Thursday, April 25, 2019


eBay is very keen on telling me how much money I've 'made'. It is less keen on telling me how much money they've taken off me. I resent it being presented as money I've 'made' (you can probably tell from the use of quotes). If you take off the money that the stuff I'm selling cost in the first place, plus the eBay and PayPal fees, I'm not making anything. I've just lost a little bit less money. The value of my collection went down significantly when eBay increased their fees because I can no longer realise as much value for it.

Rant over. I think my brain has clicked over from Marvel Legends back to Transformers. I realise that if I had only bought the key X-Men and Avengers (TAS and A:EMH lineups), plus Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, I would have had money left over for Legends Fortress Maximus.

Trying to decide whether to replace my G1 figure with the Legends version. When I was reading about the new(er) Fortress, I was reminded about Grand and Greatshot. And Black Shadow. I'm still not sure about Fortress. What I really want is Fortress (not Fortress Maximus), but sadly it's not possible to get the head alone. I also don't want Cerebros, so that rules out the cheaper Hasbro version.

I want Fortress because if we get Victory Saber, it would be amazing to have all of the Autobot leaders in Classics. (This further makes me think I should get Siege Optimus and Magnus as I think they would go together better.) Further to this, if (and when) we get Titan Scorponok, they would likely go together well.

Against this, I have owned G1 Fortress Maximus for over 10 years (see photo). I have a sentimental attachment to him, he’s no longer the tallest Transformer ever, but he’s still the heftiest. I have the Perfect Effect Warden, he goes with the G1 figure. Fortress Maximus is a remold of a figure I already have (Metroplex). What if we get Scorponok (or in fact Fortress Maximus) in the new Commander class? Also, if we got a G1 Victory Saber reissue I would want to get it to upgrade/replace my Victory Leo. I like the idea of having all of the main leaders in G1 (I owned Star Saber previously, but he was a bit knackered). Finally, even if we get a Titan Scorponok, the G1 Maximus figure is still a good size.

If they ever did a Black Zarak, I would love a Grand to go up against him. If they did a Sixknight it would be cool to have Greatshot to complete the trio of six-changers (who appeared in the cartoon). Because of the crazy rareness of G1 Black Zarak, any version would be amazing (black and gold works).

Regardless of all this, Fortress is not currently available at a price I am willing to pay. Perhaps I am over thinking the whole thing unnecessarily. I think I will try and start setting some money aside, and if he pops up at a reasonable price then I will consider it again. If anything I have just convinced myself that I need both the G1 and Legends versions, I don't think I am ready to get rid of the G1 figure though so best to keep him.


Siege Ironhide has arrived, it’s almost like they knew I was getting into Transformers again. He is fantastic! I have a strange history with Ironhide toys, of the four I’ve owned, I’ve only opened half of them. I’ve owned and sold the G1 and Masterpiece figure without even opening them, which is kinda weird, but in both cases I bought them to complete a ‘84 lineup, only to realise that was a silly reason to buy a toy. I was quite fond of the Henkei figure, but I sold it off as soon as this toy was shown off. I have no regrets at all, I bought it because it looked good. He is super chunky and solid looking, I really like the look. Sod trying to replicate the cartoon look, this is the one for me. Bring on Ratchet!

I heard that Soundwave had been seen in the wild, so went and had a look for him. Nothing doing, but saw Optimus. Having spent quite a bit of time thinking about a potential Autobot leader display (with Fortress), I left it, but spent the day thinking about it. I decided to go and get him. Only to find, Soundwave! So I bought him.

I think he is the Soundwave I’ve been waiting for. I like the toy accurate yellow. I would like a smoother sculpt though, this is somewhat over detailed for me (similarly to Shockwave). I saw Starscream on the shelf next to him, reminded me slightly of the Star Wars Transformers in their detailing and dry brushing of metallic paint. Starscream is a bit much for me. Soundwave looks great, need to find some cassettes for him.

I'm going to see Avengers Endgame tomorrow. Oh my.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Main Characters

I was reading about the history of Marvel. They included a list of superheroes, check, got them all as Legends. They also included a list of supervillains. I don't have them all, I need them all. I have decided therefore to do a swap, I had Leader and Mandarin on my wish list. I'm going to replace them with Green Goblin, Doc Ock and Ultron. There's no Ultron figure available at the moment that I like (I do have the head that came with Vision), so he'll go on the 'wish' list, but the other two have had figures in the last couple of years. I will wait until the Legends X-Men wave comes in first though as that's going to be quite a bit of money.

I feel disappointed to start again, it was quite satisfying to feel like I had caught up. I suppose I haven't changed the number of figures I plan to get by much, just swapped a few in. And by waiting I will have slowed down a bit. Try again.

Incidentally, there are very few figures I have or want not on that list, the Inhumans are only heroes, Sabretooth, Juggernaut and Carnage are the only villains. Not bad if I was aiming to just get the main characters (I think I am).


Anyway, I opened the Hulkbuster set. What a beast! He's a very good weight, even without the Marvel connection, it's a cool looking mech. He looks amazing with the paint apps, glad I got this version (I had an offer on eBay turned down for the BAF version). An incredible addiction to my armoury! There's something about very small and large toys which makes them more appealing.

And I didn't wait, saw a good deal on Doc Ock on Amazon and jumped on it. Hope the invoice for the X-Men doesn't come in too soon. Try try again.
I don't know whether I can decide not to get something. Once it clicks, it gnaws away at my being. I could try not taking in the media which inspires my collecting, but then I have a fear that I will eventually want it anyway, but end up paying more. It's the sort of fear which eBay thrives on. But if past experience is anything to go by, eventually I work out everything I want and stick with it. It is an iterative process getting, add some things, take them away again. Add them back again. What I'm also not sure about is when I do get everything I want from Legends, what's next? Is it inevitable that I'll find another line to collect?

Really looking forward to the 80th anniversary stuff, but man, is it going to be expensive! I want a lot of stuff from it. I’ve been thinking about the nature of how I decide I want things. There’s stuff that I’m aware of, then one day it becomes something I desperately need - suddenly it completes a set, or the character does something where they become more prominent. It’s very hard to budget for! It’s also very easy to say I’m not going to add anything else to the want list when I can’t think of anything I might add.

I realise with Siege, I haven't actually got any new characters, a new version of Flywheels, Sideswipe, Hound, Megatron, Shockwave, Ironhide, Prowl, Soundwave, Reflector and Springer, but no new characters. Reading over some of my old posts, that was what I was predicting back when the first line of Generations was announced.

Medusa arrived, here she is with Black Bolt. They make a nice duo, though would be nice to have the rest of the Royal family (or at least Lockjaw).

My 'final' 3.75" Marvel figures have arrived, the Mark IV, V and VII. I'm sure there will be plenty more, but I'm caught up for the time being.

Sabretooth has also arrived, and meh. I’m a bit torn, on the one hand I want my Legends collection to stand on its own if I got rid of my 3.75” figures, on the other I like the idea of having the ‘main’ characters in Legends and the other characters as 3.75”. It's often hard to tell whether you want a figure until you have it in hand. Another for eBay I guess! I will sell him off, which balances out my adding Green Goblin, Doc Ock and Ultron to my wish list.

I’m a bit torn on Juggernaut as well, it would be neat if I didn’t want him (or Carnage), but he’s one of my favourites - I have two Universe figures (helmeted and not-helmeted). I want Colossus so I will get Juggernaut in hand and then decide, crazy!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Mean dudes!

I've bought Blade and Thanos! The day walker and mad Titan, I'm not quite caught up with the figures I want, but I'm damn close. I've got all of the absolutely must haves, there are a couple of characters where I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm aware that there are several Marvel Legends and Transformers Siege coming soon, so I'll take a bit of a step back just to make sure I've got the funds.

Iron Fist has arrived, he was a bit more expensive than some other versions of the character, but I like his khaki green and gold colour scheme (though I suppose they're Hydra colours really), combined with some great accessories for a variety of flaming fist options. With the gold yellow, he's another one who really pops off the shelf. A perfect toy of a comic book character! Luke Cage arrived shortly after. He's from the Defenders boxset (as was Daredevil), I did consider the Netflix version since in virtually everything I've seen, he's in more causal clothes. But he featured in the Transformers crossover, and I prefer comic book figures so I went with this look. He's great, the build and look is right. Heroes for Hire are complete.

As are the New Avengers from A:EMH. This picture makes me very happy.

I've bought the Legends Hulkbuster armour! I opted for the 10th anniversary version, since it has the darker red plastic plus extra paint applications for about the same price. It came with a free Hulk! It completes my MCU armoury collection. Well, sort of. Once they showed off the 80th Marvel anniversary version of the Mark 50 armour at Toy Fair I sold off my original version (which was the first Legends figure I bought, not including figures I bought for my 3.75" collection). This is my fourth Hulkbuster armour - 3.75", Lego and Select.


Thanos has arrived, the paint and detail is amazing on both - metallic blue. I often ask myself what the Legends version of a character gives me over the 3.75” version, and that is very often a much improved paint job, similarly to Apocalypse really. Two mean dudes!

I’ve bought the SDCC version of Black Bolt, I previously had the blue version which does have a better headsculpt, but there’s a feature of Black Bolt which I needed - him to be wearing Black! I've got Medusa coming as well. I’d like all of the Inhumans, but I'm mostly getting them because if they ever released a Lockjaw I would definitely need them.

That’s me all caught up on Legends, sort of, I still want to get Sabretooth but since he’s still fairly readily available then it’s not really catching up. (Catching up is code for eBay is the only place it’s still available!)

I've seen a photo of the new Mark 85 Iron Man armour, really need a Legends version of it! I've also seen photos of the Upcoming Dai Atlas set. I've paid it for it already so hopefully should have it soon. Looks like a few concerns about it, but looks amazing. I love all of those Japanese G1 characters, really need a Victory Saber and Deszaras! (And Leozack.) This might be some optimistic thinking but the fact we haven't had Victory Saber (or even Star Saber) in (Transformers) Legends yet suggests we will get one from Hasbro - we've got Dai Atlas and Star Convoy, surely Takara would have had a crack at him otherwise?

Speaking of which, they've shown off some official photos of Star Convoy, I was quite excited, but it's not working for me. I think he's a bit too skinny. What is much more exciting is the prospect of Snaptrap. Piranacon would be awesome! I hope with new Takara line that they take a go at Minerva (and the rest of the missing Masterforce characters).


I’ve got Legends Black Bolt. In black. Not too many surprises really. I've now also got a couple of boxes to open - Professor X, the Hulkbuster set and Dai Atlas. There's something about large sets that I often delay opening them. Maybe I'm a little burnt out. Hulkbuster looks great through the little window though, glad I got him.

Blade arrived. He's a vampire with a sword, so it's hard not to like him. I intend to display him with Doctor Strange (when I get one) and Ghost Rider as a little Midnight Sons team.

I've also bought the Iron Man 2 3.75" Mark IV and V figures, and the Avengers Mark VII, I've been meaning to get them for a while since they're too expensive to get the 6" versions of and I wanted them in some form.

And..... Legends Sabretooth! That is me caught up on Legends, well, on everything really. Sort of, I am caught up on everything that is available at a price I’m willing to pay. Wouldn’t mind getting a preorder in on that Amazon X-Men set. I think I’m in a good place though. My brain has been testing me by suggesting things I might like, but nothing has clicked yet. I've popped in a preorder for Springer to calm my nerves. He looks too good, still passing on Optimus and Omega for the time being.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Still Addicted

I wrote a blog a few months ago about addiction, I then got addicted to Marvel Legends. There was a key word I used previously - preoccupation. Having done a bit of reading about substance addiction versus psychological, that word came up. The other key component is control. Can you stop yourself doing something despite knowing it’s A foolish idea? As I’ve said before, I pay all my bills, so I obviously have some control. I started collecting at a time when I was unhappy. On a very basic level, it gave me comfort. It was a support mechanism. My life has changed now, I am happy with my life. I no longer need the support, but the addiction is still there.

Buying stuff brings a small amount of temporary happiness, but it's not lasting. Helping other people, spending time with your family and loved ones. That brings true happiness.

I don’t need to give up collecting, but I need to stop getting into new lines which have been around for a while - the temptation then is then to ‘catch up’. I become preoccupied, making lists, checking eBay, checking stores. Transformers for me at the moment is under control, apart from Fortress Maximus, I have everything I want - the fact that I've waited to buy Max is a good sign. I know what I intend to get and so can plan accordingly. Marvel Legends I’m almost there, but I have gone through six months or so where I became obsessed.

I started off collecting G1 obsessively, then Classics, then Marvel Universe (with several spells of buying figures for customs), Star Wars and now Legends. I need to break this cycle. There are other lines I could collect, 6” Star Wars, Diamond’s Real Ghostbusters, the Figuarts Iron Man armours, NECA Turtles, Storm Collectibles Mortal Kombat. I think it’s easier if I don’t start. Transformers and Marvel are the most difficult because there are so many great characters that form different teams and groups.

Where to next then? Catch up with Legends because that’s what my obsession is telling me to do. I’ve already identified eBay auctions with the figures I need. Then it’s make or break time. You’ll know how I’ve got on based on whether I mention it again in my next few blogs, if I don’t mention it then I’ve failed and it will all start again. I really will be the fool.