures. I've also got the WST KO combiners which work very nicely in scale with the official releases. Some of the colours are a bit off (KO style) so a bit of paint will be needed there!
I've tried my very best not to be completest - as far as I'm concerned I'm done with collecting g1, but various reissues could tempt me. I now have a list of 'hypothetical' figures figures which I'd buy if I won the lottery (I don't actually play the lottery so it seems unlikely). But it has figures which either take up too much space (e.g. micromaster bases), are too expensive (e.g. Black Zarak, Japanese exclusive dinosaur cassettes) or simply I don't really like (e.g. Firecons). I tried only to be completest about subgroups but there are some figures which would 'fill' a gap but aesthetically I just can't convince myself on.
I still have the dilemma about ordering (in advance) online or waiting for something to arrive at retail. With the first waves of a line (such as Generations), there was no problem waiting because it was certain that the UK would get the first wave. Equally I feel pretty confident with Darkmount/Straxus (who I think is wave 2), but Blurr in wave 4 is really rather uncertain. I've got him preordered at BBTS and it remains to be seen whether I'll hold. Equally with Marvel Universe, I waited and waited for Archangel (he turned up at Forbidden Planet as his wave mates were there), but he was short packed and so I've ended up paying double on ebay. It looks like it could be simpler with the Hunt for the Decepticon figures - there's no sign of wave 1 so it's a no-brainer with the later waves to order them online.
It's sad having to buy things online to be certain of getting things. One of the my best collecting moments was when I tried a few stores for Universe Superion, and eventually after a fairly lengthy train journey found him. It was a great day. (Funnily enough some of my local stores back in the UK have about 30 odd Movie Superion figures so I needn't have bothered!)
I'm really looking forward to the next year or so and there's some great stuff on it's way!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I'm done with G1!
In the middle of 2003 I bought Snarl, and last night I bought Monster Pretender Bristleback, in between those purchases came about 150 figures, but now I'm done with buying vintage g1 figures - I've got all the figures I want. I'm finally in the position where the only figures I want haven't actually been released yet. (Equally I'm done with Beast Wars and the Unicron Trilogy but I don't have many figures from those lines.)
I tried to explain this milestone to my girlfriend, and initially she was delighted - 'So no more toys!?', 'Erm, well, no, I'll still be getting the new figures that come out' I said. She didn't quite appreciate the milestone, so I hoped you guys might be more enthusiastic for me!
I started out just wanting to collect the dinobots, then I started getting the reissues, and soon it turned into getting all (well most) of the figures from Seasons 1 and 2 of the cartoon, virtually every animal transformer (including the Japanese figures), all of the leaders from the cartoons (including the Japan series) plus almost all of the baseformers (including the micromaster bases but excluding Japanese exclusives). Early on I was adding figures to the 'to get' list quicker than I could buy them, but I've finally crossed them all off.
Despite my fairly clear collecting goals, I've managed not to be entirely completist - I've not got some of the really expensive figures (the Japanese only dino cassettes for instance), or the ones I really couldn't convince myself the merits of (the Firecons for instance), or some of the Season 2 Autobots on the grounds there were loads more Autobots than Decepticons.
I've spent a fair old amount of money over the 7 years, so it will be good to finally give my bank account a bit of a rest (apart from the Generations line that is). I almost wish I could have gone back in time and told the 2003 version of me to get some of the figures as it's amazing how much the prices have gone up over the years.
I reckon Hasbro and Takara might be able to tempt me with a few select reissues (such as the Seacons), but otherwise, I'm done!
I tried to explain this milestone to my girlfriend, and initially she was delighted - 'So no more toys!?', 'Erm, well, no, I'll still be getting the new figures that come out' I said. She didn't quite appreciate the milestone, so I hoped you guys might be more enthusiastic for me!
I started out just wanting to collect the dinobots, then I started getting the reissues, and soon it turned into getting all (well most) of the figures from Seasons 1 and 2 of the cartoon, virtually every animal transformer (including the Japanese figures), all of the leaders from the cartoons (including the Japan series) plus almost all of the baseformers (including the micromaster bases but excluding Japanese exclusives). Early on I was adding figures to the 'to get' list quicker than I could buy them, but I've finally crossed them all off.
Despite my fairly clear collecting goals, I've managed not to be entirely completist - I've not got some of the really expensive figures (the Japanese only dino cassettes for instance), or the ones I really couldn't convince myself the merits of (the Firecons for instance), or some of the Season 2 Autobots on the grounds there were loads more Autobots than Decepticons.
I've spent a fair old amount of money over the 7 years, so it will be good to finally give my bank account a bit of a rest (apart from the Generations line that is). I almost wish I could have gone back in time and told the 2003 version of me to get some of the figures as it's amazing how much the prices have gone up over the years.
I reckon Hasbro and Takara might be able to tempt me with a few select reissues (such as the Seacons), but otherwise, I'm done!
How I became addicted to seekers!!!
It occurred to me the other day that I actually own 31 seekers, mostly official but including some KO WSTs and customs, which given my aim in collecting is animal based transformers and the 'classic' characters ('84-'86 bots), that's quite a lot.
The more I think about it I have to admit that I'm a bit of a seeker addict, having said that, the 31 doesn't even include the Movie, Masterpiece or Alternity seekers. So how did I get so many? Growing up I didn't have any seeker toys but I did have a video of 'Call of the Primatives' and 'The girl who loved Powerglide'. The former is responsible for my obsession with 'Primatives', and the latter is not only responsible for my strong dislike of Powerglide, but also (I have to come to realise) the seeker obsession, and more specifically a conehead obsession.
My collecting basically started with the Takara collection reissues, and so my first seeker was Starscream, and shortly after I picked up the Hasbro reissues of Skywarp, Thundercracker and Dirge, and then ebayed Thrust and Ramjet. I had completed my seekers. Sort of.
The Sunstorm story started in the Dreamwave comics soon after, and instantly I thought that Sunstorm was the best character ever, and that (let's be honest here) a slightly rubbish toy in a slightly offensive shade of orange was well worth paying over the odds for. (I still own the toy by the way.....). That got me up to 7.
I then became aware of the WST (about the time it had become clear they weren't making any more), and so picked up Starscream and Thrust. Deciding against paying the massively inflated price for Skywarp, picked up a KO of him and then got extras of Starscream to make my own Thundercracker, Ramjet and Dirge. (Sound familiar!?)
Around this time the Classics line had debuted, but I wasn't very interested, simply because I liked my G1 Grimlock, Mirage, Optimus Prime, etc more than the new ones on offer. The exceptions were Bumblebee and Starscream who both had slightly rubbish G1 figures, but I'm slightly completist to the point where I won't just get random figures from a line. Having made that initial decision I found myself looking at the Classics figures almost continuously, and in particular Ramjet.
Starscream alone failed to convince me of the merits of the Classics line, but Ramjet really made me doubt my decision - here was a toy which like an utterly cool, modern, intimidating update of a classic character. It occurs to me now that I like the coneheads more because they featured in the episode I hated but watched repeatedly as a child. Still, I kept to my decision until the Summer of 2007.........
Botcon 2007 was (obviously, and let's not go there) a controversial affair, but for me it was the final nail in the coffin - updated uber cool coneheads available in Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge flavours? I lived in the UK, missed the boat on any pre-order non-attending pack and so decided to stump up the money (a lot of money) for the Games of Deception pack on ebay. I then went to my local Forbidden Planet and bought every different Classics figure they had. This was about a week before I left the country for 2 years, so I more or less opened the figures then packed them straight up to be shipped overseas.
3 days before I left the country I did a presentation at an international conference, it was quite a nerve racking thing, but it went well. After (and this is my luckiest ever TF find), I wandered into Woolworths (RIP) and found Skywarp and Ultra Magnus on discount for £10! Skywarp went into my hand luggage and Ultra Magnus went into my parents attic (to be later pardoned when FansProject did their thing). That bit of luck was then contrasted against the arrival of a letter from customs charging me import duty on the GOD set - I got the letter a day before I left and so had no chance of getting the package before I left. I paid the money and had the package delivered to my parents. I then made the decision to leave it there, and not risk having it sent on another journey (and not pay import duty on it for a second time!).
I picked up Ramjet (finally) shortly after and so completed my second set of seekers (though I couldn't display them together for another 2 years). KO versions of WST Thundercracker, Ramjet and Dirge then turned up on ebay, and so I got them and completed my third set of seekers. (Sadly I couldn't display them either as I'd left the others in the UK.)
I then found a KO WST Sunstorm as well (another of Heerotoymaker's efforts) and a black WST Starscream. I did a bit of research and found out that this was another ehobby figure like Sunstorm, but in cool black and gold colour scheme. I picked up both, but then I got to thinking. I had 7 G1 Seekers, 6 Classics Seekers and 8 WST Seekers, the completest in me then sunk in again and so picked up a black ehobby Starscream (Darkstorm as I call him), and bought a couple of extra Classics Starscreams to create a custom Classics Sunstorm and Darkstorm.
I painted my custom Sunstorm (pretty happy with it too), but then the Universe line was announced and in particular: Acid Storm. This threw my 8 different seekers in each of the 3 styles out of the window - did I create a custom G1 and WST Acid Storm? Did I ignore the figure? Reading further about Acid Storm, it emerged he was a 'Rainmaker' and that there were 3 of them. (Aren't there always!?) Some time later it was announced that Dirge was going to get a figure as a repaint of Cybertron Voyager Starscream, I both wanted a figure from that mold and wanted Roadbuster. How could I fit all of these things together!?
Ever conscious that I had a rather large collection I decided to make Sunstorm a rainmaker - I know that 'technically' the yellow rainmaker and Sunstorm are different characters, but really, they were just randomly coloured extras, and so who's to say whether they are the same character or not? I then decided to make Cybertron Dirge my third rainmaker (Hailstorm if you will).
Upon coming back to the UK, I rediscovered my custom WST seekers which I'd been halfway through making, the Thundercracker (to be) was still complete so I sold that on ebay, I'd hacked up the wings of the other 2 so I decided to make them into Acid Storm and Hailstorm (Hailstorm being all blue but having Dirge style wings - referencing my own terming Cybertron Dirge as Hailstorm). I found a WST Acid Storm on ebay the other day but decided against it.
So that's 8 G1, 9 Classics and 10 WSTs - 27 in total. Where do the other 4 come in? I was delighted when the 3rd party Heart of Steel Optimus Prime figure came out, but I wanted more - the alt modes for the characters were brilliant in my mind, so one of the things I'm working on now are some custom HOS Seekers - Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker. I've bought a Legends Cybertron Sunstorm to base the head/face on - so 31 in total (I'm counting the customs in progress).
I'm not tempted by the Movie style seekers, nor the Masterpiece or Alternity figures, but I could well be tempted by Masterpiece coneheads (not sure about the Igear figures). Funny how that one episode still affects my thinking!
31 for figures for now, but for how long!?
The more I think about it I have to admit that I'm a bit of a seeker addict, having said that, the 31 doesn't even include the Movie, Masterpiece or Alternity seekers. So how did I get so many? Growing up I didn't have any seeker toys but I did have a video of 'Call of the Primatives' and 'The girl who loved Powerglide'. The former is responsible for my obsession with 'Primatives', and the latter is not only responsible for my strong dislike of Powerglide, but also (I have to come to realise) the seeker obsession, and more specifically a conehead obsession.
My collecting basically started with the Takara collection reissues, and so my first seeker was Starscream, and shortly after I picked up the Hasbro reissues of Skywarp, Thundercracker and Dirge, and then ebayed Thrust and Ramjet. I had completed my seekers. Sort of.
The Sunstorm story started in the Dreamwave comics soon after, and instantly I thought that Sunstorm was the best character ever, and that (let's be honest here) a slightly rubbish toy in a slightly offensive shade of orange was well worth paying over the odds for. (I still own the toy by the way.....). That got me up to 7.
I then became aware of the WST (about the time it had become clear they weren't making any more), and so picked up Starscream and Thrust. Deciding against paying the massively inflated price for Skywarp, picked up a KO of him and then got extras of Starscream to make my own Thundercracker, Ramjet and Dirge. (Sound familiar!?)
Around this time the Classics line had debuted, but I wasn't very interested, simply because I liked my G1 Grimlock, Mirage, Optimus Prime, etc more than the new ones on offer. The exceptions were Bumblebee and Starscream who both had slightly rubbish G1 figures, but I'm slightly completist to the point where I won't just get random figures from a line. Having made that initial decision I found myself looking at the Classics figures almost continuously, and in particular Ramjet.
Starscream alone failed to convince me of the merits of the Classics line, but Ramjet really made me doubt my decision - here was a toy which like an utterly cool, modern, intimidating update of a classic character. It occurs to me now that I like the coneheads more because they featured in the episode I hated but watched repeatedly as a child. Still, I kept to my decision until the Summer of 2007.........
Botcon 2007 was (obviously, and let's not go there) a controversial affair, but for me it was the final nail in the coffin - updated uber cool coneheads available in Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge flavours? I lived in the UK, missed the boat on any pre-order non-attending pack and so decided to stump up the money (a lot of money) for the Games of Deception pack on ebay. I then went to my local Forbidden Planet and bought every different Classics figure they had. This was about a week before I left the country for 2 years, so I more or less opened the figures then packed them straight up to be shipped overseas.
3 days before I left the country I did a presentation at an international conference, it was quite a nerve racking thing, but it went well. After (and this is my luckiest ever TF find), I wandered into Woolworths (RIP) and found Skywarp and Ultra Magnus on discount for £10! Skywarp went into my hand luggage and Ultra Magnus went into my parents attic (to be later pardoned when FansProject did their thing). That bit of luck was then contrasted against the arrival of a letter from customs charging me import duty on the GOD set - I got the letter a day before I left and so had no chance of getting the package before I left. I paid the money and had the package delivered to my parents. I then made the decision to leave it there, and not risk having it sent on another journey (and not pay import duty on it for a second time!).
I picked up Ramjet (finally) shortly after and so completed my second set of seekers (though I couldn't display them together for another 2 years). KO versions of WST Thundercracker, Ramjet and Dirge then turned up on ebay, and so I got them and completed my third set of seekers. (Sadly I couldn't display them either as I'd left the others in the UK.)
I then found a KO WST Sunstorm as well (another of Heerotoymaker's efforts) and a black WST Starscream. I did a bit of research and found out that this was another ehobby figure like Sunstorm, but in cool black and gold colour scheme. I picked up both, but then I got to thinking. I had 7 G1 Seekers, 6 Classics Seekers and 8 WST Seekers, the completest in me then sunk in again and so picked up a black ehobby Starscream (Darkstorm as I call him), and bought a couple of extra Classics Starscreams to create a custom Classics Sunstorm and Darkstorm.
I painted my custom Sunstorm (pretty happy with it too), but then the Universe line was announced and in particular: Acid Storm. This threw my 8 different seekers in each of the 3 styles out of the window - did I create a custom G1 and WST Acid Storm? Did I ignore the figure? Reading further about Acid Storm, it emerged he was a 'Rainmaker' and that there were 3 of them. (Aren't there always!?) Some time later it was announced that Dirge was going to get a figure as a repaint of Cybertron Voyager Starscream, I both wanted a figure from that mold and wanted Roadbuster. How could I fit all of these things together!?
Ever conscious that I had a rather large collection I decided to make Sunstorm a rainmaker - I know that 'technically' the yellow rainmaker and Sunstorm are different characters, but really, they were just randomly coloured extras, and so who's to say whether they are the same character or not? I then decided to make Cybertron Dirge my third rainmaker (Hailstorm if you will).
Upon coming back to the UK, I rediscovered my custom WST seekers which I'd been halfway through making, the Thundercracker (to be) was still complete so I sold that on ebay, I'd hacked up the wings of the other 2 so I decided to make them into Acid Storm and Hailstorm (Hailstorm being all blue but having Dirge style wings - referencing my own terming Cybertron Dirge as Hailstorm). I found a WST Acid Storm on ebay the other day but decided against it.
So that's 8 G1, 9 Classics and 10 WSTs - 27 in total. Where do the other 4 come in? I was delighted when the 3rd party Heart of Steel Optimus Prime figure came out, but I wanted more - the alt modes for the characters were brilliant in my mind, so one of the things I'm working on now are some custom HOS Seekers - Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker. I've bought a Legends Cybertron Sunstorm to base the head/face on - so 31 in total (I'm counting the customs in progress).
I'm not tempted by the Movie style seekers, nor the Masterpiece or Alternity figures, but I could well be tempted by Masterpiece coneheads (not sure about the Igear figures). Funny how that one episode still affects my thinking!
31 for figures for now, but for how long!?
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