Endgame was the event of the year for me, absolutely amazing. I enjoyed it so much I went to see it twice. My favourite film ever! Also went to see the Last Skywalker on the opening day, really good, though I think I’ve had enough Star Wars for now. I would like a nice Jedi 3.75” Rey figure, might have to check out the Vintage line one.
Toy wise has been great with Marvel Legends (mostly playing catch up), my favourite figure from the year is Nightcrawler, slightly biased though as he’s my favourite character. Honourable for Endgame War Machine. Transformers Siege has also been great, I’m very happy with the figures I’ve got. I think there are four categories of figures, ones for customs (Sideswipe/Prowl), ones because they're a better version of a character (Hound/Mirage/Springer) ones that are a much better version (Ironhide/Ratchet/Reflector/Megatron/Soundwave/Shockwave) and new characters (that haven't had a new figure since G1) - Flywheels, Crosshairs, Spinister and Apeface. Sort of a sliding scale of necessity. Also the latter group sets up me needing Snapdragon, Pointblank and Sureshot (more than before).
I think Ironhide/Ratchet/Crosshairs has been my favourite figure (mold). Have dabbled with a bit of the new Power Rangers line as well. I bought Fortress Maximus from Titans Return, so with Scorponok confirmed. I feel I’m in a good place.
Having said that I was doing well not buying random things, I have just bought Legends (comic) Gamora, the Guardians are complete! Sort of, would still like a Phyla-Vell, but unless she's in the next Captain Marvel film it's really unlikely. All of the teams, Avengers, X-Men, X-Factor, Illuminati, Guardians, main villains (unofficial team) are just a figure or two away from completion. The Inhumans need several (especially Crystal and Lockjaw), but Fantastic 4 are complete. I now have all of the figures I want that have been release, Kingpin is sort of an exception, but I reckon he'll get a standalone release eventually and indeed, there is a rumour to that effect.
Paying for Gamora has caused me to think over my list of things I've been putting off getting - my shopping backlog. Most of them are 3.75" related, and so I had a read over a few 3.75" threads and have got a renewed excitement for the scale. Found a good deal on a Hiya Predator figure (my previous Amazon order ended up cancelled). Had a look for a good deal on Rey as well. The other thing I’ve been putting off, but now have renewed enthusiasm for is the Vitruvian Hacks horses. Will need to save up.
Super 7 have shown/hinted at wave 2 of their Thundercats figures, Tygra will be a must have for me. Think Mumm-Ra is as well - I’m not going to get any of the villains for Turtles or Power Rangers, but Thundercats is a bit different. Mostly because I had Mumm-Ra as a kid, but also because I have Rita, Shredder and the mummy version of Mumm-Ra as (custom) 3.75” figures in my collection already, so adding this version of Mumm-Ra makes sense.
If Tygra and Mumm-Ra are in wave 2 then I just need Cheetara, ghost Jaga and Snarf. Little bit tempted by the new Thundercats - Pumyra et al, but I didn’t know who they were as a kid so think should pass.
I have Gamora, it's a great looking figure but I can see why she didn't get a general retail release. My main (and only real) issue is the colours, in that Entertainment Earth boxset, Star Lord and Rocket are in the 2008 Guardians colours, would it have killed them to do the same with Gamora (and Drax for that matter)? Swap the gold for red, dark green for dark blue. The layout is spot on, just need to switch the colours!
I have a New Years resolution, organise my collection! I think I've had that as a resolution before, but this time, a different focus. I've always tried to put as much of my collection on display as possible, the result being crowded shelves where you can't really see most of the figures. My aim is to store the figures in a way where I can easily find and look at any figure. A filing system of sorts for solid objects. Though I still intend to have some stuff on display, the idea being that everything will have its own space in the box. I'm going to get several of the large flat Ikea boxes so that things won't get lost at the bottom. And have each figure next to its instructions and accessories.
I've started with my Legends figures as most of them are in a large deep box. Wow, I've got some great figures! Such a good selection of characters, though initially I was quite undecided on whether to get some of them, there are no characters I want to get rid of. I think the weakest is Venom, I'd be happy to replace him, that buck just isn't great. I can't see myself needing or wanting to replace any of the others. That buck is particularly bad for him, just about okay for Sabretooth, fine for Captain Britain and Luke Cage, and actually pretty good for Bishop. I think if there's a bit of kibble then it's fine, but otherwise you just can't seem to get an authentic look out of it.
I've been thinking about figure replacement. I have a collecting philosophy of one figure per character (except Grimlock, Ravage, Iron Man and associated characters). If a new better figure is released then I've slowly updated. Particularly if the new version is a more appropriate size class or in a costume I'm more familiar with. But when is good, good enough? When does the cost and inconvenient of replacement become too much? I've resisted replacing Omega Supreme and Jetfire. I also have resisted the crowd funded Unicron. Thinking about Omega Supreme and Unicron, I like that the versions I have are Unicron trilogy repaints. I actually bought original versions of both as presents for others so I feel a significant attachment to them.
With Siege I have replaced the odd Classics and Universe figure. The main ones left in those lines to be replaced are Hot Rod and Cyclonus, who in my mind have yet to be bettered. With the coneheads I'm sticking with Classics/Botcon, with the Lamborghini and Datsun 'bros', I have stuck with the Universe figures. With Starscream and Wheeljack revealed in Earthrise, coneheads and Sunstreaker are likely on their way. I'm sort of hoping they don't look too good! With my re-organisation of my figures I intend to place the Ark crew figures together. Do they work as a group of 18 toys from across 13 years? The style has evolved from G1 reimagined to faithful updates. If certain figures don't fit in then I could be tempted to update, or possibly even go back.
There have been some more rumours for Earthrise, I thought I would see how many figures are left on my want list. (Assuring the rumours are true.) Turns out there are 50 which is a nice a round number. In addition, it’s the end of the decade and it’s been 10 years since I started this blog and I used to be rather keen on a ‘wants’ list. In January 2010 I put down a list of 50 so what better time to see how I did and put down another 50.
20 of the 50 were 3.75" comic book figures, but I will assess them on both a 3.75" and 6" basis. 14 were Marvel, for 3.75" we got them all apart from Kingpin and Pyro (I made customs though), 6" wise, I haven't got Elektra or Sandman but we have figures of them all apart from Pyro (again). Good job Hasbro! Six were Batman villains, I collected several in 6" scale, I think (but am struggling to remember), I got them all apart from Poison Ivy. In 3.75", I got Mr. Freeze and Bane though I heavily customised the latter. I have plans for customs for the other four. One day...... So not bad, my main observation is that when Hasbro stopped making 3.75" Marvel figures I switched to 6" and have almost lost interest in Batman. Strange.
The 30 Transformers on the list was a bit of clean sweep, every single one was made, though I never got the Botcon Sunstorm and so still have my custom, and my Huffer is an iGear figure rather than the Legends Prime repaint. So the 50 figures I want (all Transformers):
1. Star Saber (Leader)
2. Victory Leo (God Bomber equivalent)
3. Deszaras (Leader)
4. Thunderclash (Leader)
5. Pointblank (Deluxe remold of Punch/Counterpunch)
6. Sureshot (Deluxe remold of Mirage)
7. Joyride (Deluxe remold of Mirage)
8. Slapdash (Deluxe remold of Mirage)
9. Goldbug (Legend)
10. Wideload (Legend)
11. Freeway (Legend)
12. Searchlight (Legend)
13. Rollbar (Legend)
14. Venom (Legend)
15. Barrage (Legend)
16. Ransack (Legend)
17. Overdrive (Deluxe)
18. Camshaft (Deluxe)
19. Downshift (Deluxe)
20. Eject (Legend)
21. Minerva (Deluxe)
22. Hosehead (Deluxe)
23. Waverider (Primemaster)
24. Stranglehold (Primemaster)
25. Toraizer (Titanmaster)
26. Blacker (Voyager remold of Onslaught)
27. Laster (Deluxe remold of Sunstreaker)
28. Braver (Deluxe)
29. Leozack (Voyager remold of Starscream)
30. Jallguar (Deluxe remold of Combiner Wars Drag Strip)
31. Deathcobra (Deluxe remold of Vortex)
32. Grimlock (Leader)
33. Slag (Voyager)
34. Sludge (Leader)
35. Snarl (Voyager)
36. Swoop (Voyager)
37. Paddles (Voyager)
38. Hook (Deluxe)
39. Mixmaster (Deluxe)
40. Longhaul (Deluxe)
41. Bonecrusher (Deluxe)
42. Scrapper (Deluxe)
43. Scavenger (Deluxe)
44. Airrazor (Deluxe)
45. Beast Wars Scorponok (Deluxe)
46. Cheetor (Deluxe
47. Tarantulas (Deluxe)
48. Dinobot (Voyager)
49. Terrorsaur (Voyager)
50. Tigatron (Voyager)
That is quite literally every figure I could think of, it completes just about every possible set, still a couple of gaps from characters who appeared in the Japanese G1 cartoon but I've tried to keep it realistic - make use of remolds where possible. I want new versions of the Dinobots (bigger) and Constructicons (smaller). I plan to have a go at some customs of the Omnibots. I'd like reissues of the Trainbots and Multiforce, but looks like we are getting Trainbots of some sort and the Multiforce have already been reissued. Will see how I did in 2029!!!
There is a line I wrote in 2010, I long for the days where I’m cherry picking from the Transformers and Marvel lines, that’s what I’m doing, I’m where I wanted to be. Happy New Year!
Monday, December 30, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Large flat boxes
I've opened Ratchet. I knew I was already going to like him, but he's great, such a good mold! The arm transformation is somewhat reminiscent of G1 Inferno/Grapple in the way the arms tuck behind the cab for vehicle mold. He's fantastically chunky, I would possibly like an IDW red head and hands, but that aside, very happy. If I'm going to get one mold three times then I'm happy to make it this one. Bring on Crosshairs!
I ordered the Legends Havok and Polaris set. I wasn't sure how much I wanted this, but I'm actually really excited. Havok's Universe figure didn't do much for me due to the costume, but this one looks great. Polaris also looks really good, suitably 90's. I think if Havok had been available in this costume in 3.75" then I wouldn't be collecting X-Factor in 6" form (I would still got Quicksilver and Forge though). Now where's Jean?
Have paid for Crosshairs, Spinister and Apeface. The 1987/88 characters are where my enthusiasm for Transformers is at now. Two characters closer to completing the Rebirth lineup!
I’ve also put in an order (no preorders left) for Snaptrap and Skalor. Really excited about Piranacon, he looks great. Along with Raiden he’s the last combiner I really want a figure of (very intrigued about the MP Raiden - a remold of Titans Devastator, or a smaller more detailed figure? Or something else?), though I reckon Takara might give the Victory combiners a go as with the possible exception of Landcross, they wouldn't even really need to do much remolding.
This combined with almost getting all of the Legends I want and Scorponok in his way, there doesn’t feel like much left. That said, I’m starting again with Turtles, Ghostbusters and Power Rangers, so will be going for a bit!
Have got a preorder in for Jean Grey and Winter Soldier. I suddenly feel quite organised, also with not buying Jean now I can order the second set of Seacons (I’ve got an order for the third set). In terms of Legends there’s only Strong Guy that I’m anticipating but that preorders haven’t gone up for yet.
Thinking about what I want to achieve with my collection next year, I actually want to get everything boxed up in large flat boxes so I can get to things easily - more easily than standing on a chair and peering at the back of my shelves. Will be good to get all the figures, accessories and instructions all in one place. Will try and get going in that over Christmas if I get time.
What a year, I’ve more or less completed Marvel Legends X-Men, Fantastic 4, Avengers and Spider-Man. I got a Titan Fort Max as well, all paid for by selling loads of stuff on eBay. At the same time as really cutting down on unplanned eBay purchases. Pretty successful! Hoping Crosshairs, Spinister and Apeface turn up before the big day. Happy Christmas everyone!
I ordered the Legends Havok and Polaris set. I wasn't sure how much I wanted this, but I'm actually really excited. Havok's Universe figure didn't do much for me due to the costume, but this one looks great. Polaris also looks really good, suitably 90's. I think if Havok had been available in this costume in 3.75" then I wouldn't be collecting X-Factor in 6" form (I would still got Quicksilver and Forge though). Now where's Jean?
Have paid for Crosshairs, Spinister and Apeface. The 1987/88 characters are where my enthusiasm for Transformers is at now. Two characters closer to completing the Rebirth lineup!
I’ve also put in an order (no preorders left) for Snaptrap and Skalor. Really excited about Piranacon, he looks great. Along with Raiden he’s the last combiner I really want a figure of (very intrigued about the MP Raiden - a remold of Titans Devastator, or a smaller more detailed figure? Or something else?), though I reckon Takara might give the Victory combiners a go as with the possible exception of Landcross, they wouldn't even really need to do much remolding.
This combined with almost getting all of the Legends I want and Scorponok in his way, there doesn’t feel like much left. That said, I’m starting again with Turtles, Ghostbusters and Power Rangers, so will be going for a bit!
Have got a preorder in for Jean Grey and Winter Soldier. I suddenly feel quite organised, also with not buying Jean now I can order the second set of Seacons (I’ve got an order for the third set). In terms of Legends there’s only Strong Guy that I’m anticipating but that preorders haven’t gone up for yet.
Thinking about what I want to achieve with my collection next year, I actually want to get everything boxed up in large flat boxes so I can get to things easily - more easily than standing on a chair and peering at the back of my shelves. Will be good to get all the figures, accessories and instructions all in one place. Will try and get going in that over Christmas if I get time.
What a year, I’ve more or less completed Marvel Legends X-Men, Fantastic 4, Avengers and Spider-Man. I got a Titan Fort Max as well, all paid for by selling loads of stuff on eBay. At the same time as really cutting down on unplanned eBay purchases. Pretty successful! Hoping Crosshairs, Spinister and Apeface turn up before the big day. Happy Christmas everyone!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Iron Men
Managed to nab a Ratchet: one popped into stock so immediately checked it out. Upon refreshing they had all gone. That does somehow make it more exciting, but I think it is somewhat unnecessary - why on earth was Ratchet an exclusive? For me Ratchet is a top tier character. I think Crosshairs should have been the exclusive and Ratchet in a regular wave. Still, very excited to get him! As a neat little homage to the Universe figure he's looking down in the package.....
I've also picked up a Prowl, great little figure - very good homage to the G1 toy, I was almost a bit surprised when his arms didn't tuck over each other for car mode. I want to use him for some customising, but for the time being will just appreciate the figure.
I used to keep a very comprehensive spreadsheet of my collection (and of my spending), but haven't updated it for years. I've got plans to put most of my collection into storage, I've generally organised my Classics Transformes by the original G1 year or series, but fairly recently I rearranged it to be by modern series (Classics/Universe/Generations/Combiner Wars/etc) which better reflects my increasingly having multiple versions of characters. I thought therefore I would start a new spreadsheet. I have also decided though to include figures I have sold.
This has started me down a path of reminiscing - some great figures that for various reasons I got rid of. It also is striking how much I've sold. It's a work in progress but will give some numbers when I've finished. It's also remarkably tricky to count figures when some are customs which might comprise parts from multiple others, or where a group should perhaps comprise one listing by itself - Micromaster teams for instance, or where a smaller partner robot is included - Minicons or Targetmasters. I'm going to include every toy I own so will take a bit of time. I had a look through this blog to try and work out some of the figures I used to own, in the early years especially I used to get 'stand-in' figures quite a lot.
One thing that is initially quite striking is how many figures the Prime Wars trilogy contributed to my collection, considering I thought I was done at that point, I bought more figures from those lines than everything else (with a classics aesthetic) combined. Titans Return is my favourite line - it really felt like anything could be on the table, and despite the forced gimmick, I loved it.
I try not to do wish lists (too much), but I think my remaining wants can be put into four groups: bigger Dinobots/smaller Constructicons, finish off the Rebirth cast, finish off the leaders (mainly Victory), and Beast Wars. For Beast Wars I have a bit of mis-mash of lines: Takara reissue Tigatron, TRU reissue Primal and Megatron. Universe Cheetor and Dinobot. Generations Rhinox, Waspinator and Rattrap. Plus an original Inferno. I'm happy with most of them but the Universe figures especially needed updating. I think it could easily be done in a wave or two. Voyager Tigatron, Dinobot and Terrorsaur, deluxe Tarantulas, Scorponok, Cheetor and Airrazor would be awesome to fill in the gaps and put everyone in roughly the right scale.
Have bagged the 80th anniversary Mark 50 Iron Man/Iron Spider and the Amazon Magneto/Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch sets in Black Friday sales (technically with Iron Man and Spider it was still Thanksgiving). Very happy to get all these figures - I felt sad getting rid of the Iron Man and Spider as they're both great figures, so great to finally replace them. My MCU armoury is complete, another significant milestone for my Legends collecting. Getting Magneto means I have all the main X-Men villains and am another step to getting all of the main villains - Doom is coming so just need a Red Skull.
I'm surprised at how excited I am getting the Iron Man/Iron Spider set, but I suppose it's my two favourite characters from my (almost) favourite film. Iron Spider is great but getting the extra limbs plugged in was tricky and trying to put the Peter Parker head on him resulted in the neck joint coming out - ended up using a screwdriver to force it back in. I have therefore put that on the regular MCU Spidey (which makes more sense for a picture at least). Iron Man has some great accessories, he has a flaw on his (left) eye though that somehow makes it looked cracked. So a slightly flawed set, but still very glad to have it in hand.
I looked at the Magneto set, all the paints apps look good so will leave it unopened for the moment.
A Mastepiece Raiden has been announced, must admit I'm a bit disappointed it's not a Classics release, but I wonder whether it might be a heavy retool of Titan class Devastator - which was designed to somewhat fill the MP gap for that character. Will wait and see but given the cost of the Seacons, it could be very expensive.
I've also picked up a Prowl, great little figure - very good homage to the G1 toy, I was almost a bit surprised when his arms didn't tuck over each other for car mode. I want to use him for some customising, but for the time being will just appreciate the figure.
I used to keep a very comprehensive spreadsheet of my collection (and of my spending), but haven't updated it for years. I've got plans to put most of my collection into storage, I've generally organised my Classics Transformes by the original G1 year or series, but fairly recently I rearranged it to be by modern series (Classics/Universe/Generations/Combiner Wars/etc) which better reflects my increasingly having multiple versions of characters. I thought therefore I would start a new spreadsheet. I have also decided though to include figures I have sold.
This has started me down a path of reminiscing - some great figures that for various reasons I got rid of. It also is striking how much I've sold. It's a work in progress but will give some numbers when I've finished. It's also remarkably tricky to count figures when some are customs which might comprise parts from multiple others, or where a group should perhaps comprise one listing by itself - Micromaster teams for instance, or where a smaller partner robot is included - Minicons or Targetmasters. I'm going to include every toy I own so will take a bit of time. I had a look through this blog to try and work out some of the figures I used to own, in the early years especially I used to get 'stand-in' figures quite a lot.
One thing that is initially quite striking is how many figures the Prime Wars trilogy contributed to my collection, considering I thought I was done at that point, I bought more figures from those lines than everything else (with a classics aesthetic) combined. Titans Return is my favourite line - it really felt like anything could be on the table, and despite the forced gimmick, I loved it.
I try not to do wish lists (too much), but I think my remaining wants can be put into four groups: bigger Dinobots/smaller Constructicons, finish off the Rebirth cast, finish off the leaders (mainly Victory), and Beast Wars. For Beast Wars I have a bit of mis-mash of lines: Takara reissue Tigatron, TRU reissue Primal and Megatron. Universe Cheetor and Dinobot. Generations Rhinox, Waspinator and Rattrap. Plus an original Inferno. I'm happy with most of them but the Universe figures especially needed updating. I think it could easily be done in a wave or two. Voyager Tigatron, Dinobot and Terrorsaur, deluxe Tarantulas, Scorponok, Cheetor and Airrazor would be awesome to fill in the gaps and put everyone in roughly the right scale.
Have bagged the 80th anniversary Mark 50 Iron Man/Iron Spider and the Amazon Magneto/Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch sets in Black Friday sales (technically with Iron Man and Spider it was still Thanksgiving). Very happy to get all these figures - I felt sad getting rid of the Iron Man and Spider as they're both great figures, so great to finally replace them. My MCU armoury is complete, another significant milestone for my Legends collecting. Getting Magneto means I have all the main X-Men villains and am another step to getting all of the main villains - Doom is coming so just need a Red Skull.
I'm surprised at how excited I am getting the Iron Man/Iron Spider set, but I suppose it's my two favourite characters from my (almost) favourite film. Iron Spider is great but getting the extra limbs plugged in was tricky and trying to put the Peter Parker head on him resulted in the neck joint coming out - ended up using a screwdriver to force it back in. I have therefore put that on the regular MCU Spidey (which makes more sense for a picture at least). Iron Man has some great accessories, he has a flaw on his (left) eye though that somehow makes it looked cracked. So a slightly flawed set, but still very glad to have it in hand.
I looked at the Magneto set, all the paints apps look good so will leave it unopened for the moment.
A Mastepiece Raiden has been announced, must admit I'm a bit disappointed it's not a Classics release, but I wonder whether it might be a heavy retool of Titan class Devastator - which was designed to somewhat fill the MP gap for that character. Will wait and see but given the cost of the Seacons, it could be very expensive.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Still trying to work out what TMNT to collect, much like the cartoon based Transformers Masterpiece figures, there is a thing as too cartoony for me. Similarly with cell shaded Siege Optimus and Megatron. They look great, they’re just not for me. So the cartoon NECA figures, look great, but they’re not for me. I think I’m not that keen on NECA stuff with the lines drawn on.
Comic TMNT figures don’t make sense as I never bought or read the source material. That said the 12” Mezco figures look amazing. The Super 7 figures then, expensive but updates of the toys I did have (well Leonardo and Donatello at least). Hopefully they’re really spaced out so I can get them. They’d also then match my Thundercats. I’ll give Raphael a go and see what I think.
Don’t think mentioned about Unicron! Very happy that he’s been funded. Bit too expensive for me, but hope I will have a chance to get him at a later point. Also very excited about potential Raiden news. G1 reissue or new Generations, either way I would love some trainbots.
Kingpin is rumoured for Legends, yay! Hope it is a white jacket purple trousers version. Glad didn’t try and get the BAF. Along with Earthrise Starscream and Optimus I’ve lucked out a bit with what I’ve been buying. Also rumoured is a Venom Legends wave, the recent Legends have been amazing but the Venom wasn’t so great, I’m not a fan of that buck, so hoping for something special.
Popped in preorders for Super 7 Raphael and Lightning pink ranger. Hopefully Super 7 will work out. I have a plan. Hasbro for humans - Power Rangers and (hopefully Real) Ghostbusters, Super 7 for Turtles and Thundercats (mutants/humanoids).
Have opened Thor! He looked good in package, but it's a pleasant surprise when you open him up and you can appreciate his cape. He's in fairly muted colours, but looks great. Almost no head movement, but the hammer with the engraving looks fantastic. My A:EMH lineup of Avengers is complete!!! Iron Man (Mark IV) is a bit small though so will replace with the Mark 85 (which has a pretty classic look) when it comes in.
Reveals from London and Paris comic cons, nothing too exciting but nice to see a Winter Soldier. Though I reckon he will fall into the ‘I suppose I should get it’ category and sit unopened for a while. I think we will see a Falcon shortly as well. Popped in a preorder for Doom, he looks amazing. And red ranger, he also looks good.
Mark 85 Iron Man has arrived. No delay in opening him! He looks great, I like the classic look, perfect for my A:EMH display. Would have preferred a more yellow gold though. Lots of accessories, but no infinity gauntlet for Tony and no alternative RDJ head. Perhaps they'll repeat their Mark 50 trick. (Speaking of which is now the only film/armour I don't have now. I would have preferred a little hint of blue on the eyes and arc reactor so might get my paintbrush out, but but..... this photo makes everything better. Major collecting goal complete!!!
Pink Ranger has arrived. I am glad I decided to collect the rest of the team. It's a great action figure, the best figure with a bow and arrow I have (the only competition being Hawkeye to be fair), but the articulation is great. As with the White Ranger the helmeted head looks much better, but it's great to have the option - her beaming face doesn't really suit any action poses!
Every year for about the last 10 I’ve thought that the amount of things I want will drop (and the amount I spend). In terms of non-transformers, once I’ve got the outstanding box sets and Strong Guy I’m pretty much done with X-Men and Iron Man. I think a potential BAF Blob, Lockjaw or comic Giant Man are the main candidates for being expensive. I’d like to see Kingpin, Wendigo and Odin redone but they shouldn’t be too bad. TMNT and Thundercats seem like they’re going to be released fairly slowly, so as long as they’re aren’t too many figures I want from each wave it should be okay. Similarly Power Rangers is releasing at a nice speed.
Transformers once Piranacon and Scorponok are done should be fairly well spaced as well. I think the things that could be expensive are a potential Raiden (looking forward to that announcement), Victory Saber and maybe Sky Lynx. I can’t think what else there might be. Broadside maybe, perhaps a new smaller Devastator and some of the Victory combiners. No more Titans though. So once again, just need to get through next year with my finances intact and it should all be smooth sailing!
Incoming: Sky Lynx rumoured!
Comic TMNT figures don’t make sense as I never bought or read the source material. That said the 12” Mezco figures look amazing. The Super 7 figures then, expensive but updates of the toys I did have (well Leonardo and Donatello at least). Hopefully they’re really spaced out so I can get them. They’d also then match my Thundercats. I’ll give Raphael a go and see what I think.
Don’t think mentioned about Unicron! Very happy that he’s been funded. Bit too expensive for me, but hope I will have a chance to get him at a later point. Also very excited about potential Raiden news. G1 reissue or new Generations, either way I would love some trainbots.
Kingpin is rumoured for Legends, yay! Hope it is a white jacket purple trousers version. Glad didn’t try and get the BAF. Along with Earthrise Starscream and Optimus I’ve lucked out a bit with what I’ve been buying. Also rumoured is a Venom Legends wave, the recent Legends have been amazing but the Venom wasn’t so great, I’m not a fan of that buck, so hoping for something special.
Popped in preorders for Super 7 Raphael and Lightning pink ranger. Hopefully Super 7 will work out. I have a plan. Hasbro for humans - Power Rangers and (hopefully Real) Ghostbusters, Super 7 for Turtles and Thundercats (mutants/humanoids).
Have opened Thor! He looked good in package, but it's a pleasant surprise when you open him up and you can appreciate his cape. He's in fairly muted colours, but looks great. Almost no head movement, but the hammer with the engraving looks fantastic. My A:EMH lineup of Avengers is complete!!! Iron Man (Mark IV) is a bit small though so will replace with the Mark 85 (which has a pretty classic look) when it comes in.
Reveals from London and Paris comic cons, nothing too exciting but nice to see a Winter Soldier. Though I reckon he will fall into the ‘I suppose I should get it’ category and sit unopened for a while. I think we will see a Falcon shortly as well. Popped in a preorder for Doom, he looks amazing. And red ranger, he also looks good.
Mark 85 Iron Man has arrived. No delay in opening him! He looks great, I like the classic look, perfect for my A:EMH display. Would have preferred a more yellow gold though. Lots of accessories, but no infinity gauntlet for Tony and no alternative RDJ head. Perhaps they'll repeat their Mark 50 trick. (Speaking of which is now the only film/armour I don't have now. I would have preferred a little hint of blue on the eyes and arc reactor so might get my paintbrush out, but but..... this photo makes everything better. Major collecting goal complete!!!
Pink Ranger has arrived. I am glad I decided to collect the rest of the team. It's a great action figure, the best figure with a bow and arrow I have (the only competition being Hawkeye to be fair), but the articulation is great. As with the White Ranger the helmeted head looks much better, but it's great to have the option - her beaming face doesn't really suit any action poses!
Every year for about the last 10 I’ve thought that the amount of things I want will drop (and the amount I spend). In terms of non-transformers, once I’ve got the outstanding box sets and Strong Guy I’m pretty much done with X-Men and Iron Man. I think a potential BAF Blob, Lockjaw or comic Giant Man are the main candidates for being expensive. I’d like to see Kingpin, Wendigo and Odin redone but they shouldn’t be too bad. TMNT and Thundercats seem like they’re going to be released fairly slowly, so as long as they’re aren’t too many figures I want from each wave it should be okay. Similarly Power Rangers is releasing at a nice speed.
Transformers once Piranacon and Scorponok are done should be fairly well spaced as well. I think the things that could be expensive are a potential Raiden (looking forward to that announcement), Victory Saber and maybe Sky Lynx. I can’t think what else there might be. Broadside maybe, perhaps a new smaller Devastator and some of the Victory combiners. No more Titans though. So once again, just need to get through next year with my finances intact and it should all be smooth sailing!
Incoming: Sky Lynx rumoured!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Bit too lanky
So that new Earthrise Optimus...... I feel like Siege Optimus did all of the hard work trying to convince me to replace my Classics Optimus, but my resolve held out, then this new version came along and my resolve just walked out the room and went to the pub. Fine, I’ll get a new Optimus. I’m surprised at myself at how excited I am. I think I’ll keep the Classics version mind, I like having a matching Optimus and Magnus.
I’m not too interested in much else, though I might take the opportunity to replace my RTS Grapple with the (yellow headed) United one. Might be able to get an Artfire as well. Could be tempted by a Hosehead remold of the new one though. I’d also like to replace my Classics Magnus with the white legged Henkei one, but that would be a bit pointless as I’m only really holding on to the original for nostalgic reasons.
I’ve got mixed feelings about wanting a Titan Scorponok, despite being my most wanted figure it might be good to wait for a year to allow me time to get the funds. Generally feeling good about Legends though, I’ve added Odin and Wendigo to my get list (need gold armour and a new head respectively!). Hopefully there won’t be so many must get box sets next year! I’ve feeling mixed about Turtles, I might return the NECA set and get the Super 7 figures instead, but with the Thundercats as well that could be expensive at over fifty quid a pop.
SCORPONOK!!! Sod waiting a year, I need it now dammit! This is it, my most wanted figure. Not sure what I was thinking waiting a year. I have a list of figures which I think need replacing - Trailbreaker and Hoist are on it, so if the figures are a decent size then will get them. The (original) seekers were on it, so on board for voyager Starscream. Optimus was not, but I think I can allow myself one exception. Cliffjumper I'm intrigued by, if he is legends sized then I could be very tempted. Actually it's strange but I really can't remember which Bumblebee and Cliffjumper I have on my shelf - Generations I think, pretty sure I bought a Titans Return Bumblebee though. Excited for the potential of Hubcap and Throttlebot repaints. Maybe even a Bumper?
No news on the Marvel Legends front, absolutely nothing for me. There are plenty of things I would like to see, but happy for the break. It feels like the time before Combiner Wars, I couldn't see myself getting any new figures, Marvel Universe was slowing down and Metroplex was on his way. I'm guessing some of the later characters will come in the third part of the trilogy, again good to have a bit of a break.
I've got Mirage now, between him, Reflector and Springer I'm suddenly really enjoying Siege again. They look great! I don't think his legs look as thin in person as they did in the renders which is good, but I would have liked a lighter blue. Also not sure what's going on with the transparent plastic. He also has a fake front - his chest is not the nose of the car. Minor complaints aside, he looks great and once again I'm glad I replaced my Classics version. I'm getting a little nervous about getting hold of Siege Ratchet and the upcoming Seacons. None seem to be easily available to order and the Seacons are just a little too soon for my liking. I think they raise an interesting question on whether we'll get any more combiners. I really want a Leozack from POTP Starscream and I think they could do Road Caesar and Monstructor/Dinoking fairly easily. Definitely Leozack though and maybe a Deathcobra..........
I’ve opened Legends 80th Captain America. It’s a great looking figure, the sculpted scales with a bit of metallic paint looks great and the darker tones make him a bit more realistic. Not quite sure of the purpose for the second head but good to have options. The only downside was that the handle on the shield was broken straight out of the packaging, still usable but annoying.
Having replaced a few Marvel Legends and increasingly, Transformers Classics figures, there was an interesting discussion of ‘definitive’ versions of characters on a podcast I listen to. When you are only exposed to one source of media I think this works but after several different comics, cartoons and films, there often isn’t one, bit I do try to stick to one figure per character. (Grimlock, Ravage and Iron Man aside.) I think unless there are really obvious flaws or a huge improvement I will try not to ‘upgrade’ too much.
If I ignore any instance where I’ve replaced an unofficial toy with official, or where I’ve changed a figure for what I consider to be a more appropriate size class, there’s not that many. Outside of Siege, there’s only Blitzwing (and maybe a Minbot or two). I replaced Blitzwing to be consistent with Astrotrain and Octane. With Siege there’s Hound, Ironhide, Ratchet, Mirage, Megatron and Springer. I found photos of each of them comparing the new and old versions. Megatron is an easy argument - the back kibble on the Classics is crazy (though I do like the gun mode). Similarly Ironhide and Ratchet, the Universe figures just weren’t very good. The other three were fine before, Hound was maybe a bit too cartoony. Springer a bit too IDW-y, Mirage a bit too lanky? I was fine with the old versions, but on the whole the new versions are more toy (and cartoon really) accurate. With the new Hoist I will need to see that he’s bigger than the thrilling 30th line before I commit. The only other figure I have where I would like a new version is Hot Rod. The Classics figure is very much of his time.
One battle I think I will have with myself is voyager versions of the coneheads, it seems like a dead cert to me. I’m determined to stick with the deluxe figures. Though they should obviously scale with Starscream, they are relatively minor characters and so, for me, be the same size as the sweeps, Misfire, Slugslinger and Triggerhappy. Ramjet in particular has a special significance, as it was him (and the BotCon figures) that started me collecting Classics. I’m going to keep deluxe Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker as well as getting the voyager versions. Skywarp was the last thing I ever bought from Woolworths!
I have opened Captain Britain, I've been opening stuff based on how interested I am, but I surprised myself that I wanted to open him before Thor. He looks good, though I guess at some point I might have to paint over the blue with white. What a sad day that will be.
I’m not too interested in much else, though I might take the opportunity to replace my RTS Grapple with the (yellow headed) United one. Might be able to get an Artfire as well. Could be tempted by a Hosehead remold of the new one though. I’d also like to replace my Classics Magnus with the white legged Henkei one, but that would be a bit pointless as I’m only really holding on to the original for nostalgic reasons.
I’ve got mixed feelings about wanting a Titan Scorponok, despite being my most wanted figure it might be good to wait for a year to allow me time to get the funds. Generally feeling good about Legends though, I’ve added Odin and Wendigo to my get list (need gold armour and a new head respectively!). Hopefully there won’t be so many must get box sets next year! I’ve feeling mixed about Turtles, I might return the NECA set and get the Super 7 figures instead, but with the Thundercats as well that could be expensive at over fifty quid a pop.
SCORPONOK!!! Sod waiting a year, I need it now dammit! This is it, my most wanted figure. Not sure what I was thinking waiting a year. I have a list of figures which I think need replacing - Trailbreaker and Hoist are on it, so if the figures are a decent size then will get them. The (original) seekers were on it, so on board for voyager Starscream. Optimus was not, but I think I can allow myself one exception. Cliffjumper I'm intrigued by, if he is legends sized then I could be very tempted. Actually it's strange but I really can't remember which Bumblebee and Cliffjumper I have on my shelf - Generations I think, pretty sure I bought a Titans Return Bumblebee though. Excited for the potential of Hubcap and Throttlebot repaints. Maybe even a Bumper?
No news on the Marvel Legends front, absolutely nothing for me. There are plenty of things I would like to see, but happy for the break. It feels like the time before Combiner Wars, I couldn't see myself getting any new figures, Marvel Universe was slowing down and Metroplex was on his way. I'm guessing some of the later characters will come in the third part of the trilogy, again good to have a bit of a break.
I've got Mirage now, between him, Reflector and Springer I'm suddenly really enjoying Siege again. They look great! I don't think his legs look as thin in person as they did in the renders which is good, but I would have liked a lighter blue. Also not sure what's going on with the transparent plastic. He also has a fake front - his chest is not the nose of the car. Minor complaints aside, he looks great and once again I'm glad I replaced my Classics version. I'm getting a little nervous about getting hold of Siege Ratchet and the upcoming Seacons. None seem to be easily available to order and the Seacons are just a little too soon for my liking. I think they raise an interesting question on whether we'll get any more combiners. I really want a Leozack from POTP Starscream and I think they could do Road Caesar and Monstructor/Dinoking fairly easily. Definitely Leozack though and maybe a Deathcobra..........
I’ve opened Legends 80th Captain America. It’s a great looking figure, the sculpted scales with a bit of metallic paint looks great and the darker tones make him a bit more realistic. Not quite sure of the purpose for the second head but good to have options. The only downside was that the handle on the shield was broken straight out of the packaging, still usable but annoying.
Having replaced a few Marvel Legends and increasingly, Transformers Classics figures, there was an interesting discussion of ‘definitive’ versions of characters on a podcast I listen to. When you are only exposed to one source of media I think this works but after several different comics, cartoons and films, there often isn’t one, bit I do try to stick to one figure per character. (Grimlock, Ravage and Iron Man aside.) I think unless there are really obvious flaws or a huge improvement I will try not to ‘upgrade’ too much.
If I ignore any instance where I’ve replaced an unofficial toy with official, or where I’ve changed a figure for what I consider to be a more appropriate size class, there’s not that many. Outside of Siege, there’s only Blitzwing (and maybe a Minbot or two). I replaced Blitzwing to be consistent with Astrotrain and Octane. With Siege there’s Hound, Ironhide, Ratchet, Mirage, Megatron and Springer. I found photos of each of them comparing the new and old versions. Megatron is an easy argument - the back kibble on the Classics is crazy (though I do like the gun mode). Similarly Ironhide and Ratchet, the Universe figures just weren’t very good. The other three were fine before, Hound was maybe a bit too cartoony. Springer a bit too IDW-y, Mirage a bit too lanky? I was fine with the old versions, but on the whole the new versions are more toy (and cartoon really) accurate. With the new Hoist I will need to see that he’s bigger than the thrilling 30th line before I commit. The only other figure I have where I would like a new version is Hot Rod. The Classics figure is very much of his time.
One battle I think I will have with myself is voyager versions of the coneheads, it seems like a dead cert to me. I’m determined to stick with the deluxe figures. Though they should obviously scale with Starscream, they are relatively minor characters and so, for me, be the same size as the sweeps, Misfire, Slugslinger and Triggerhappy. Ramjet in particular has a special significance, as it was him (and the BotCon figures) that started me collecting Classics. I’m going to keep deluxe Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker as well as getting the voyager versions. Skywarp was the last thing I ever bought from Woolworths!
I have opened Captain Britain, I've been opening stuff based on how interested I am, but I surprised myself that I wanted to open him before Thor. He looks good, though I guess at some point I might have to paint over the blue with white. What a sad day that will be.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Without the funny Cybertronian bits
I’ve opened Springer, I like him so far, but I’m not quite sure whether I like him more than the 30th anniversary figure yet. He’s a good mix of toy and cartoon accurate, and I’m rather fond of the original toy’s altmodes which was my main reason for getting this one. He’s more fiddly certainly, but everything clicks into place nicely to make it seem pretty solid. I’ll keep on messing with him.
Colossus and Juggernaut have arrived. Having a few figures from the Juggernaut wave I was aware of how big his arms and legs are, but wow, this is one chunky figure. I really like the open hands for that extra width.
They both look amazing, a part of me thinks I’m still very happy with the 3.75” scaled figures, but Universe Colossus is rather blue and very angry, not really what comes to mind when I think of the character.
The smashed up face is perfect for when Juggernaut goes up against the Hulk. I’m really starting to appreciate how photogenic (and fun) these new Legends are.
Psylocke arrived again, this is what I said last time: “I’ve opened Bishop and Psylocke (purple hair). Fantastic figures. Bishop’s one of my favourites from the 90’s cartoon, so it’s great to have a figure that does him justice. Psylocke is also very well done. Need to put together the rest of the teams!” So all that still applies, with the small edit that now all I only need Jean Grey to complete the teams!
I think this will be the first time I really feel like I’ve completed something, with Marvel Universe and Transformers I did complete teams but they never properly matched aesthetically (or they were teams of size four). A complete 90’s X-Men team, finally!
There are rumours of a leader Optimus with trailer, presumably the Siege figure without the funny Cybertronian bits, but with a trailer. I came extremely close to buying the Siege figure - I saw it in a shop, went back to buy it only for Soundwave to be on the shelf so I bought him instead. So I’m a little tempted, especially as I changed my Classics Megatron for the Siege. Similarly, earth Starscream. I thought a voyager F-15 version was inevitable, surprised how quickly it has happened if this is true. I would buy Skywarp and Thundercracker as well. I’m also quite keen for a voyager Sunstorm, but I think I would keep my (deluxe) Classics coneheads and ghost Starscream even if they were options.
Colossus and Juggernaut have arrived. Having a few figures from the Juggernaut wave I was aware of how big his arms and legs are, but wow, this is one chunky figure. I really like the open hands for that extra width.
They both look amazing, a part of me thinks I’m still very happy with the 3.75” scaled figures, but Universe Colossus is rather blue and very angry, not really what comes to mind when I think of the character.
The smashed up face is perfect for when Juggernaut goes up against the Hulk. I’m really starting to appreciate how photogenic (and fun) these new Legends are.
Psylocke arrived again, this is what I said last time: “I’ve opened Bishop and Psylocke (purple hair). Fantastic figures. Bishop’s one of my favourites from the 90’s cartoon, so it’s great to have a figure that does him justice. Psylocke is also very well done. Need to put together the rest of the teams!” So all that still applies, with the small edit that now all I only need Jean Grey to complete the teams!
I think this will be the first time I really feel like I’ve completed something, with Marvel Universe and Transformers I did complete teams but they never properly matched aesthetically (or they were teams of size four). A complete 90’s X-Men team, finally!
There are rumours of a leader Optimus with trailer, presumably the Siege figure without the funny Cybertronian bits, but with a trailer. I came extremely close to buying the Siege figure - I saw it in a shop, went back to buy it only for Soundwave to be on the shelf so I bought him instead. So I’m a little tempted, especially as I changed my Classics Megatron for the Siege. Similarly, earth Starscream. I thought a voyager F-15 version was inevitable, surprised how quickly it has happened if this is true. I would buy Skywarp and Thundercracker as well. I’m also quite keen for a voyager Sunstorm, but I think I would keep my (deluxe) Classics coneheads and ghost Starscream even if they were options.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Blue with a tail and a sword
Hasbro is giving us just about every Marvel Legends figure we want, now it doesn’t seem that far fetched to suggest this might be because the license is expiring but they are extracting some serious money from collectors. But what if something else is happening? They must know the age distribution is people collecting, they must know those people are getting older. Those people are buying houses and having children. Their disposable income is dropping, maybe they’re getting these figures out before people drop out. Several of the podcasts I listen to have stopped or had people leave. People are leaving the hobby, maybe this is Hasbro getting as much as they can before that happens. Or maybe this is just wild speculation......
I seem to suddenly have a lot of unopened figures, Legends Loki, Gambit, Jubilee, Storm, Mister Sinister, Nightcrawler, Captain America, Thor, Psylocke and Captain Britain, plus Siege Springer and Reflector. I am going to open Nightcrawler......
He's fantastic! My favourite Marvel character, he's blue with a tail. And a sword. I think I also like him because if I could have any superhero powers it would be teleportation. Think about it, you could live your life in a way where you don't waste any time travelling between places, plus no money wasted on petrol or plane fares. You could see the world for free! Anyway, Nightcrawler is responsible for my inability just to collect the main X-Men from the cartoon. I needed him as well. But then once I made an exception for him I also needed Angel, Iceman, Kitty, Colossus, Psylocke and Bishop. And X-Factor, Cable and Captain Britain. My only small critique is that I think gold paint should have been used for his eyes (they used it on the handle of the sword). The headsculpt is (for me) a fantastic improvement over the old. The smiling head is also great, very fitting for the character and I have a genuine dilemma over which to use. Fantastic!
These Legends figures are really helping me get into X-Men all over again. Since I now have Archangel, Iceman, Forge, Kitty and Nightcrawler I’m going for a Wolverine and the X-Men display until I get round to opening Gambit and Jubilee. I will open Storm next. The vintage packaging is great, but would be even better if the whole team was available in this style! (If it was I would consider keeping them MOSC.) Okay, so this figure is everything I wanted, white costume Storm. Fan-bloody-tastic. She looks great, bring on Jean Grey!
One of the pitfalls I really wanted to avoid when I started collecting Marvel Legends was buying the exact same collection again, but paying twice the price. I made a big list of all the figures I have and I have bought roughly half of my Universe figures as Legends (it gets a bit vague because I still have unfinished customs), it's quite reassuring to know I haven't made my Universe collection completely obsolete.
I've now opened Reflector, I was having some second thoughts on whether I should have got three of the regular cartoon figures, I'm happy to say those doubts have gone. Viewfinder in particular is a fantastic update, Spectro is also a fine update, Spyglass less so as he seems a bit plain. Viewfinder and Spyglass could do with some extra stickers, but I'm very happy and don't regret selling my Perfect Effect set. That said, I'm not sure it's worth the money - £10 or £20 cheaper and I would be far happier. £70 for three small almost identical deluxes is pretty outrageous. A random aside from that, I realise that part of what I like about the figures is the size. It's the same reason I like the G1 Datsun mold, and the 80's/90's Turtle figures. It's probably the same reason I took to Marvel Universe figures so much, figures 4-5" are just the perfect size for me.
Re-reading More than Meets the Eye inspired me to re-watch some Red Dwarf X - XII. They actually did a really good job of re-capturing the spirit of the original series. As much as I like Kochanski, series VII and VIII are not quite the same as the series with the main four. Might have to watch some of the older ones at some point.
Juggernaut and Colossus are on their way, yay!
I seem to suddenly have a lot of unopened figures, Legends Loki, Gambit, Jubilee, Storm, Mister Sinister, Nightcrawler, Captain America, Thor, Psylocke and Captain Britain, plus Siege Springer and Reflector. I am going to open Nightcrawler......
He's fantastic! My favourite Marvel character, he's blue with a tail. And a sword. I think I also like him because if I could have any superhero powers it would be teleportation. Think about it, you could live your life in a way where you don't waste any time travelling between places, plus no money wasted on petrol or plane fares. You could see the world for free! Anyway, Nightcrawler is responsible for my inability just to collect the main X-Men from the cartoon. I needed him as well. But then once I made an exception for him I also needed Angel, Iceman, Kitty, Colossus, Psylocke and Bishop. And X-Factor, Cable and Captain Britain. My only small critique is that I think gold paint should have been used for his eyes (they used it on the handle of the sword). The headsculpt is (for me) a fantastic improvement over the old. The smiling head is also great, very fitting for the character and I have a genuine dilemma over which to use. Fantastic!
These Legends figures are really helping me get into X-Men all over again. Since I now have Archangel, Iceman, Forge, Kitty and Nightcrawler I’m going for a Wolverine and the X-Men display until I get round to opening Gambit and Jubilee. I will open Storm next. The vintage packaging is great, but would be even better if the whole team was available in this style! (If it was I would consider keeping them MOSC.) Okay, so this figure is everything I wanted, white costume Storm. Fan-bloody-tastic. She looks great, bring on Jean Grey!
One of the pitfalls I really wanted to avoid when I started collecting Marvel Legends was buying the exact same collection again, but paying twice the price. I made a big list of all the figures I have and I have bought roughly half of my Universe figures as Legends (it gets a bit vague because I still have unfinished customs), it's quite reassuring to know I haven't made my Universe collection completely obsolete.
I've now opened Reflector, I was having some second thoughts on whether I should have got three of the regular cartoon figures, I'm happy to say those doubts have gone. Viewfinder in particular is a fantastic update, Spectro is also a fine update, Spyglass less so as he seems a bit plain. Viewfinder and Spyglass could do with some extra stickers, but I'm very happy and don't regret selling my Perfect Effect set. That said, I'm not sure it's worth the money - £10 or £20 cheaper and I would be far happier. £70 for three small almost identical deluxes is pretty outrageous. A random aside from that, I realise that part of what I like about the figures is the size. It's the same reason I like the G1 Datsun mold, and the 80's/90's Turtle figures. It's probably the same reason I took to Marvel Universe figures so much, figures 4-5" are just the perfect size for me.
Re-reading More than Meets the Eye inspired me to re-watch some Red Dwarf X - XII. They actually did a really good job of re-capturing the spirit of the original series. As much as I like Kochanski, series VII and VIII are not quite the same as the series with the main four. Might have to watch some of the older ones at some point.
Juggernaut and Colossus are on their way, yay!
Monday, September 16, 2019
I’ve been re-reading Lost Light (volume 2), it’s really nice to get back into it. Bit tempted to seek out a Krok, but the main thing that struck me was that Scorponok, Star Saber, Deszaras and Thunderclash all appear, my main toy wants. It’s like they’re teasing me.
My interest in Transformers has evolved, it started off as nostalgia for the cartoon, that evolved into nostalgia for the toys. I then watched the Japanese cartoons, and read the Marvel and Dreamwave comics. I now read the IDW comics and the toys I want reflect this evolution. Scorponok appears in everything on that list, the middle two Japanese cartoons and IDW, and Thunderclash is all IDW. None of the cast of the cartoons or toyline I remember as a kid are on it, they're done. Had I not embraced new media I would be done apart from Scorponok.
I saved a few pictures of the 90’s X-Men teams a while back and it’s been playing on my mind. Basically I now need Captain Britain and Psylocke. They’re British, I’m in Britain, it all makes sense. Cap B is still available at retail price, more or less, but Psylocke has about doubled. Bollocks! I bought her, sold her at a loss and now want to buy her again. Suffice to say, They’re both on their way (again).
They both appeared in the 90’s cartoon so it’s not all patriotic nonsense. I bought a New Excalibur comic in the 2000’s so I actually have some connection to the team. I like that Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde were both in Excalibur as they are sort of leftovers from the main 90’s teams otherwise (Blue, Gold and X-Factor). For Pyslocke she was also on the cover of one of the few X-Men comics I bought (with Spiral), she also apparently joined the team in the comics set after the cartoon. So, she does have a lot of significance. She also helps competes the 90’s team. I have now paid for Nightcrawler and Storm, just a Jean Grey away from X-Men completion! (And Colossus technically, but he's due any time now.)
I have now got NECA cartoon Leonardo, my initial thoughts are very positive, but will be expensive to complete the team! He's a very good size - the Playmates figures were a bit big compared to Marvel Legends scaled stuff, but also 80's/90's Turtles were slightly smaller than other toylines, so I appreciate the shortness. One thing that is key for me with Turtles figures is the shell colour and design, and this one is perfect. He's not super posable, but I think he has just enough articulation. I like the way this figure looks next to Legends. Also, it photographs amazingly well.
I have spent a bit time thinking about what sort of Turtles I want - comic, cartoon, toy, or movie even. I don't have any connection to the original comics, but generally with my toys I go for ones based on the original source material. I think the Playmates had they been a bit smaller would have been perfect. I really like this cartoon style figure but I am also eyeing up the Super 7 figures which look to be ridiculously expensive. Can’t make my mind up, but will hold off making a decision until we see a bit more of the new stuff.
There are rumours that the next WFC line will be focused on Rebirth. Just about every figure I could want is from 1987 or later (deluxe Insecticons I think are the sole exception), this could be it! Interestingly, the final part could be animal based Transformers. Bigger Sky Lynx and Dinobots please! But, at that point I think it would be more about getting better versions. And maybe some Beast Wars?! (Off the top of my head I need Tarantulas, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, and Airrazor.) I have also managed to squeeze in an order for the Reflector 3-pack. Like I said, generally I like to go toy accurate, but the cartoon colours were tempting.
I have suggested that I might take a break from collecting next year, I came across a term recently which I very much identify with - FOMO - fear of missing out. That's it in a nutshell. Perhaps taking a break is a bit drastic (given my extreme FOMO), but after Toy Fair next year, once I know what's coming I might work out what I really want, and limit myself to only opening that stuff. See what I have stacked up that perhaps I don't want.
My interest in Transformers has evolved, it started off as nostalgia for the cartoon, that evolved into nostalgia for the toys. I then watched the Japanese cartoons, and read the Marvel and Dreamwave comics. I now read the IDW comics and the toys I want reflect this evolution. Scorponok appears in everything on that list, the middle two Japanese cartoons and IDW, and Thunderclash is all IDW. None of the cast of the cartoons or toyline I remember as a kid are on it, they're done. Had I not embraced new media I would be done apart from Scorponok.
I saved a few pictures of the 90’s X-Men teams a while back and it’s been playing on my mind. Basically I now need Captain Britain and Psylocke. They’re British, I’m in Britain, it all makes sense. Cap B is still available at retail price, more or less, but Psylocke has about doubled. Bollocks! I bought her, sold her at a loss and now want to buy her again. Suffice to say, They’re both on their way (again).
They both appeared in the 90’s cartoon so it’s not all patriotic nonsense. I bought a New Excalibur comic in the 2000’s so I actually have some connection to the team. I like that Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde were both in Excalibur as they are sort of leftovers from the main 90’s teams otherwise (Blue, Gold and X-Factor). For Pyslocke she was also on the cover of one of the few X-Men comics I bought (with Spiral), she also apparently joined the team in the comics set after the cartoon. So, she does have a lot of significance. She also helps competes the 90’s team. I have now paid for Nightcrawler and Storm, just a Jean Grey away from X-Men completion! (And Colossus technically, but he's due any time now.)
I have now got NECA cartoon Leonardo, my initial thoughts are very positive, but will be expensive to complete the team! He's a very good size - the Playmates figures were a bit big compared to Marvel Legends scaled stuff, but also 80's/90's Turtles were slightly smaller than other toylines, so I appreciate the shortness. One thing that is key for me with Turtles figures is the shell colour and design, and this one is perfect. He's not super posable, but I think he has just enough articulation. I like the way this figure looks next to Legends. Also, it photographs amazingly well.
I have spent a bit time thinking about what sort of Turtles I want - comic, cartoon, toy, or movie even. I don't have any connection to the original comics, but generally with my toys I go for ones based on the original source material. I think the Playmates had they been a bit smaller would have been perfect. I really like this cartoon style figure but I am also eyeing up the Super 7 figures which look to be ridiculously expensive. Can’t make my mind up, but will hold off making a decision until we see a bit more of the new stuff.
There are rumours that the next WFC line will be focused on Rebirth. Just about every figure I could want is from 1987 or later (deluxe Insecticons I think are the sole exception), this could be it! Interestingly, the final part could be animal based Transformers. Bigger Sky Lynx and Dinobots please! But, at that point I think it would be more about getting better versions. And maybe some Beast Wars?! (Off the top of my head I need Tarantulas, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, and Airrazor.) I have also managed to squeeze in an order for the Reflector 3-pack. Like I said, generally I like to go toy accurate, but the cartoon colours were tempting.
I have suggested that I might take a break from collecting next year, I came across a term recently which I very much identify with - FOMO - fear of missing out. That's it in a nutshell. Perhaps taking a break is a bit drastic (given my extreme FOMO), but after Toy Fair next year, once I know what's coming I might work out what I really want, and limit myself to only opening that stuff. See what I have stacked up that perhaps I don't want.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Off for a cuppa
So how am I doing? Re-reading some of my posts from earlier in the year, I have bought a lot less stuff from eBay - for the few things I have bought it has just been the best option. I don't have a 'want to get' list full of figures from previous years where eBay is the only option so that is good. There has been a heck of a lot of new stuff coming out that I've wanted though so I have sold a lot of stuff to buy it. So far, pretty responsible, but no difficult decisions either. That is where I am now - I want too much stuff which I don't have the money for. I could put off buying it, but the situation isn't looking any better for 2020 (potentially Scorponok, Seacons, a commander class figure, BAF Strong Guy, Thundercats). Something has to give then.
I think in terms of distraction, I have made some progress, though I think as much as anything the distraction relates to tiredness. The more tired you are, the more easily distracted. Makes sense really. So what to do? A quick Google search suggests to avoid distractions (genius!), drink lots of water, have a shower, work on well defined and easy things, and move around a lot. I'm off to have a cuppa, as I can't stop thinking how much I need the Iron Man/Iron Spider set! Most people seem to have had enough of movie Iron Man armours, but to me this is the perfect set which I've been eagerly awaiting.
I had a slightly strange realisation, I regularly find myself craving news - I check the front pages of websites to see if anything new has been announced, I look forward to Toy Fair and SDCC. I almost never find myself craving a new toy to open. I don’t buy things because I need something to open. If anything I find I have too much to open, and so often have a backlog. I think knowing that something is being made and knowing that I own the thing is what I crave most.
I’ve got Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge in hand. I’ve already expressed my excitement repeatedly, but what a wave! I don’t think there will ever be such a good wave. I have an irrational like of Forge, he’s never been in a film, but he had several cameos in TAS and Evolution, and was on the team in Wolverine and the X-Men, although rarely in action. He’s one of my favourite X-Men for some reason, really happy to have a figure of him.
Beast is amazing! I wasn’t expecting much, but I think he’s great. He can do some really good poses. Yes it would be good if he had a more neutral facial expression, and some wash on his biceps to match the shoulders and forearms, but I’m really taken with him. I had a really great geeky day, opened Beast, re-read volume 1 of Transformers Lost Light and found out that Hasbro has the Ghostbusters license (3.75” or 6” Real Ghostbusters please!). All is good!
Having spotted a bit of the second wave of Endgame Legends figures at the Disney store last week, I went back today and found Loki. It’s great to find things in person, it was a really hot day and there was a parade going on, very memorable! Marvel Legends Alpha Flight have been announced for Marvel Legends, I am a little tempted but think am happy to enjoy from a distance. (I like the idea of getting Sasquatch but after checking the price on eBay, I'm good.)
There are rumours that Namor will be the villain for the next Black Panther film, please be true!!! Another round of Disney plus Marvel shows were announced at D23: Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk! Fantastic. I’ve added those characters to my Legends want list. The new She-Hulk looks great, just need a green one. And I want a classic Moon Knight. With all these series announced by Marvel, but with the same actors (and budget?), I wonder whether it is more profitable for them? (Less middle men than traditional cinema?) If so and Disney plus is successful then maybe that’s where the future lies for them.
It sounds like the deal between Marvel and Sony has broken down, I think Marvel will wait it out - the MCU really doesn’t need Spider-Man and I can’t imagine Sony only films will do as well - I’m not sure I will bother - I never saw any of the Andrew Garfield films at the cinema. Sony will be forced back to the negotiating table.
I think in terms of distraction, I have made some progress, though I think as much as anything the distraction relates to tiredness. The more tired you are, the more easily distracted. Makes sense really. So what to do? A quick Google search suggests to avoid distractions (genius!), drink lots of water, have a shower, work on well defined and easy things, and move around a lot. I'm off to have a cuppa, as I can't stop thinking how much I need the Iron Man/Iron Spider set! Most people seem to have had enough of movie Iron Man armours, but to me this is the perfect set which I've been eagerly awaiting.
I had a slightly strange realisation, I regularly find myself craving news - I check the front pages of websites to see if anything new has been announced, I look forward to Toy Fair and SDCC. I almost never find myself craving a new toy to open. I don’t buy things because I need something to open. If anything I find I have too much to open, and so often have a backlog. I think knowing that something is being made and knowing that I own the thing is what I crave most.
I’ve got Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge in hand. I’ve already expressed my excitement repeatedly, but what a wave! I don’t think there will ever be such a good wave. I have an irrational like of Forge, he’s never been in a film, but he had several cameos in TAS and Evolution, and was on the team in Wolverine and the X-Men, although rarely in action. He’s one of my favourite X-Men for some reason, really happy to have a figure of him.
Beast is amazing! I wasn’t expecting much, but I think he’s great. He can do some really good poses. Yes it would be good if he had a more neutral facial expression, and some wash on his biceps to match the shoulders and forearms, but I’m really taken with him. I had a really great geeky day, opened Beast, re-read volume 1 of Transformers Lost Light and found out that Hasbro has the Ghostbusters license (3.75” or 6” Real Ghostbusters please!). All is good!
Having spotted a bit of the second wave of Endgame Legends figures at the Disney store last week, I went back today and found Loki. It’s great to find things in person, it was a really hot day and there was a parade going on, very memorable! Marvel Legends Alpha Flight have been announced for Marvel Legends, I am a little tempted but think am happy to enjoy from a distance. (I like the idea of getting Sasquatch but after checking the price on eBay, I'm good.)
There are rumours that Namor will be the villain for the next Black Panther film, please be true!!! Another round of Disney plus Marvel shows were announced at D23: Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk! Fantastic. I’ve added those characters to my Legends want list. The new She-Hulk looks great, just need a green one. And I want a classic Moon Knight. With all these series announced by Marvel, but with the same actors (and budget?), I wonder whether it is more profitable for them? (Less middle men than traditional cinema?) If so and Disney plus is successful then maybe that’s where the future lies for them.
It sounds like the deal between Marvel and Sony has broken down, I think Marvel will wait it out - the MCU really doesn’t need Spider-Man and I can’t imagine Sony only films will do as well - I’m not sure I will bother - I never saw any of the Andrew Garfield films at the cinema. Sony will be forced back to the negotiating table.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Huge and green
Have finally bought Multiple Man, I’ve been fairly restrained, but his price seems to be creeping up so thought was time to grab him. Guess other people are also looking to complete X-Factor. He’s the first member of the team I’ve got. Unfortunately I've also got what will hopefully be my last sizeable eBay invoice for a while, damn those blood sucking bastards..... I was probably a bit premature buying Multiple Man but hopefully I can find the money for everything I've preordered.
So the Mark IV turned up, he’s a knock off but some mold flash aside, he’s fine. I guess they might well do the Mark V soon. I was expecting the hips to be god awful, but man, the hips are god awful! He really can’t stand in anyway that doesn't look like he's got a stick up his arse or sticking his butt out. Luckily he came with a display stand!
I fancy putting down a top 10. I want many Legends but a classic Doctor Strange tops the list. Followed by classic Ms. Marvel, Falcon and Red Skull. That would complete a few teams as well as giving me all of the 'main' villains. Falcon seems quite likely given the release of Vulture and the upcoming Disney plus series. Transformers wise, Scorponok tops the list, followed by Victory Saber and Deszaras (complete the G1 leaders) and Thunderclash (because IDW). Surely it is Scorponok's time?! Finally (finally), I want Tygra and Cheetara to complete my Thundercats. I want a Snarf as well but since that would be 11, he can be an accessory for Cheetara. Come on Super 7!
This 10 wants feels a bit different to previous lists, if I had these then what feel like the major gaps would be filled. I previously said that I would have a break from collecting Legends. I am thinking about a break from collecting generally. With Legends, really I just want Dr. Strange, I will make do with the black costume one. With Transformers, it’s about Scorponok. So a really key thing is whether he’s the Titan for next year. The other key thing is what’s happening with Thundercats. I think the end of February (Toy Fair really), will be my cut off for any news. If they announce anything before then then it’s fair game. If not, I won’t hear about it. I realise I'm checking online retailers just in case I miss a preorder, things like Ratchet and Reflector go so quickly. I don't need the stress.
I will continue to listen to podcasts and I'll continue to blog, but I want to stop going to websites and clicking refresh constantly in the hopes of some news. I want to stop making lists of all the things I want to get or wish for. Most importantly I want to stop wishing my life away - I just need this one thing to be happy and complete. I will check back in again at some point but hopefully with my priorities in life a bit clearer.
I've got 80th anniversary Hulk. He is huge, he really towers over the Thing. The headsculpt is amazing. I'm not sure whether the old KO movie Hulk I had was fading, but wow, this thing is bright bright green, it really pops. He has a bit of scuffed paint on his chest, but the quality on the figures is just astounding. He makes a nice centre piece to my A:EMH collection since none of the others are green and are all colours that go well with it. I wonder if such high quality figures had been available in 2009 I might have made a different decision about collecting 3.75". The figures now are statue quality. Very happy to have the figure.
The X-Men wave has finally come in! Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge. That’s three new X-Men and another member of X-Factor. I always liked the 3.75” Beast so despite being the most important, he’s possibly the least exciting. Getting a decent Gambit is great, and getting a properly 90’s Jubilee is really cool, despite her being the annoying one in the cartoon. Getting a Forge seems like a big deal since he never got a 3.75” figure, but if I could only have nine Legends figures, the other three would be in it. Getting a complete set of 90’s cartoon X-Men is one of my collecting goals, and I’m a third of the way closer now!
More Thundercats! Well, more of the same Thundercats. Actually it suits me as I'm not ready to put down multiples of $45 plus shipping before September. It's all I wanted - a bit of hope that Tygra and Cheetara might be on their way!
I feel that my collecting goals have focused somewhat - I want a set of Thundercats, Turtles, Power Rangers and X-Men in the same scale. Unfortunate they’re all happening at the same time.
So the Mark IV turned up, he’s a knock off but some mold flash aside, he’s fine. I guess they might well do the Mark V soon. I was expecting the hips to be god awful, but man, the hips are god awful! He really can’t stand in anyway that doesn't look like he's got a stick up his arse or sticking his butt out. Luckily he came with a display stand!
I fancy putting down a top 10. I want many Legends but a classic Doctor Strange tops the list. Followed by classic Ms. Marvel, Falcon and Red Skull. That would complete a few teams as well as giving me all of the 'main' villains. Falcon seems quite likely given the release of Vulture and the upcoming Disney plus series. Transformers wise, Scorponok tops the list, followed by Victory Saber and Deszaras (complete the G1 leaders) and Thunderclash (because IDW). Surely it is Scorponok's time?! Finally (finally), I want Tygra and Cheetara to complete my Thundercats. I want a Snarf as well but since that would be 11, he can be an accessory for Cheetara. Come on Super 7!
This 10 wants feels a bit different to previous lists, if I had these then what feel like the major gaps would be filled. I previously said that I would have a break from collecting Legends. I am thinking about a break from collecting generally. With Legends, really I just want Dr. Strange, I will make do with the black costume one. With Transformers, it’s about Scorponok. So a really key thing is whether he’s the Titan for next year. The other key thing is what’s happening with Thundercats. I think the end of February (Toy Fair really), will be my cut off for any news. If they announce anything before then then it’s fair game. If not, I won’t hear about it. I realise I'm checking online retailers just in case I miss a preorder, things like Ratchet and Reflector go so quickly. I don't need the stress.
I will continue to listen to podcasts and I'll continue to blog, but I want to stop going to websites and clicking refresh constantly in the hopes of some news. I want to stop making lists of all the things I want to get or wish for. Most importantly I want to stop wishing my life away - I just need this one thing to be happy and complete. I will check back in again at some point but hopefully with my priorities in life a bit clearer.
I've got 80th anniversary Hulk. He is huge, he really towers over the Thing. The headsculpt is amazing. I'm not sure whether the old KO movie Hulk I had was fading, but wow, this thing is bright bright green, it really pops. He has a bit of scuffed paint on his chest, but the quality on the figures is just astounding. He makes a nice centre piece to my A:EMH collection since none of the others are green and are all colours that go well with it. I wonder if such high quality figures had been available in 2009 I might have made a different decision about collecting 3.75". The figures now are statue quality. Very happy to have the figure.
The X-Men wave has finally come in! Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge. That’s three new X-Men and another member of X-Factor. I always liked the 3.75” Beast so despite being the most important, he’s possibly the least exciting. Getting a decent Gambit is great, and getting a properly 90’s Jubilee is really cool, despite her being the annoying one in the cartoon. Getting a Forge seems like a big deal since he never got a 3.75” figure, but if I could only have nine Legends figures, the other three would be in it. Getting a complete set of 90’s cartoon X-Men is one of my collecting goals, and I’m a third of the way closer now!
More Thundercats! Well, more of the same Thundercats. Actually it suits me as I'm not ready to put down multiples of $45 plus shipping before September. It's all I wanted - a bit of hope that Tygra and Cheetara might be on their way!
I feel that my collecting goals have focused somewhat - I want a set of Thundercats, Turtles, Power Rangers and X-Men in the same scale. Unfortunate they’re all happening at the same time.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Time for a break?
After SDCC it feels like it's going to be an expensive end to the year - four X-Men Legends sets, one Iron Man set, various singles, some Transformers and probably some Turtles. I've been trying to convince myself that I don't need to collect the (90's cartoon) Sinister Six. I have Doc Ock, but need/want Rhino, Shocker, Chameleon, Mysterio and Scorpion. I like the figures of all of those characters except Chameleon (I want a cartoon version!). Mysterio and Scorpion both have little details that I'm not so keen on, that could easily be rectified with a little paint but really don't want to have to do that. Add to that they're mostly all really expensive now and I have very nice 3.75" versions of them which is perfect considering they are mostly minor villains. I accept the same argument for the Masters of Evil (though to be fair Skurge and Crimson Dynamo don't even have modern 6" figures), so need to extend it to the Six. (If I did decide I want them it would be a long time before I could find the money.)
X-Factor has (will have) a strange status in my Legends collection, in that it’s only there because I don’t have those characters (Quicksilver is the sole exception, probably because he's the most important) and costumes in 3.75”. The Masters and Six are not either of those and I have them in 3.75”, need to try and remember that. The Brotherhood would be the same, if they decide to release them.
I am thinking about putting a limit on my Legends collecting, a break really. End of February next year then that’s it, anything that hasn’t gone up for preorder before that date I won’t be getting. The end of February would be 18 months. I’ve realised that Legends collecting is somewhat stressful - the prices increase quickly, figures are released all at the same time. Transformers isn’t like that (though that might be because I've focused so much on Legends), my collecting Transformers is much calmer and controlled because I already have the vast majority of what I want and so it’s just (mostly), the odd figure here and there. With Legends (with any luck) I will have a complete X-Men and Avengers team (TAS and A:EMH), that’s all I need. I will see what happens at Toy Fair but I think putting a line under it would be good. If they haven’t released a classic Doctor Strange by then I will get the black costume version. I think I will also work out how much I’ve spent, always a sobering exercise!
I’ve gone almost a month since getting anything new, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms. That might motivate me to get on with some customs. I have however paid for Legends Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Except Iron Man they are the 80th anniversary versions so look absolutely incredible. Iron Man is the Mark IV from Iron Man 2. He looks good (I like it more than the Mark VI), and it’s the design used for Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The only issue really is articulation and size (similarly to the Mark I War Machine), but for display, if I use a stand its lack of height should not be so obvious. When they all arrive it will be my A: EMH lineup finished, a milestone worth celebrating! I wouldn’t mind getting a classic Ms. Marvel, but I'm not so concerned about the Season 2 lineup, there are also some costume changes (particularly Ant-Man/Yellowjacket), so it would be more than that if I wanted to go all out.
I’ve also popped in a preorder for Colossus and Juggernaut - I’ve sold a couple of bits so have got a bit more money to play with and I reckon it’s not a set I want to try and pick up in a few months time - I’m guessing it’s quite a weighty set! I saw a photo online of someone who had replaced the 6” figures with the 3.75” ones. They were really good figures! Anyway, I’m committed now, it will also mean I will have all of the X-Men I want by the end of the year. Whoop.
I have now run out of things to sell, which means I have to be a bit more careful with my spending (I was already being pretty careful) - most of my Legends spending has been funded by selling, but it feels good to have cleared all of that stuff out. In a few cases I was fairly ruthless - the moment a new figure was announced or even hinted at, selling the old version. I've simplified how I think about my collection, I've stopped collecting Masterpiece (just keeping an eye on it at the moment). I've decided not to sell any of my Transformers reissues, and I've got rid of a couple of bits of G1 where the modern version is much better (the Terrorcons for instance), I’m keeping most of them though, they’re what started me off in the first place.
I see preorders are up for Bossfight studios ‘steeds’, would be great to get a ride for Valkyrie and Black Knight, but with shipping and customs it’s going to be almost £70 for each. Definitely haven’t got that sort of spare money sitting round, but they’re one of those weird things that really appeals to me. One day!
Updated versions of all three Powerdashers have been revealed, not quite sure whether I care! I do like the diaclone looking heads, and I haven't got of the weaponisers. I am also keen to get the Omnibots, it would be nice to really complete the 1984/85 lineup (rather than just the cartoon lineup). So many good things being released, I’ve not even mentioned Unicron... Will see how I’m going getting those Legends/Turtles sets.
X-Factor has (will have) a strange status in my Legends collection, in that it’s only there because I don’t have those characters (Quicksilver is the sole exception, probably because he's the most important) and costumes in 3.75”. The Masters and Six are not either of those and I have them in 3.75”, need to try and remember that. The Brotherhood would be the same, if they decide to release them.
I am thinking about putting a limit on my Legends collecting, a break really. End of February next year then that’s it, anything that hasn’t gone up for preorder before that date I won’t be getting. The end of February would be 18 months. I’ve realised that Legends collecting is somewhat stressful - the prices increase quickly, figures are released all at the same time. Transformers isn’t like that (though that might be because I've focused so much on Legends), my collecting Transformers is much calmer and controlled because I already have the vast majority of what I want and so it’s just (mostly), the odd figure here and there. With Legends (with any luck) I will have a complete X-Men and Avengers team (TAS and A:EMH), that’s all I need. I will see what happens at Toy Fair but I think putting a line under it would be good. If they haven’t released a classic Doctor Strange by then I will get the black costume version. I think I will also work out how much I’ve spent, always a sobering exercise!
I’ve gone almost a month since getting anything new, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms. That might motivate me to get on with some customs. I have however paid for Legends Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Except Iron Man they are the 80th anniversary versions so look absolutely incredible. Iron Man is the Mark IV from Iron Man 2. He looks good (I like it more than the Mark VI), and it’s the design used for Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The only issue really is articulation and size (similarly to the Mark I War Machine), but for display, if I use a stand its lack of height should not be so obvious. When they all arrive it will be my A: EMH lineup finished, a milestone worth celebrating! I wouldn’t mind getting a classic Ms. Marvel, but I'm not so concerned about the Season 2 lineup, there are also some costume changes (particularly Ant-Man/Yellowjacket), so it would be more than that if I wanted to go all out.
I’ve also popped in a preorder for Colossus and Juggernaut - I’ve sold a couple of bits so have got a bit more money to play with and I reckon it’s not a set I want to try and pick up in a few months time - I’m guessing it’s quite a weighty set! I saw a photo online of someone who had replaced the 6” figures with the 3.75” ones. They were really good figures! Anyway, I’m committed now, it will also mean I will have all of the X-Men I want by the end of the year. Whoop.
I have now run out of things to sell, which means I have to be a bit more careful with my spending (I was already being pretty careful) - most of my Legends spending has been funded by selling, but it feels good to have cleared all of that stuff out. In a few cases I was fairly ruthless - the moment a new figure was announced or even hinted at, selling the old version. I've simplified how I think about my collection, I've stopped collecting Masterpiece (just keeping an eye on it at the moment). I've decided not to sell any of my Transformers reissues, and I've got rid of a couple of bits of G1 where the modern version is much better (the Terrorcons for instance), I’m keeping most of them though, they’re what started me off in the first place.
I see preorders are up for Bossfight studios ‘steeds’, would be great to get a ride for Valkyrie and Black Knight, but with shipping and customs it’s going to be almost £70 for each. Definitely haven’t got that sort of spare money sitting round, but they’re one of those weird things that really appeals to me. One day!
Updated versions of all three Powerdashers have been revealed, not quite sure whether I care! I do like the diaclone looking heads, and I haven't got of the weaponisers. I am also keen to get the Omnibots, it would be nice to really complete the 1984/85 lineup (rather than just the cartoon lineup). So many good things being released, I’ve not even mentioned Unicron... Will see how I’m going getting those Legends/Turtles sets.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Jean Grey!!!
I am a convert to 6”, a few years ago I was all about the 3.75”. I would have liked all of my favourite teams in that scale - X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic 4, Power Rangers, Ghostbusters, Thundercats, Turtles.
I did have some 3.75” Power Rangers once, but they weren’t so good. We never quite got any of those Marvel teams completed where all of the team had matching costumes, it would have been great to have got 3.75” Thundercats, Turtles or Ghostbusters, but none of those things happened. We obviously have a great wealth of 3.75” Star Wars figures, but they don’t really constitute a team in the same way.
I am very close to having those Marvel teams exactly the way I want in a 6” scale. I have a nice set of Thundercats in that scale (sadly lacking Cheetara and Tygra). This is my motivation for getting the NECA cartoon style Turtles - they look perfect, the Playmates ones were a bit too big. It’s the reason why the Diamond Real Ghostbusters don’t quite work - they’re 7” scale.
More than that I have a nice White Ranger in 6”, with Tommy headsculpt, which makes me think I should perhaps collect the whole team. I will keep an eye out for Ghostbusters, but otherwise it’s looking good.
When I started collecting Legends I was going to be very strict with multiple versions of characters, but I have to admit if they did un-powered versions of Iceman and Human Torch I’d be very tempted. And pre-Archangel Angel as well. Have just about convinced myself just to get a single Multiple Man.
August is looking crazy for Marvel Legends, there is so much stuff coming out that I am having to prioritise. Though I really want the Colossus Juggernaut and Iron Man Iron Spider sets (and the Magneto family set), the 80th Hulk, Cap and Thor are my priorities, along with Storm and Nightcrawler. Would it have killed them to release some of it a few months later?! I'm also holding off on Multiple Man and Loki. I can't see myself being in this position again so need to ride the storm, but it's hard not just buying stuff. Apparently we as humans prioritise the here and now over a long term gain, so it's really not easy.
I’m also planning to just get the cartoon NECA Leonardo initially - I can sell off Shredder, but also decide whether they’re for me. I’m a bit tempted by the movie figures as well. Really thought I was done with Turtles!
I have for the longest time, anticipated getting all of the figures I want. I know that will never happen, but I do think I am extremely close all of the ones I really want. With both Transformers and Marvel, there are just a couple of characters. Scorponok for Transformers, and Jean Grey and Doctor Strange for Marvel. It is possible that they could all get announced at SDCC. (I’m setting myself for disappointment!) Then I would have no choice but change my outlook from what I don’t have to appreciating what I do. There’s always something you can tell yourself that you need.
Well, the first couple of days of SDCC was a bit disappointing, the toy accurate Reflector was as expected, Rung is quite cool (though a bit small), the only other thing that was of interest is the Japanese exclusive dino cassette reissue which I sort of feel I should get because I have the KO, but it’s not very exciting.
The preview breakfast view breakfast brought news of a Mark 85 Iron Man, I had rather thought that because of the delay in announcing it that it might be a special 80th anniversary release with a gauntlet and RDJ head, it had a gauntlet, but one that fits the Hulk BAF. Still, happy to see the figure to complete the armoury and Endgame armoured team (Iron Man, Spider, War Machine and Rescue).
Then, the X-Men announcements happened. Jean Grey!!! I don’t need the Cyclops or Wolverine but I’ll happily take a Logan head. But still, Jean Grey!!! The team will be compete in glorious style. I will have completed one of my major collecting goals. Then, to top it off, Havok, Polaris and Strong Guy, followed by an alternate Wolfsbane head for Moonstar. X-Factor will be compete as well. I only just decided I wanted to collect them but still very happy! In the space of a year they’ve released every single X-Men heroic character I want. Could maybe take a few Brotherhood characters, but I have all of the villains I want as well. Wow.
There’s a new Doom coming as well but otherwise it’s all about the X-Men. Doctor Strange is my sole major want left. Wow again. There’s another rumour we might get some new Thundercat figures, I’d love to get that team finished but I won’t hold my breath. Pink Ranger was confirmed for Power Rangers and there’s a two-pack with Green Ranger with a silver stripe on his head that I don’t quite understand because I’m not that big a fan. But still, good to see.
I wasn’t feeling too excited about phase 4 of the MCU, but Fantastic 4 and Blade are something to look forward to, plus will be good to see Mandarin done properly. Hope we get a comic Legends figure of him. Overall, a great SDCC. Jean Grey!!!
I did have some 3.75” Power Rangers once, but they weren’t so good. We never quite got any of those Marvel teams completed where all of the team had matching costumes, it would have been great to have got 3.75” Thundercats, Turtles or Ghostbusters, but none of those things happened. We obviously have a great wealth of 3.75” Star Wars figures, but they don’t really constitute a team in the same way.
I am very close to having those Marvel teams exactly the way I want in a 6” scale. I have a nice set of Thundercats in that scale (sadly lacking Cheetara and Tygra). This is my motivation for getting the NECA cartoon style Turtles - they look perfect, the Playmates ones were a bit too big. It’s the reason why the Diamond Real Ghostbusters don’t quite work - they’re 7” scale.
More than that I have a nice White Ranger in 6”, with Tommy headsculpt, which makes me think I should perhaps collect the whole team. I will keep an eye out for Ghostbusters, but otherwise it’s looking good.
When I started collecting Legends I was going to be very strict with multiple versions of characters, but I have to admit if they did un-powered versions of Iceman and Human Torch I’d be very tempted. And pre-Archangel Angel as well. Have just about convinced myself just to get a single Multiple Man.
August is looking crazy for Marvel Legends, there is so much stuff coming out that I am having to prioritise. Though I really want the Colossus Juggernaut and Iron Man Iron Spider sets (and the Magneto family set), the 80th Hulk, Cap and Thor are my priorities, along with Storm and Nightcrawler. Would it have killed them to release some of it a few months later?! I'm also holding off on Multiple Man and Loki. I can't see myself being in this position again so need to ride the storm, but it's hard not just buying stuff. Apparently we as humans prioritise the here and now over a long term gain, so it's really not easy.
I’m also planning to just get the cartoon NECA Leonardo initially - I can sell off Shredder, but also decide whether they’re for me. I’m a bit tempted by the movie figures as well. Really thought I was done with Turtles!
I have for the longest time, anticipated getting all of the figures I want. I know that will never happen, but I do think I am extremely close all of the ones I really want. With both Transformers and Marvel, there are just a couple of characters. Scorponok for Transformers, and Jean Grey and Doctor Strange for Marvel. It is possible that they could all get announced at SDCC. (I’m setting myself for disappointment!) Then I would have no choice but change my outlook from what I don’t have to appreciating what I do. There’s always something you can tell yourself that you need.
Well, the first couple of days of SDCC was a bit disappointing, the toy accurate Reflector was as expected, Rung is quite cool (though a bit small), the only other thing that was of interest is the Japanese exclusive dino cassette reissue which I sort of feel I should get because I have the KO, but it’s not very exciting.
The preview breakfast view breakfast brought news of a Mark 85 Iron Man, I had rather thought that because of the delay in announcing it that it might be a special 80th anniversary release with a gauntlet and RDJ head, it had a gauntlet, but one that fits the Hulk BAF. Still, happy to see the figure to complete the armoury and Endgame armoured team (Iron Man, Spider, War Machine and Rescue).
Then, the X-Men announcements happened. Jean Grey!!! I don’t need the Cyclops or Wolverine but I’ll happily take a Logan head. But still, Jean Grey!!! The team will be compete in glorious style. I will have completed one of my major collecting goals. Then, to top it off, Havok, Polaris and Strong Guy, followed by an alternate Wolfsbane head for Moonstar. X-Factor will be compete as well. I only just decided I wanted to collect them but still very happy! In the space of a year they’ve released every single X-Men heroic character I want. Could maybe take a few Brotherhood characters, but I have all of the villains I want as well. Wow.
There’s a new Doom coming as well but otherwise it’s all about the X-Men. Doctor Strange is my sole major want left. Wow again. There’s another rumour we might get some new Thundercat figures, I’d love to get that team finished but I won’t hold my breath. Pink Ranger was confirmed for Power Rangers and there’s a two-pack with Green Ranger with a silver stripe on his head that I don’t quite understand because I’m not that big a fan. But still, good to see.
I wasn’t feeling too excited about phase 4 of the MCU, but Fantastic 4 and Blade are something to look forward to, plus will be good to see Mandarin done properly. Hope we get a comic Legends figure of him. Overall, a great SDCC. Jean Grey!!!
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
For Lost Light reasons
As you will undoubtedly know, I’ve worked out exactly what figures I need. So about that.... There is a Polaris and Havok set rumoured. I previously decided I didn’t need it, they’re both fairly minor characters. But then I saw people discussing online which Polaris costume they hoped it was. Something clicked. In the 90s X-Men cartoon, X-Factor appear, they have Polaris and Havok as well as Quicksilver and Forge. I need Quicksilver because he’s an Avenger (briefly) in the MCU, and I need Forge because he’s an X-Man in Wolverine and the X-Men. Wouldn’t it be neat to link these characters together by collecting the rest of X-Factor? It makes sense on many levels, Polaris also goes with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Havok goes with Cyclops for some sibling displays. They do double service. Havok could be in a First Class display. Add to this that I don’t have Forge, Polaris, Wolfsbane or Strong Guy in 3.75” form, and I don’t have Havok in his classic 90s costume, it all makes sense! Just need Multiple Man and I’m on my way. I will resist getting multiple Multiple Men (since I did that in 3.75”).
This is an idea which works, the other X-Men related characters I have considered are Captain Britain, Psylocke, Dazzler, Banshee and Alpha Flight. Captain Britain works in Excalibur (he is Excalibur for me really), Psylocke works in the Blue team, but they don’t work anywhere else (although they do work together as siblings). Also I have them in 3.75” form. Dazzler works as part of the X-Men team in Pryde of the X-Men, but nowhere else. Banshee with the First Class lineup, but nowhere else. (Banshee stands alone in this list as the only character currently without a modern figure.) With Alpha Flight, Sasquatch works as part of the Hulk’s supporting cast, but given I’m quite keen not to recreate my 3.75” display, it again doesn’t make sense (I would like 3.75” Dazzler and Banshee though.) So after all that, I need Multiple Man, and hope we get that rumoured set, as well as Wolfsbane and Strong Guy. I have now started a ‘don’t need’ list, characters which I’ve convinced myself I don’t need! It's quite therapeutic.
Another area I have spent a fair amount of time thinking about is villain teams - the Brotherhood, the Sinister Six and the Masters of Evil. Mostly because of the new Scorpion - he looks so good. A quick check of eBay shows expensive some of the Spider-Man villains are. Also, if I’m going to get Chameleon I’d rather the 90’s version rather than the suit. I will pass! For the Masters, the recent version of Abomination doesn’t work for me and he’s the main attraction, so will pass on them as well. The Brotherhood on the other hand, like X-Factor, I don’t have (non-custom) 3.75” versions of them combined with them being in my favourite cartoon ever. They’re in and luckily they haven’t even made them (yet), so no extra trip to eBay needed!
Apeface, Spinister and Crosshairs! And Astrotrain. I think this is the most exciting announcement in a long time. Where to start. Okay, firstly, three characters I don’t have, secondly, three characters from 1987/88. The last line to have so many characters from that era was Titans Return, which I wonder whether these toys are leftover concepts from that line - we had a Apeface titanmaster (but no body), we got an Astrotrain so maybe this was a design that wasn’t used. And Crosshairs was heavily rumoured, especially given we got the Decepticon targetmasters. (Though some of that was actually about Orion Pax). I’m torn on whether that mold would have been a better choice. Bulk wise I think Crosshairs is somewhere in between. I also quite liked the idea of making all of the ‘87 targetmasters headmasters since it was fairly arbitrary in the cartoon who became what.
The reveal of Apeface and Crosshairs means we are down to eight more characters to complete the US Headmasters lineup (four Throttlebots, two Autobot targetmasters, one Horrorcon and Scorponok). I think the rumours of Crosshairs in Titans Return have only served to fuel my excitement for that character. It’s also an extra character for my Lost Light shelf.
Spinister is also very exciting (also for Lost Light reasons), with Needlenose the likely winner of the recent fan poll, I’m so glad I picked up Quake to complete the trio. He helps complete my Mayhem Attack Squad. So it’s only Astrotrain who I’m not too worried about, the thing that could have swung it was the train mode being a more classic steam engine. Also, I like my trio of triplechangers from Titans Return (such a good line!).
The prospect for more 1987/88 figures is looking good, Pointblank from Punch/Counterpunch, Slapdash from Mirage, and a new dune buggy mold for Sureshot and Joyride. Target and Powermasters done!
I have got Legends War Machine and Rescue. I’m going to try and collect all of the MCU armours, regardless of who is/was using them. War Machine is big so he doesn’t have a BAF piece. He looks great, I guess given I like Transformers it’s not surprising that I like a very mecha looking action figure. I like the matte finish. As always he’s very well weaponed up, it’s a great shame we didn’t get the Mark IV (or V), I’m still hopeful we might get a new and improved Mark I at some point as that’s still my favourite, we also never had a unmasked Don Cheadle head so perhaps they’ve got something lined up. Bring on the Iron Man Mark 85! Rescue looks really good though she does have a very long neck, not so bad for this helmeted head but I saw on line the Pepper Potts head is too high on it. All round looking good though.
I've spent a bit of time studying the hallowed G1 scale charts for Transformers. I had already identified that I would like a deluxe based Devastator, voyager (or leader) Dinobots and seekers, a larger Sky Lynx. One thing I hadn't really considered was a larger Broadside. Commander class Broadside would be great!
Thinking about scale, it occurred to me that I haven't compared Siege Soundwave to Device Label Blaster. Size wise they're a good match, though Blaster is a lot more bulky with much more kibble. I'd be very reluctant to get rid of Blaster - he's a working USB hub, but also he turns into a laptop. That's pretty novel. I can ignore the kibble, the main issue for me is the difference in detail, and specifically the battle damage on the chest door for Soundwave. I'm sure there will be a new Blaster at some point, but at the moment I feel I would rather have a Soundwave without the extra detailing.
One week until SDCC!
This is an idea which works, the other X-Men related characters I have considered are Captain Britain, Psylocke, Dazzler, Banshee and Alpha Flight. Captain Britain works in Excalibur (he is Excalibur for me really), Psylocke works in the Blue team, but they don’t work anywhere else (although they do work together as siblings). Also I have them in 3.75” form. Dazzler works as part of the X-Men team in Pryde of the X-Men, but nowhere else. Banshee with the First Class lineup, but nowhere else. (Banshee stands alone in this list as the only character currently without a modern figure.) With Alpha Flight, Sasquatch works as part of the Hulk’s supporting cast, but given I’m quite keen not to recreate my 3.75” display, it again doesn’t make sense (I would like 3.75” Dazzler and Banshee though.) So after all that, I need Multiple Man, and hope we get that rumoured set, as well as Wolfsbane and Strong Guy. I have now started a ‘don’t need’ list, characters which I’ve convinced myself I don’t need! It's quite therapeutic.
Another area I have spent a fair amount of time thinking about is villain teams - the Brotherhood, the Sinister Six and the Masters of Evil. Mostly because of the new Scorpion - he looks so good. A quick check of eBay shows expensive some of the Spider-Man villains are. Also, if I’m going to get Chameleon I’d rather the 90’s version rather than the suit. I will pass! For the Masters, the recent version of Abomination doesn’t work for me and he’s the main attraction, so will pass on them as well. The Brotherhood on the other hand, like X-Factor, I don’t have (non-custom) 3.75” versions of them combined with them being in my favourite cartoon ever. They’re in and luckily they haven’t even made them (yet), so no extra trip to eBay needed!
Apeface, Spinister and Crosshairs! And Astrotrain. I think this is the most exciting announcement in a long time. Where to start. Okay, firstly, three characters I don’t have, secondly, three characters from 1987/88. The last line to have so many characters from that era was Titans Return, which I wonder whether these toys are leftover concepts from that line - we had a Apeface titanmaster (but no body), we got an Astrotrain so maybe this was a design that wasn’t used. And Crosshairs was heavily rumoured, especially given we got the Decepticon targetmasters. (Though some of that was actually about Orion Pax). I’m torn on whether that mold would have been a better choice. Bulk wise I think Crosshairs is somewhere in between. I also quite liked the idea of making all of the ‘87 targetmasters headmasters since it was fairly arbitrary in the cartoon who became what.
The reveal of Apeface and Crosshairs means we are down to eight more characters to complete the US Headmasters lineup (four Throttlebots, two Autobot targetmasters, one Horrorcon and Scorponok). I think the rumours of Crosshairs in Titans Return have only served to fuel my excitement for that character. It’s also an extra character for my Lost Light shelf.
Spinister is also very exciting (also for Lost Light reasons), with Needlenose the likely winner of the recent fan poll, I’m so glad I picked up Quake to complete the trio. He helps complete my Mayhem Attack Squad. So it’s only Astrotrain who I’m not too worried about, the thing that could have swung it was the train mode being a more classic steam engine. Also, I like my trio of triplechangers from Titans Return (such a good line!).
The prospect for more 1987/88 figures is looking good, Pointblank from Punch/Counterpunch, Slapdash from Mirage, and a new dune buggy mold for Sureshot and Joyride. Target and Powermasters done!
I have got Legends War Machine and Rescue. I’m going to try and collect all of the MCU armours, regardless of who is/was using them. War Machine is big so he doesn’t have a BAF piece. He looks great, I guess given I like Transformers it’s not surprising that I like a very mecha looking action figure. I like the matte finish. As always he’s very well weaponed up, it’s a great shame we didn’t get the Mark IV (or V), I’m still hopeful we might get a new and improved Mark I at some point as that’s still my favourite, we also never had a unmasked Don Cheadle head so perhaps they’ve got something lined up. Bring on the Iron Man Mark 85! Rescue looks really good though she does have a very long neck, not so bad for this helmeted head but I saw on line the Pepper Potts head is too high on it. All round looking good though.
I've spent a bit of time studying the hallowed G1 scale charts for Transformers. I had already identified that I would like a deluxe based Devastator, voyager (or leader) Dinobots and seekers, a larger Sky Lynx. One thing I hadn't really considered was a larger Broadside. Commander class Broadside would be great!
Thinking about scale, it occurred to me that I haven't compared Siege Soundwave to Device Label Blaster. Size wise they're a good match, though Blaster is a lot more bulky with much more kibble. I'd be very reluctant to get rid of Blaster - he's a working USB hub, but also he turns into a laptop. That's pretty novel. I can ignore the kibble, the main issue for me is the difference in detail, and specifically the battle damage on the chest door for Soundwave. I'm sure there will be a new Blaster at some point, but at the moment I feel I would rather have a Soundwave without the extra detailing.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Damn near perfect
I’m trying to reduce the amount of stuff I buy. Looking at my patterns of spending, it tends to be months where I buy stuff I hadn’t planned to buy where I spend a lot. Specifically, stuff from eBay, stuff which is more expensive than when it was available at retail. I think buying stuff from eBay is the symptom not the problem. When Toy Fair and various comic cons happen they announce toys. I need to get better at working out what I want at that point. That means not ignoring that little voice at the back of my head (‘that looks cool’). But principally, is there anything which if released might change my view on that item?
Legends Rogue was released in 2016, in an ideal world I would have asked myself ‘what if they release all of the 90’s X-Men?’. It’s not easy, but it’s the way to save money in the long run. (As it happens I only paid double for her compared to the quadruple she’s now going for.) It takes a bit of imagination, but worth it. I’m now trying to work out whether the future MCU films might change my view on what I want - difficult when they haven’t been announced.
I went to see Endgame again! First time I’ve seen a film twice since (weirdly), Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. I was becoming a bit obsessed so it could only help, and I think it has. There’s a bit of an RDJ voiceover at the end, it should be a celebration, and it’s true, it should be. We can’t live the same lives forever, things always have to change. I was driving this morning and it just occurred to me that all of the changes in my life over the 11 years of the MCU seem a bit unlikely, I can’t quite believe they’ve happened. So Endgame, my favourite film ever, it’s the end of the journey. But if I can get a little display of Marvel Legends Mark 85 Iron Man, Mark VI War Machine, Rescue and Iron Spider then that would be a sweet way to mark that end.
My excitement for X-Men Marvel Legends is building, still waiting for Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge, as well as really looking forward to Nightcrawler, Storm and Mister Sinister. Hopefully a preorder for Colossus and Juggernaut will pop up soon, and I will be able to put in an order for Magneto, and then wow! Almost all of the X-Men!
I saw a new picture of the 80th anniversary Cap, and that headsculpt is spot on. I thought the same when I first saw it, but when trying to prioritise everything, decided replacing my vintage wave Cap was not needed. Sadly, I think it is. Part of my thinking, is how dark the blue is. In both the 90s Spider-Man cartoon and Avengers: EMH, Spider-Man is a darker blue than Captain America (in A: EMH Spider-Man is almost in black). My current setup is the vintage wave figures which reflects the 90's cartoon very well (Cap being almost sky blue). But, in A: EMH, Cap's costume is closer to the 80th anniversary figure, as well as it having sculpted scales and an infinitely better headsculpt(s). In this new photo, the blue does not look so dark, but regardless, I've decided the comparison between the two is less important than each character matching their respective (main) series they are in.
I've said on many occasions that I'm not going to customise my Legends figures, nor buy any with the dodgy leg swivel joint. I'm going to make an exception for Wasp. The (TAS) X-Men are the key focus of my collection. Spider-Man comes in very close after that. Then it's the (A:EMH) Avengers, with the Fantastic 4 bringing up the rear. Those 22 characters need to be perfect, and I think popping the vintage line Wasp headsculpt on the older modern figure is the way to achieve that. Along with the 80th Cap (and the new Hulk and Thor) I will have a perfect Avengers lineup. (And with good a new Jean Grey, all 22 will be damn near perfect.)
I've just received the new Hasbro MMPR White Ranger. I previously had the Figuarts figure which looked great with its pearlescent paint, but was a strange size compared to most of my toys, plus it always seemed a bit smooth - the legs particularly, no muscle definition, nor any evidence of it being fabric. I think also though, I've always had a slightly issue with high end toys. I can't quite explain it, they look great certainly but the unease they give me really takes away the enjoyment. Figuarts aren't that expensive, but more than £20 Legends figures (which is what this is, just with a different license). So he looks great, glad to have a DJF head for the classic helmet tucked under the arm look. Bring on the green ranger! (As a random aside I realise I don't have many white figures, need Storm!)
I've had a trip to London and visited my place of worship (Forbidden Planet). I love the place, I normally do buy something, but thought if anything it might have been a Siege Prowl. Nothing doing in that department, but it was amazing how many things they had which I bought online for a bit extra - they had a fine selection of Legends (including Forge who I've got a preorder for). They had the Hulkbuster set as well all of the second wave of Vintage figures, including Vision who I paid a bit more for, but they also had Wasp. For a good price (£15.99), so yep, I bought her. She looks great! Wasp now has a very special status - the only Legends figure I've customised. And I think, the only figure I ever will.
Another set I saw in FP was Siege Laserbeak and Ravage, but I had already ordered it from Amazon last week. It's the only set from the line I've bought which is smaller than Deluxe, but given I have Soundwave and collect Ravages, it was needed. I think there's a general trend that Laserbeaks are better than Ravages, and this is no different. This won’t be my ‘classics’ Laserbeak or Ravage it's a bit small, but it’s a fine set.
Legends Rogue was released in 2016, in an ideal world I would have asked myself ‘what if they release all of the 90’s X-Men?’. It’s not easy, but it’s the way to save money in the long run. (As it happens I only paid double for her compared to the quadruple she’s now going for.) It takes a bit of imagination, but worth it. I’m now trying to work out whether the future MCU films might change my view on what I want - difficult when they haven’t been announced.
I went to see Endgame again! First time I’ve seen a film twice since (weirdly), Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. I was becoming a bit obsessed so it could only help, and I think it has. There’s a bit of an RDJ voiceover at the end, it should be a celebration, and it’s true, it should be. We can’t live the same lives forever, things always have to change. I was driving this morning and it just occurred to me that all of the changes in my life over the 11 years of the MCU seem a bit unlikely, I can’t quite believe they’ve happened. So Endgame, my favourite film ever, it’s the end of the journey. But if I can get a little display of Marvel Legends Mark 85 Iron Man, Mark VI War Machine, Rescue and Iron Spider then that would be a sweet way to mark that end.
My excitement for X-Men Marvel Legends is building, still waiting for Beast, Gambit, Jubilee and Forge, as well as really looking forward to Nightcrawler, Storm and Mister Sinister. Hopefully a preorder for Colossus and Juggernaut will pop up soon, and I will be able to put in an order for Magneto, and then wow! Almost all of the X-Men!
I saw a new picture of the 80th anniversary Cap, and that headsculpt is spot on. I thought the same when I first saw it, but when trying to prioritise everything, decided replacing my vintage wave Cap was not needed. Sadly, I think it is. Part of my thinking, is how dark the blue is. In both the 90s Spider-Man cartoon and Avengers: EMH, Spider-Man is a darker blue than Captain America (in A: EMH Spider-Man is almost in black). My current setup is the vintage wave figures which reflects the 90's cartoon very well (Cap being almost sky blue). But, in A: EMH, Cap's costume is closer to the 80th anniversary figure, as well as it having sculpted scales and an infinitely better headsculpt(s). In this new photo, the blue does not look so dark, but regardless, I've decided the comparison between the two is less important than each character matching their respective (main) series they are in.
I've said on many occasions that I'm not going to customise my Legends figures, nor buy any with the dodgy leg swivel joint. I'm going to make an exception for Wasp. The (TAS) X-Men are the key focus of my collection. Spider-Man comes in very close after that. Then it's the (A:EMH) Avengers, with the Fantastic 4 bringing up the rear. Those 22 characters need to be perfect, and I think popping the vintage line Wasp headsculpt on the older modern figure is the way to achieve that. Along with the 80th Cap (and the new Hulk and Thor) I will have a perfect Avengers lineup. (And with good a new Jean Grey, all 22 will be damn near perfect.)
I've just received the new Hasbro MMPR White Ranger. I previously had the Figuarts figure which looked great with its pearlescent paint, but was a strange size compared to most of my toys, plus it always seemed a bit smooth - the legs particularly, no muscle definition, nor any evidence of it being fabric. I think also though, I've always had a slightly issue with high end toys. I can't quite explain it, they look great certainly but the unease they give me really takes away the enjoyment. Figuarts aren't that expensive, but more than £20 Legends figures (which is what this is, just with a different license). So he looks great, glad to have a DJF head for the classic helmet tucked under the arm look. Bring on the green ranger! (As a random aside I realise I don't have many white figures, need Storm!)
I've had a trip to London and visited my place of worship (Forbidden Planet). I love the place, I normally do buy something, but thought if anything it might have been a Siege Prowl. Nothing doing in that department, but it was amazing how many things they had which I bought online for a bit extra - they had a fine selection of Legends (including Forge who I've got a preorder for). They had the Hulkbuster set as well all of the second wave of Vintage figures, including Vision who I paid a bit more for, but they also had Wasp. For a good price (£15.99), so yep, I bought her. She looks great! Wasp now has a very special status - the only Legends figure I've customised. And I think, the only figure I ever will.
Another set I saw in FP was Siege Laserbeak and Ravage, but I had already ordered it from Amazon last week. It's the only set from the line I've bought which is smaller than Deluxe, but given I have Soundwave and collect Ravages, it was needed. I think there's a general trend that Laserbeaks are better than Ravages, and this is no different. This won’t be my ‘classics’ Laserbeak or Ravage it's a bit small, but it’s a fine set.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Opening stuff
I have opened stuff! And looked at stuff, and done some stuff. I have no more stuff to open. I've had 30th anniversary Jetfire sitting in a cupboard for several years now, so I opened him. Time has not been so kind to Classics Jetfire, and so figured it was to time to make the switch. Despite being in a cupboard he has already started to yellow slightly (remarkably the chrome in still in tact). He's a fine figure and I have no plans to replace him with the new Siege version.
I had a bit of a play with Legends Fortress Maximus, popped his noggin on and everything. Wow, he is a good looking figure, I can't quite believe I almost passed on him. I would prefer a green chest door though (it's only a hundred odd quid for a Hasbro version so I'll probably just pick one of those up........).
I also opened Legends Dai Atlas. My first impressions weren't great, the head didn't seem to want to pop on, the waist was a bit wobbly and of course, the distinct lack of calves. He has warmed on me though, the blue, orange and white is rather nice (is he Dutch I wonder?), and he comes with two rather good deluxes. I will need the Shockwave Lab filler pieces though.
So all in all, I've been appreciating the figures I have, as well as Jetfire, Fortress and Dai Atlas, Soundwave and the Hulkbuster have spent the day on my desk.
I have a sense that if I could just make it to the end of the year my finances will be okay. There's a phenomenal amount of Marvel Legends coming out at the moment, but once I've got the figures I want (and this is true for Transformers as well), there's not many more characters I want. It seems pretty unlikely they'd put everything I want out in one year, so surely next year will be easier to manage? There is of course a reasonable chance of a scorpion themed Titan that I might be interested in, but other than that, not too many large purchases? I know I sound like a broken record but if I can avoid finding any other lines to be become invested in then surely the spending goes down.
At the same time I'm wondering what will happen with the MCU, it sounds like there will be an announcement at SDCC. From the rumours though, I'm not sure whether I will be interested in Shang-Chi and the Eternals. (Fin Fang Foom as a villain would be incredible though.) Mind you, I wasn't interested in Guardians and I was pretty wrong about that - I think it's the only MCU film I haven't seen at the cinema.
I’ve just had another fairly horrific invoice from eBay, really feels like they’re out to cripple the little man! It’s an extra incentive to make sure I know what I want ahead of release. Avoid buying there if possible, but also selling. For low value items, it’s really not worth it and I’m almost only selling them so they don’t go in a bin, particularly BAF parts which can’t go to a charity shop. Sadly it is the only realistic way to recoup so of the value of items you don’t want any more, but ouch!!!
I have been changing the way to I organise my collection, but mostly how I think about it rather than any physical change. For example, there are a good number of figures I bought for my Marvel 3.75" collection, which can do double service for my 6" collection. Ant-Man and the Wasp are good examples, but also Galactus, Sentinels, Fin Fang Foom, Dormammu, Apocalypse, Mojo and MODOK.
This is especially true for my Transformers. For about the last 10 years I've thought of my collection as being several distinct collections - G1 reissues, G1 primatives (animal based transformers), Classics, WST, Masterpiece, Grimlocks and Ravages (G+R), Beast Wars and G1 leaders/citybots. I don't have original Dinobot, Cheetor, Rhinox, Waspinator and Rattrap figures - I use the Universe/Generations versions, so really Beast Wars is a subset of Classics rather than a separate group. The G+R group is comprised of G1, Classics, WST, Masterpiece and Beast Wars so those figures have always done double duty.
Beyond that, more recently. I was collecting Masterpiece figures of the 1984 cast. However, I don't like the new cartoon orientated direction, so I got rid of Ironhide, Ratchet and Sunstreaker. The remaining characters I realised were almost all in my reissues (apart from Wheeljack). And so although I don't have them on display, I merged the collections. If I ever have the space I will have the reissue in altmode with the Masterpiece in robot mode next to it. I might pick up the toy accurate Megatron, and I will consider any future figures, but otherwise I'm very happy with how I've got it organised now. (I'm going to display Wheeljack with Perceptor.)
I've now taken this idea further and got rid of some of my G1 primatives on the basis that Classics has provided better versions of those characters. Mostly I have kept the G1 figures, but the Terrorcons?! They're not good, the Power of the Primes figures on the other hand are. The Seacons similarly, we should be getting updated figures soon. (I also have the BWII versions so don't really need two sets.) Trypticon is another one, the Titan figure works perfectly with my Primatives, but the G1 figure is now part of my WST collection (recreating the 1986 box art) so is still needed. I've got the G1 Countdown and Skystalker plus the four smaller micromaster sets as part of my WST setup, I got rid of G1 Omega Supreme as he didn't quite fit in.
I started to arrange my collection in this cross-line way with my collection of G1 leaders - apart from Dai Atlas I had every leader (Optimus, Rodimus, Fortress, Ginrai, Star Saber, Megatron, Galvatron, Scorponok, Overlord and Deszaras). I slowly sold them off. Optimus and Megatron are reissues (see above), Scorponok and Deszaras are Primatives (though I think I'd keep them anyway, especially as Scorponok was donated by a mate). Ginrai is the Powermaster Prime toy from my childhood (with God Bomber armour), so I'm not getting rid of that, Fortress is the biggest (heaviest) transformer ever, I can't quite part with him. I got rid of the rest, but I'm hoping that we get a Classics Star Saber and I will be able to put the collection back together (I have Titans Return Galvatron and Overlord). Even better if we get Scorponok so I can have a completely modern incarnation, more compete than before with Dai Atlas.
I suppose the upshot of all of this is that I'm moving towards a collection where I get what I want, and starting to move away from getting figures because they complete something. I think a collection is a series of ever evolving ideas, with sub-collections that overlap, but sometimes there are stand alone figures, just because they're amazing.
Mystique has arrived! Really wish I'd made a decision to buy her when preorders were still available, but she's here now and didn't cost too much. At the same time, Storm has been announced for the vintage X-Men line! Yessssss!!! (I've cancelled my plans to do a custom 3.75" figure.) But once again, it's with a release date of August, oh dear good god. Hasbro wants me properly bankrupt before the Summer's out (I suspect eBay might be in on it as well). Back to Mystique, she looks great (I kinda knew she would). I am getting into some serious X-Men nostalgia now which is strange given my preoccupation with all things Avengers over the last few years.
I think I've drawn the line, I'm not getting Psylocke (again), and I don't want to get the rumoured Havok and Polaris. I wouldn't get a Banshee either. I think they're the only characters who are anywhere near consideration. I would like a 3.75" Banshee and Polaris and have given some thought to customs, but for 6", aside from First Class (the film), they are (mostly) just cameo characters in the various cartoons. Villain wise, Omega Red, Silver Samurai and Sauron are all tempting (especially Sauron - I've got a 3.75" custom planned). But I don't think they're important enough, they're mostly one episode characters, rather than reoccurring. Finally, the Brotherhood, I've decided against getting characters who are in villain teams, but not much of a credible threat by themselves, so will pass on them as well (if they get made). It's harder to pass on characters when they don't have 3.75" figures, I have made customs of the Brotherhood though.
This leaves me needing (badly!) Jean Grey. And maybe Emma Frost (similarly to Storm, only in her white costume). I can't remember if I said but I have some 'rules' around Legends. Ball jointed/thigh swivel legs only. And no customising. Actually as I wrote that I remember stating Iron Man was an exception, so I did say it. I'm going to pass on Iceman for the time being, partly because of money, but also I prefer him a bit more blue, and I quite like the spiky hair look. I wouldn’t mind a non-powered up version mind. But wow, a couple more sets this year and my X-Men lineup will be very close to finished. Storm, yay!
I had a bit of a play with Legends Fortress Maximus, popped his noggin on and everything. Wow, he is a good looking figure, I can't quite believe I almost passed on him. I would prefer a green chest door though (it's only a hundred odd quid for a Hasbro version so I'll probably just pick one of those up........).
I also opened Legends Dai Atlas. My first impressions weren't great, the head didn't seem to want to pop on, the waist was a bit wobbly and of course, the distinct lack of calves. He has warmed on me though, the blue, orange and white is rather nice (is he Dutch I wonder?), and he comes with two rather good deluxes. I will need the Shockwave Lab filler pieces though.
So all in all, I've been appreciating the figures I have, as well as Jetfire, Fortress and Dai Atlas, Soundwave and the Hulkbuster have spent the day on my desk.
I have a sense that if I could just make it to the end of the year my finances will be okay. There's a phenomenal amount of Marvel Legends coming out at the moment, but once I've got the figures I want (and this is true for Transformers as well), there's not many more characters I want. It seems pretty unlikely they'd put everything I want out in one year, so surely next year will be easier to manage? There is of course a reasonable chance of a scorpion themed Titan that I might be interested in, but other than that, not too many large purchases? I know I sound like a broken record but if I can avoid finding any other lines to be become invested in then surely the spending goes down.
At the same time I'm wondering what will happen with the MCU, it sounds like there will be an announcement at SDCC. From the rumours though, I'm not sure whether I will be interested in Shang-Chi and the Eternals. (Fin Fang Foom as a villain would be incredible though.) Mind you, I wasn't interested in Guardians and I was pretty wrong about that - I think it's the only MCU film I haven't seen at the cinema.
I’ve just had another fairly horrific invoice from eBay, really feels like they’re out to cripple the little man! It’s an extra incentive to make sure I know what I want ahead of release. Avoid buying there if possible, but also selling. For low value items, it’s really not worth it and I’m almost only selling them so they don’t go in a bin, particularly BAF parts which can’t go to a charity shop. Sadly it is the only realistic way to recoup so of the value of items you don’t want any more, but ouch!!!
I have been changing the way to I organise my collection, but mostly how I think about it rather than any physical change. For example, there are a good number of figures I bought for my Marvel 3.75" collection, which can do double service for my 6" collection. Ant-Man and the Wasp are good examples, but also Galactus, Sentinels, Fin Fang Foom, Dormammu, Apocalypse, Mojo and MODOK.
This is especially true for my Transformers. For about the last 10 years I've thought of my collection as being several distinct collections - G1 reissues, G1 primatives (animal based transformers), Classics, WST, Masterpiece, Grimlocks and Ravages (G+R), Beast Wars and G1 leaders/citybots. I don't have original Dinobot, Cheetor, Rhinox, Waspinator and Rattrap figures - I use the Universe/Generations versions, so really Beast Wars is a subset of Classics rather than a separate group. The G+R group is comprised of G1, Classics, WST, Masterpiece and Beast Wars so those figures have always done double duty.
Beyond that, more recently. I was collecting Masterpiece figures of the 1984 cast. However, I don't like the new cartoon orientated direction, so I got rid of Ironhide, Ratchet and Sunstreaker. The remaining characters I realised were almost all in my reissues (apart from Wheeljack). And so although I don't have them on display, I merged the collections. If I ever have the space I will have the reissue in altmode with the Masterpiece in robot mode next to it. I might pick up the toy accurate Megatron, and I will consider any future figures, but otherwise I'm very happy with how I've got it organised now. (I'm going to display Wheeljack with Perceptor.)
I've now taken this idea further and got rid of some of my G1 primatives on the basis that Classics has provided better versions of those characters. Mostly I have kept the G1 figures, but the Terrorcons?! They're not good, the Power of the Primes figures on the other hand are. The Seacons similarly, we should be getting updated figures soon. (I also have the BWII versions so don't really need two sets.) Trypticon is another one, the Titan figure works perfectly with my Primatives, but the G1 figure is now part of my WST collection (recreating the 1986 box art) so is still needed. I've got the G1 Countdown and Skystalker plus the four smaller micromaster sets as part of my WST setup, I got rid of G1 Omega Supreme as he didn't quite fit in.
I started to arrange my collection in this cross-line way with my collection of G1 leaders - apart from Dai Atlas I had every leader (Optimus, Rodimus, Fortress, Ginrai, Star Saber, Megatron, Galvatron, Scorponok, Overlord and Deszaras). I slowly sold them off. Optimus and Megatron are reissues (see above), Scorponok and Deszaras are Primatives (though I think I'd keep them anyway, especially as Scorponok was donated by a mate). Ginrai is the Powermaster Prime toy from my childhood (with God Bomber armour), so I'm not getting rid of that, Fortress is the biggest (heaviest) transformer ever, I can't quite part with him. I got rid of the rest, but I'm hoping that we get a Classics Star Saber and I will be able to put the collection back together (I have Titans Return Galvatron and Overlord). Even better if we get Scorponok so I can have a completely modern incarnation, more compete than before with Dai Atlas.
I suppose the upshot of all of this is that I'm moving towards a collection where I get what I want, and starting to move away from getting figures because they complete something. I think a collection is a series of ever evolving ideas, with sub-collections that overlap, but sometimes there are stand alone figures, just because they're amazing.
Mystique has arrived! Really wish I'd made a decision to buy her when preorders were still available, but she's here now and didn't cost too much. At the same time, Storm has been announced for the vintage X-Men line! Yessssss!!! (I've cancelled my plans to do a custom 3.75" figure.) But once again, it's with a release date of August, oh dear good god. Hasbro wants me properly bankrupt before the Summer's out (I suspect eBay might be in on it as well). Back to Mystique, she looks great (I kinda knew she would). I am getting into some serious X-Men nostalgia now which is strange given my preoccupation with all things Avengers over the last few years.
I think I've drawn the line, I'm not getting Psylocke (again), and I don't want to get the rumoured Havok and Polaris. I wouldn't get a Banshee either. I think they're the only characters who are anywhere near consideration. I would like a 3.75" Banshee and Polaris and have given some thought to customs, but for 6", aside from First Class (the film), they are (mostly) just cameo characters in the various cartoons. Villain wise, Omega Red, Silver Samurai and Sauron are all tempting (especially Sauron - I've got a 3.75" custom planned). But I don't think they're important enough, they're mostly one episode characters, rather than reoccurring. Finally, the Brotherhood, I've decided against getting characters who are in villain teams, but not much of a credible threat by themselves, so will pass on them as well (if they get made). It's harder to pass on characters when they don't have 3.75" figures, I have made customs of the Brotherhood though.
This leaves me needing (badly!) Jean Grey. And maybe Emma Frost (similarly to Storm, only in her white costume). I can't remember if I said but I have some 'rules' around Legends. Ball jointed/thigh swivel legs only. And no customising. Actually as I wrote that I remember stating Iron Man was an exception, so I did say it. I'm going to pass on Iceman for the time being, partly because of money, but also I prefer him a bit more blue, and I quite like the spiky hair look. I wouldn’t mind a non-powered up version mind. But wow, a couple more sets this year and my X-Men lineup will be very close to finished. Storm, yay!
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