Saturday, March 23, 2019

'A' on the waist

Since August last year I have become a little obsessed with Marvel Legends. Ten years ago I started collecting 3.75” Marvel figures, they were great. They were everything I wanted. Then they stopped. Then I realised how amazing the 6” figures had become, Wolverine and Deadpool in particular sold the line to me. I realise now there was a turning point in about 2016, specifically, with the X-Men wave. Rogue, Kitty and Iceman were the start. Though the roots of the improvement were definitely there in 2015 with the ‘pizza’ Spidey and Daredevil figures that were released, I also wish I could have picked up the Guardians set from that year.

I did get in at the right time though, I missed a few 2016/17 figures which I've been able to pick up fairly easily (for the most part). I managed to join the party before the price on Rogue became too high. I did badly on the Walgreens exclusive Fantastic 4 and Silver Surfer though, really should have got those when they were available.

I realise now that it has tapped into something I wasn’t aware of - I wanted a better representation of the 90’s X-Men lineup. I have all of the characters in 3.75”, Cyclops is great, but a few just on’t have the right costume, and some were just plain average. The 6” figures I have are all fantastic.

The problem is working out where to draw the line, I have gone back and forth so many times it’s ridiculous. I tried to explain my thinking, but it changes continuously. Most importantly, I want the X-Men and Spider-Man. Then the Avengers and the Fantastic 4. Then the Guardians. What about Daredevil and Punisher? So many good characters! I think as always, I’m there now. It will change of course, but hopefully only minor changes.

I realised something a bit strange about my collecting, I don’t want Black Bolt because he’s never really done anything in any fiction I’ve seen, but if Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak and Triton were available then I would be all in. Medusa is available though, so perhaps it would work having just the two of them.

Anyway, bit of a milestone: I’ve completed the Fantastic 4. Thing is here! Also Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer, Vision, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Oh, and Apocalypse! I’ve a small handful of figures to go and then I am ‘caught up’. On Legends at least. That mythical place which exists until I need something else! I've also just paid my invoice for Professor X.

Thing is fantastic (no pun intended). Beautiful sculpt, one that makes me glad I collect Legends. Vision is really adding some colour to my Avengers, he could actually be on the X-Men with his gold yellow cape (I love how the X-Men really pop because most of them have that gold on their costumes). Ghost Rider is also great, he has the Star Lord body, I'm not sure about the light blue stripe, but the headsculpt is great. The bike is good looking as well. The set looks particularly good with a light source behind to light up the flames.

Silver Surfer is great. I originally passed on him on the basis that I have a 3.75" version, why did I need a 6" version. Well...... That extra possibility really lends itself to an excellent surfing pose. He also has an appropriately sized head. Yep, he was needed. Apocalypse to me is the ultimate big bad. Growing up I had no idea who Thanos was, or even Galactus. Apocalypse was the ultimate villain on the X-Men cartoon. I wanted Apocalypse even before I was collecting Legends because the 3.75" scale version just didn't have that presence he needed. This version has it. Plus an 'A' on his waist. He looks bad ass. Oh yes.


Rather than a 'want' list, I had a go at putting together a 'will ever buy' list, so trying to make a list than covers everything I might want. I went through my Transformers Classics and thought about which I wouldn't mind better versions of. One thing that got me thinking was 3.75" versus 6". Sometimes the choice is down to availability, sometimes numbers (if it's only a couple of characters then might as well go 6", if there's loads of characters then it has to be 3.75"), and finally, how much I like it (I'd buy a 3.75" He-Man figure, but I don't like it enough to get a 6" version). I think even the Ghostbusters I don't quite like it enough for 6" versions, but 3.75", I'd go for it.


The second trailer for Endgame has dropped, so excited! They could show a character making a cup of tea and I’d be looking forward to it. I’m not going to watch the final trailer, but it’s under 6 weeks now. I think I’ve tried to express this before, but it feels like the end of an era for many of my interests, IDW, MCU, 3.75” Marvel, Masterpiece and Generations. Even Star Wars. They’re all done or very close. They are all continuing of course, but it will be different. I will be different, I won’t have grown with them. I’m not sure I want or need to do it again. I’m excited though, I am optimistic for the future, whatever it brings.

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