In the middle of 2003 I bought Snarl, and last night I bought Monster Pretender Bristleback, in between those purchases came about 150 figures, but now I'm done with buying vintage g1 figures - I've got all the figures I want. I'm finally in the position where the only figures I want haven't actually been released yet. (Equally I'm done with Beast Wars and the Unicron Trilogy but I don't have many figures from those lines.)
I tried to explain this milestone to my girlfriend, and initially she was delighted - 'So no more toys!?', 'Erm, well, no, I'll still be getting the new figures that come out' I said. She didn't quite appreciate the milestone, so I hoped you guys might be more enthusiastic for me!
I started out just wanting to collect the dinobots, then I started getting the reissues, and soon it turned into getting all (well most) of the figures from Seasons 1 and 2 of the cartoon, virtually every animal transformer (including the Japanese figures), all of the leaders from the cartoons (including the Japan series) plus almost all of the baseformers (including the micromaster bases but excluding Japanese exclusives). Early on I was adding figures to the 'to get' list quicker than I could buy them, but I've finally crossed them all off.
Despite my fairly clear collecting goals, I've managed not to be entirely completist - I've not got some of the really expensive figures (the Japanese only dino cassettes for instance), or the ones I really couldn't convince myself the merits of (the Firecons for instance), or some of the Season 2 Autobots on the grounds there were loads more Autobots than Decepticons.
I've spent a fair old amount of money over the 7 years, so it will be good to finally give my bank account a bit of a rest (apart from the Generations line that is). I almost wish I could have gone back in time and told the 2003 version of me to get some of the figures as it's amazing how much the prices have gone up over the years.
I reckon Hasbro and Takara might be able to tempt me with a few select reissues (such as the Seacons), but otherwise, I'm done!
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